AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Negative induction and positive induction
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Negative induction


Negative inductionNegative induction for Taurus: the obsessive. The Excitation strength focuses onto a specific object that gets invested with one’s full energy, one’s full work power: one doesn’t let oneself getting sidetracked by anything else, one swots one’s topic, one goes further into one’s subject, one takes specialization to extremes. Exclusive passion, monomania, obsessive crazes.


Negative inductionNegative induction for Scorpio: the insightful. The associating Excitation focuses onto a narrow field: sectarian alliances, clannishness, mafia, close ties, demanding oaths, exclusive and closed unions, exacting interlockings. Focus on the most minute details, on the flaws of a contract; intense perception of time: critical juncture, historical moment.

Positive induction


Positive inductionPositive induction for Leo: the conqueror. The concentration of protective Inhibition onto a narrow field allows to make the most precious immune, to keep the essential safe, to protect the vital core. From this bolted stronghold, one can take all the risks, all the braveries, one can radiate in complete safety. Open egocentricity, magnanimity, generosity, etc.


Positive inductionPositive induction for Aquarius: the full-of-hope. The eliminating Inhibition focuses onto a narrow field: one forgets the negative, the past, one banishes once and for all any dead values, any disenchantment, any incitement to pessimism. Thus immune to any germ of despair, one can build a brighter future, one can be sensitive to promises, to rising seeds, to optimistic perspectives.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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