The lunar profile
Adaptable, receptive, easy-going, welcoming, you know how to create around you a climate of peaceful everyday life, of warm privacy, of simple harmony, of friendly conviviality, and you thrive on enabling, amicable and informal atmospheres. Obliging, helpful, understanding, tolerant, showing solidarity, you flexibly adapt to the others. When faced with practical (...)
The solar profile
Extensive representation : For your complete self-fulfillment you need to develop intense social exchanges, where you preferably play a role that you wish to be rewarding, central, recognized, exemplary. From your standpoint, the others’ appreciation is not negotiable nor to be won : it’s a preliminary due, and while you easily show some admiration, in return you also want (...)
The mercurian profile
Extensive representation : You are an all-around sociable person, eager for varied encounters, for multiple contacts, always ready to engage in dialogue with others for the simple pleasure of communication. People interest you straightaway by their diversity, and your human curiosity is aroused by detecting the slightest sign that facilitates getting in touch. (...)
The venusian profile
Extensive representation : You have a tender, kind, engaging sociability. You know how to touch, to seduce, to charm the others by the grace of your attitudes, of your infectious tenderness, by the sweetness of your language, the gentleness of your manners, the appeal of your natural seduction. Attentive not to cause any pain to anyone, caring about not shocking, you (...)
The marsian profile
Extensive existence : You are a realist. For you nothing is true besides what you have yourself experimented, what you directly pitted yourself against, what you have personally experienced. Practical, dynamic, impatient to take action and to put things into practice, it’s essential for you to face the harsh reality of facts on which you need to have a concrete, quick (...)
The jupiterian profile
Extensive existence : You are above all an organized pragmatic person. Dynamic, jovial, bon vivant, proactive, you take absolutely seriously the realities of existence, of which you intend not losing any opportunity. You have some know-how, some common sense, a practical logic that enables you to tackle concrete problems head-on and to use them in your best (...)
The saturnian profile
Extensive existence : You are a long-term oriented realist. Patient, careful, sceptical, thoughtful, you only take action after having explored all the possibilities, having seriously studied all the hypotheses and having thoroughly assessed the distant consequences of your actions. You aren’t scared of the complex, unrewarding and difficult situations that reality (...)
The uranian profile
Extensive transcendence : You make up your mind according to underlying motivations, to firm convictions that don’t owe anything to your present situation nor to what is suggested to you. Something radically refractory within yourself incites you to assert your uniqueness, to display your originality, to stand out from the crowd. Instead of painstaking analyses and (...)
The neptunian profile
Extensive transcendence : You are an intuitive person obsessed by the powers of imagination, passionate about the subtle, underlying, invisible parts of the reality. You make up your mind according to profound aspirations, under the insidious pressure from the most secret layers of your being. You feel full of an elsewhere that is far beyond you and that decides (...)
The plutonian profile
Extensive transcendence : You are in direct contact with the profound complexity of beings, things and situations. Mysterious and multiple, elusive and cryptic, ambivalent and unclassifiable, you cultivate your mysteries and your obscure secret gardens, you roam your inner mazes and you jealously preserve your inviolable shadowy side. Aloof, cold, impenetrable, you (...)