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in Natural Astrology

Cancer Leo
Cancer-Leo: similarities and differences
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the problematics of both Signs. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the issues raised by a Sign. Through combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

It’s possible that your Sun Sign is not dominant in your birth chart. One can for instance be born under the Aries Sign while the most valorized Sign is actually Taurus. In this case, it will probably be difficult for you to recognize yourself in the interpretations that are offered to you below. You will have to refer to the interpretations corresponding to your actual dominant Sign in order to relate to these. To find out which Signs are dominant in your birth chart, please feel free to visit our website and get your free mini-astrological portrait with our software Astrosoft.

 Cancer-Leo synastry

Cancer Leo

Adapted Cancer and Leo

Inhibition strength Excitation strength

Difference Cancer-Leo: Inhibition strength versus Excitation strength


Inhibition strengthBlocking Inhibition strength for Cancer: the defender. One protects oneself from the overdose of external stimuli, one delineates one’s force, territory or power, one places a border between oneself and the outside world. Inside this border, one explores one’s acquired skills, one’s wealth (mental, affective or whatnot) accumulated through strengthening one’s protective bulwarks. One defends one’s nest, one’s stronghold, one’s shelter, one’s core community. There, one faces oneself: self-esteem, narcissism or subjectivity problems.


Excitation strengthUnblocking Excitation strength for Leo: the champion. The Leo reacts to any situation that encloses, delimits, ties up: to break free, to surpass oneself, to break one’s chains, to get out the hood, to defeat one’s opponents, to overcome encirclements, to refuse fate, paralysis, standstills, quagmires. To dare, to break away, to be a hero, to solve, to expand, to conquer, to be radiant, to clear obstacles, to increase one’s power, to emancipate from any authority.

Difference Cancer-Leo: No induction versus Positive induction


Positive inductionPositive induction for Leo: the conqueror. The concentration of protective Inhibition onto a narrow field allows to make the most precious immune, to keep the essential safe, to protect the vital core. From this bolted stronghold, one can take all the risks, all the braveries, one can radiate in complete safety. Open egocentricity, magnanimity, generosity, etc.

Excitation slowness

Similarity Cancer-Leo: Excitation slowness


Excitation slownessExcitation slowness for Cancer: the tortoise. The Excitation (the action) is slow, continuous, progressive, persevering: one builds step by step, one organizes systematically, one is patient, one hangs on, one is able to wait. The openness is mastered: it must be efficient. Concern for organizing and controlling within a closed environment, self-control or tutelary authority. Ritual or repetitive behaviors: habits and routines providing a sound framework for actions, thoughts and emotions. Persistence of memories, traditions, regulating safeguards.


Excitation slownessExcitation slowness for Leo: the infallible. The concern for organizing and mastering is clearly displayed: it’s about declaredly legislating, having control, being in charge. High, persistent, persevering ambitions; strong, long-lasting, obsessing passions. Audaciousnesses are handled carefully, conquests are fortified and progressively extended. One thinks about everything, one aspires to be master of oneself, without leaving anything to chance. Radiant power due to a deep self-control.

Sense of syntheses Sense of proportions

Difference Cancer-Leo: Sense of syntheses versus Sense of proportions


Sense of synthesesSense of syntheses for Cancer: the heritage. Gemini phase was characterized by an ensemble integrating ever more elements (growth and absolute domination of daytime). In Cancer phase, daytime still dominates absolutely but is now decreasing: there is nothing left to include, it’s now time to integrate. It’s a synthesis within a closed environment: a place for the greatest content. One gathers within a restrictive framework, under the same auspices. Preserving an exhaustive memory, living fully all the facets of one’s inner world and protecting it against any exteriority. Steadily maintaining a variety of projects. Sense of internal consistency and of homogeneity.


Sense of proportionsSense of proportions for Leo: the magnanimous. The Sense of syntheses gives way to the Sense of proportions: one must strike a balance between complying with one’s environment and finding one’s own way out, one must combine offensive boldnesses with asset management, overcome adversity while remaining magnanimous, establish one’s power without binding (too much) the others. One deals with the enemy in order to defeat him better. In the long run, the general interest (Sense of syntheses) might lose ground in favour of the Sense of opposites: one then reaps individually the benefits. Well-balanced ambivalence allows to be authoritarian while remaining liberal: this is the “long leash” policy, that consists in leaving a maximum of apparent freedom to the others in order to control them better.

