Flexible-receptive Aries
▶ Your strengths : you need for your general balance, for your well-being and your plenitude, to evolve in a moving, changing and dynamic atmosphere. You adapt quickly and easily to rapid changes in your living environment. Spontaneous, available for the unexpected, moody but generally pleasant, you never feel so rested, so intimately yourself as when you can extract (...)
Flexible-receptive Taurus
▶ Your strengths : you deploy all your energy to maintain in you and if possible around you a stable well-being, a serenity and a peace sheltered from the vagaries of chance and the vagaries of the unexpected. You take root in your habits and your routines, you attach quietly but unfailingly to what and those who are part of your intimate and familiar world. Your (...)
Flexible-receptive Gemini
▶ Your strengths : you feel good everywhere, you spontaneously acclimatize to all environments, to almost all atmospheres : your dispositions for well-being, pleasant intimacy, “bubble” peaceful are adaptable to the ebb and flow of changing circumstances, without seeming to bother you in the least. Besides, you don’t know the embarrassment : open and friendly, you (...)
Flexible-receptive Cancer
▶ Your strengths : it is in a closed and protected world that you can fulfill your needs for well-being, peace and quiet. The concepts of “bubble”, family and “cocoon” seem to have been invented expressly for you : outside the circle of close friends and family, there is no salvation ! Within the borders of this reassuring cell to which you feel you totally belong, you (...)
Flexible-receptive Leo
▶ Your strengths : you benefit from a serene self-confidence that radiates around you. Welcoming, available and liberal, you are constantly expanding the territories where you feel comfortable, relaxed, in intimate harmony. You have open, irresistibly generous and contagious kindness, availability, well-being and friendliness. You draw your good-natured tranquility from (...)
Flexible-receptive Virgo
▶ Your strengths : for you, living in harmony is above all about feeling safe. Modest, reserved, shy and secretive with those you do not know, you are on the other hand friendly and welcoming with those who are part of the very closed and very tightly circumscribed circle of your intimate friends. Humble, peaceful and routine, you find your balance in a daily life (...)
Flexible-receptive Libra
▶ Your strengths : you are always ready to make as many concessions as possible to preserve in your environment a climate conducive to good understanding, conviviality and daily serenity. Available, open, receptive and easy to live with, you know how to create around you an atmosphere of shared trust based on respect for others considered as equals. Rounding off the (...)
Flexible-receptive Scorpio
▶ Your strengths : Essential to your general well-being and to your overall balance in life, the ties of belonging, familiarity and intimacy that you develop are particularly selective, narrow and demanding. Your friendliness, your tolerance, your natural benevolence and your kindness are only expressed within the family or friendly clan of which you feel intensely (...)
Flexible-receptive Sagittarius
▶ Your strengths : completely and widely open to the world around you, plastic, welcoming and without prejudice, you have the gift of feeling at ease in the most different environments and of adapting to them peacefully without it requiring the slightest effort. Reconciling beyond all limits, your tolerance and your availability towards others are infinite (...)
Flexible-receptive Capricorn
▶ Your strengths : there “bubble” in which you feel good is above all an ivory tower that isolates you from the outside world. At ease and good about yourself within the relationships of conviviality, familiarity and intimacy that you willingly develop, you know how to refuse with constancy, phlegm and stubbornness that anyone or anything may come to disturb them. (...)
Flexible-receptive Aquarius
▶ Your strengths : daily life is for you a perpetual enchantment, an inexhaustible source of wonders that must be kept safe from getting bogged down in heavy routines. Welcoming, receptive and confident, you find your happiness and your balance by systematically seeing the good side of things and by favoring bonds of serene solidarity and always flexibly recreated (...)
Flexible-receptive Pisces
▶ Your strengths : to maintain your well-being, your general balance, your bonds of quiet and rested intimacy, you have the art of detaching yourself radically from the outside world, of remaining hermetically indifferent to all its agitations, turbulences and temptations. There “bubble” inside which you develop peacefully is completely impervious to those who do not (...)