AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Scorpio in natural astrology
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the problematics of this Sign. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the issues raised by a Sign. Through using the Theory of the zodiac and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.
It’s possible that your Sun Sign is not dominant in your birth chart. One can for instance be born under the Aries Sign while the most valorized Sign is actually Taurus. In this case, it will probably be difficult for you to recognize yourself in the interpretations that are offered to you below. You will have to refer to the interpretations corresponding to your actual dominant Sign in order to relate to these. To find out which Signs are dominant in your birth chart, please feel free to visit our website and get your free mini-astrological portrait with our software Astrosoft.


Adapted Scorpio

Inhibition strengthDifferentiating Inhibition strength for Scorpio: the opponent. One perceives first and foremost what distinguishes, differentiates or separates beings, objects, feelings or ideas: one dissects, one discriminates, one split hairs, one refuses too easy associations or similarities. One systematically emphasizes what contrasts and separates: nitpicking, adding fuel to the fire, widening the gaps, standing out at every opportunity, triggering splits, hitting a nerve, accentuating contrasts.

Negative inductionNegative induction for Scorpio: the insightful. The associating Excitation focuses onto a narrow field: sectarian alliances, clannishness, mafia, close ties, demanding oaths, exclusive and closed unions, exacting interlockings. Focus on the most minute details, on the flaws of a contract; intense perception of time: critical juncture, historical moment.

Inhibition quicknessInhibition quickness for Scorpio: the crafty. The Scorpio is an inhibited person with ultra-fast defence systems: he’s a motocross topnotcher. Clever, subtle, crafty, skillful, he slips through nets, zigzags between obstacles. His mind quickly grasps how beings and things function behind the scenes. He brilliantly knows how to use evasive promises and detailed threats, always ready to dodge as and when necessary, standing firm about the content while being very flexible in form.

Sense of proportionsSense of proportions for Scorpio: the double-crosser. The Sense of opposites gives way to the Sense of syntheses: one must strike a subtle balance between the taste for sharp contrasts and the unity of behaviours. The concentrated associativity requires to unite two opposites into one perspective, while the differentiating Inhibition maintains antagonisms. It’s the world of double-crossing: one deals with one’s adversary so as to better fight him and to bring him onto one’s ground; one makes a deal with the devil so that good should prevail. One stands on pivots, on dividing lines, conducive to underhand double deals. One partners closely with one’s rival in order to better tie him up.

Inhibition strength Sense of proportionsThe opponent-double-crosser is a wily and subtle strategist, thoroughly mastering the art of asserting himself and counteracting his adversaries through complex alliance games.

Inhibition quickness Sense of proportionsThe crafty-double-crosser is a master of diversion tactics and behind-the-scenes maneuvering.


Unadapted Scorpio

Excitation weaknessUnblocking Excitation weakness for Scorpio: the prisoner. Locked up in the cell of one’s singularity, one is not able anymore to step outside oneself, outside one’s boundaries, to break free, to surpass oneself. One stagnates in the doldrums, one wades through the quagmire, ones sinks into the swamp. Decay, ghetto, oppressive environment, life sentence, prisoner of fate. In order to be oneself nevertheless, one sticks to one’s miasmas, one’s failures, one’s turpitude; one becomes even more negative by walking round and round in the prison of one’s singularity.

Unadapted Excitation slownessUnadapted Excitation slowness for Scorpio: the vampire. Persistence of haunting images, need to organize and control in a closed environment: one feels vested with magical, unique, secret powers; one draws power from one’s immutable fixedness, from one’s intolerant subjectivity, from one’s systematic oppositions — futile just as well as haughty. One pulls the strings from behind the scenes while living as a parasite, at the expense of others’ sorrow, shamelessly, with a cynical domineering mindset.

Paradoxical phaseParadoxical phase for Scorpio: the schemer. Losing the sense of intensities, the Scorpio reacts strongly to weak signals. His discriminating mind will therefore take above all else an interest into what’s mysterious, hidden, secret — no matter whether true or fake. Frenzied curiosity for what’s marginal or underlying; chase for an insane dominion over others by giving the impression that one knows a great deal about what others ignore: hints, veiled threats, blackmail, insidious propaganda. Over-negativism: dramatizing, painting a bleak picture, systematic pessimism, ill-boding, etc. Over-scheming: one wants to win on all fronts by excessively manipulating what’s known and unknown to the others.

Excitation weakness Paradoxical phaseThe prisoner-schemer is a “wretched of the earth”, decreed by an implacable fate, calling the others to witness his misfortune so as to better dominate them.

Unadapted Excitation slowness Paradoxical phaseThe vampire-schemer is a kind of mystical scrounger, a guru in charge of your savings, a hypnotizer, a cynical and sly black (or from any other color) mage.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Scorpio in natural astrology
▶ The Scorpio on video

▶ Aries-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Taurus-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Cancer-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Leo-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Virgo-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Libra-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Scorpio-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Scorpio-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Scorpio-Aquarius : similarities and differences
▶ Scorpio-Pisces : similarities and differences

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