AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Comparative reviews of European and Western forms of astrology

Introduction to the comparative results of astrologies

Did he read the work of the Prince of Astrologers, This collection director who, presenting the masterpiece, reports an esoteric and symbolic traditional knowledge the article? Or is this knowledge, of all times, respecting the knowledge acquired, treated according to the standards and methods of the logic of his time? In this case, our knowledge, seed of tomorrow, is a permanent tradition, (...)

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Results of traditional astrology

Zodiac General reference Free analogism. Everything corresponds without the need for causal relations. What is above is below, and vice versa. Specific references The annual Earth-Sun cycle induces a tropical zodiac comprising twelve sectors (Signs) due to the intrinsic quality of this figure, or 36 decans (three per Sign) by an internal application of the ternary. Second geo-solar (...)

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Results of statistical astrology

Zodiac-Houses-Aspects-Transits General reference Statistical techniques devoted to the control of astrological precepts. Statistics, made by pro- or anti-astrologers, are devoted to the verification of traditional or modern assertions. The material is vast, unlimited, and the tool is not always up to the problem. If, in addition, the user is a novice or ill-intentioned – a little a priori is (...)

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Results of conditionalist astrology

Zodiac General reference The real: manifested, potential or virtual, known or unknown. The real of man, of his internal and external environment, social, family, geosolar, metaphysical too. The reality of the relationships and interactions between man and ideas, ideas and symbols, symbols and facts. The means of approaching reality. Specific references The cycle of variation of the duration (...)

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Critique of the doctrine of planetary Rulerships

The thrones of the old stars The idea that each zodiac sign is “naturally” associated with a star that governs it is for most astrologers such evidence that practically none of them even think of specifying or recalling its foundations. Thus, whatever the differences in approach that characterize them and the sometimes antagonistic philosophies that underlie them, almost all of the astrology (...)

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Critique of the doctrine of the four Elements in traditional astrology

Elementary History and Geography In this sense, the Elemental doctrine is absolutely not consubstantial with the original astrological thought. This historical fact is not, in itself, I gladly grant you, an argument for distrusting it, reforming it or rejecting it. After all, the elements of Freudian psychoanalysis that astrologer A. Barbault himself grafted onto traditional astrological (...)

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