AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

History of astrology

History of Arabic astrology in the Middle Ages

The appearance of astrology in the Arab world Between the 9th and the 12th century, we are witnessing an unmistakable period of intellectual hegemony in the Arab-Muslim world, while the West sinks into the thick and inert cloud of ignorance of the Christian Middle Ages, stirred up only by a few storms of Byzantine theological disputes. When Islam was born in Arabia around 620 AD, the Arab (...)

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Ptolemy and the error of the senestrogyrate Houses

A bit of history about the Houses Since the advent of computers, which allowed the creation of astronomical calculation software for use by astrologers, it also goes without saying that you can opt for the house system that we desire. One can thus instantly choose between the calculation system of the Houses of Placide, Porphyry, Dodecatropos, Regiomontanus, Firmicus Maternus, Rhetorius, (...)

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