Sociable-communicative Aries
▶ Your strengths : Cheerful, spontaneous, extroverted, you launch yourself out in front of others without any hesitation and make first contacts with astonishing speed. You give of yourself the image of a dynamic being, functioning with the blows of passionate interests, sudden curiosities and immediate thunderbolts. As soon as you feel that someone or something (...)
Sociable-communicative Taurus
▶ Your strengths : while being sociable and communicative, you remain circumspect and suspicious. If you open up to others, if you like to be interested, charmed, seduced, amused, you don’t want to let yourself be invaded by them. Vis-à-vis those who do not speak to you straight away, those who do not inspire you with immediate confidence, you maintain an attitude (...)
Sociable-communicative Gemini
▶ Your strengths : you are spontaneously and naturally open to all contacts, ready for all seductions, available for all curiosities. Extremely eclectic in your tastes, your passions, your varied centers of interest, tremendously open to all the solicitations of the outside world, attentive to others, you are easily accepted thanks to your joyful and relaxed (...)
Sociable-communicative Cancer
▶ Your strengths : you never express your taste for encounters, varied exchanges as well as when you feel secure, protected. When you have an audience acquired in advance, attentive to your way of expressing yourself full of charm, interest and fantasy, then you give the full measure of your talents as a communicator or seducer. While being very open to others, (...)
Sociable-communicative Leo
▶ Your strengths : you are looking to push your taste for parties and shows even further. Communicative, seductive and very sensitive to your appearance, you know how to bring others out of their entrenchments, encourage them with tact, humor and conviction to take an interest in you or to enthusiastically share your interests. Very good at asserting yourself and (...)
Sociable-communicative Virgo
▶ Your strengths : you have an ultra-selective and very particular sociability. Open, available and charming towards those who interest you and above all find you interesting, you know how to close yourself opportunely and effectively to those who you think have nothing to offer you. You instinctively perceive that any communication between beings is necessarily (...)
Sociable-communicative Libra
▶ Your strengths : as long as you feel understood, you are easy to contact, available to approach and pleasantly sociable. Curious, seductive, anxious to please and to attract benevolent attention to yourself, you are always available to build relationships with others, listen to what is happening around you and watch for the slightest sign of complicity to make (...)
Sociable-communicative Scorpio
▶ Your strengths : if most of the time you show yourself to be very open, curious about others, charming, available, laid-back, gifted in gaining acceptance and recognition, you are nonetheless extremely selective in your contacts and encounters, in your crushes, hobbies and interests. You know how to discern with a relaxed but effective perspicacity what and (...)
Sociable-communicative Sagittarius
▶ Your strengths : you have a very broad open-mindedness and a great ease in making contacts in many areas and with very different people. From your point of view, provided that we have a minimum of points in common from the outset, there is no reason not to encourage all possible rapprochements in an atmosphere of relaxed understanding and spontaneous (...)
Sociable-communicative Capricorn
▶ Your strengths : while being extremely sociable, curious, charming and available for all encounters, you nevertheless cultivate a very strong indifference which prompts you to remain unmoved by anything that does not speak to you, and to immediately cut contact with this and those you don’t immediately recognize. Open to all those who seduce you, interest (...)
Sociable-communicative Aquarius
▶ Your strengths : you have a knack for looking at every new encounter and every new center of interest from their most positive and promising angle. Your immense curiosity encourages you to take an interest in everything that is in the making, in the making. Charming, funny, relaxed and enthusiastic as long as you feel valued, understood and accepted, you go (...)
Sociable-communicative Pisces
▶ Your strengths : you have an extreme ability to detach yourself from what does not interest you, does not seduce you, does not arouse your spontaneous curiosity. Open, sociable, available and communicative as long as you feel recognized, you stubbornly turn a deaf ear to those who don’t tell you anything right away. Playful, charming and laid-back, you know how (...)