 Cancer-Leo synastry

Cancer Leo

Unadapted Cancer and Leo

Excitation weakness Inhibition weakness

Difference Cancer-Leo: Excitation weakness versus Inhibition weakness


Excitation weaknessAssociating Excitation weakness for Cancer: the stay-at-home. He doesn’t want or is not able to join forces with others, with the outside world, withdraws timidly inside its protective cocoon, makes any contact impossible, breaks all ties, eradicates any common ground. He dawdles, gives in to laziness, to carelessness, to nonchalance. He’s gruff, antisocial, hermit, cultivates clannishness, refuses to understand viewpoints that differ from his. He functions in closed circuit, auto-intoxicating himself with his own thoughts or emotions.


Inhibition weaknessDifferentiating Inhibition weakness for Leo: the blunderer. No subtlety, no finesse, no sense of complex differentiating analyses: it’s a bull in a china shop. No moderation, no tact, no reserve: he’s clumsy, intrusive, oafish, puts his foot in his mouth. No sidestepping, no nuances, no crafty distinctions: the unadapted Leo lacks sophistication, is unable of having the minimum of targeted hypocrisy essential for the game of social relationships. He’s simplistic, reckless, blunderer, humongous.

Unadapted Inhibition quickness

Similarity Cancer-Leo: Unadapted Inhibition quickness


Unadapted Inhibition quicknessUnadapted Inhibition quickness for Cancer: the alarmist. Inhibition reactions are strong but unadapted to the situation: one runs away from imaginary dangers, one has ill-timed or early defense reactions, one buries one’s head in the sand. One fears, one freaks out, one worries for nothing. One panics about the intrusion of elements foreign to the cocoon; the outside world is systematically considered as hostile. Discriminations are running on empty: phobic doubts, impossible choices, speculations about anything.


Unadapted Inhibition quicknessUnadapted Inhibition quickness for Leo: the wimp. He frets over his personal freedom, his popularity, his outperforming power. He’s irrationally afraid that the (real or imaginary) vulnerable spots of his armour are picked upon. This can be a gutsy on the defensive, aborting his bragging initiatives out of sudden fear of their results, even if this means bluffing or boasting in order to cover it up. Once facing real dangers, he prefers rushing headlong so as not to decline, unless he beats a hasty and shameful retreat in a panic beyond description.

Ultraparadoxical phase Paradoxical phase

Difference Cancer-Leo: Ultraparadoxical phase versus Paradoxical phase


Ultraparadoxical phaseUltraparadoxical phase for Cancer: the shambles. The loss of the differentiation of antagonisms reaches the sense of boundaries: are we inside or outside? Uncertain boundaries. Homebirds dream of adventures. Adventurous or bohemian ones dream of a home sweet home. What’s real and imaginary, subjective and objective, gets superimposed and mixed up. One is moved by one’s own emotions, one thinks about one’s own thoughts in a closed circuit. Everything agglomerates within a closed environment: heterogeneous shambles or jumble, stacking of thoughts, dreams or emotions smashed into pieces, without any link in between, without any connecting thread. Identification to what protects (family, place, authority) and reflexes of fear or flight once faced with cooperation offers, with helping hands.


Paradoxical phaseParadoxical phase for Leo: the reckless. While really and objectively serious events only elicit his indifference, this doesn’t apply whenever what he considers to be his vulnerable spots gets a minor blow. Tickle his pride and you will bring about some storms. Announce him a general catastrophe and he will keep his composure. He overvalues the feats, what’s enormous or ornamental; he plays down what’s insignificant, subtle, underlying. He underestimates real obstacles, serious dangers and keeps a blind faith into bold challenges, rash initiatives. Showing too much his desire to win and to dominate, he’s likely to get his victories stolen by smarter ones.

 Cancer-Leo synastry
This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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