AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Sense of proportions (paradoxical phase)
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Sense of proportions


Sense of proportionsSense of proportions for Taurus: the cunning. In Taurus phase, the Sense of opposites gives way to the Sense of proportions: one must strike a balance between one’s total rejections and the necessity of compromises; one is accomodating in form without making any concessions in substance. One negociates cleverly without ever losing sight of one’s concrete interest. One is willing to open up to the other, but distrust reigns. One haggles with one’s enemies rather than locking antlers with them. Compromises are only aimed at eventually setting up a heavy domination.


Sense of proportionsSense of proportions for Leo: the magnanimous. The Sense of syntheses gives way to the Sense of proportions: one must strike a balance between complying with one’s environment and finding one’s own way out, one must combine offensive boldnesses with asset management, overcome adversity while remaining magnanimous, establish one’s power without binding (too much) the others. One deals with the enemy in order to defeat him better. In the long run, the general interest (Sense of syntheses) might lose ground in favour of the Sense of opposites: one then reaps individually the benefits. Well-balanced ambivalence allows to be authoritarian while remaining liberal: this is the “long leash” policy, that consists in leaving a maximum of apparent freedom to the others in order to control them better.


Sense of proportionsSense of proportions for Scorpio: the double-crosser. The Sense of opposites gives way to the Sense of syntheses: one must strike a subtle balance between the taste for sharp contrasts and the unity of behaviours. The concentrated associativity requires to unite two opposites into one perspective, while the differentiating Inhibition maintains antagonisms. It’s the world of double-crossing: one deals with one’s adversary so as to better fight him and to bring him onto one’s ground; one makes a deal with the devil so that good should prevail. One stands on pivots, on dividing lines, conducive to underhand double deals. One partners closely with one’s rival in order to better tie him up.


Sense of proportionsSense of proportions for Aquarius: the inventive. The Sense of syntheses gives way to the Sense of proportions: it’s about an abstract unity that must be dissociated and concretized through choices. One is in search of original alliances and unprecedented proportions between the enthusiastic promotion of impersonal causes and the protection of individual freedom. One wants to show some solidarity while keeping one’s room for manoeuvre, one wants to counterbalance optimism with a lucidity devoid of illusions. One strikes an efficient balance between prospective imagination and rigor, between perseverance and immediate opening to novelty. One is seeking domination in the name of abstract values so as to better free the other from past servitudes.

Paradoxical phase


Paradoxical phaseParadoxical phase for Taurus: the suspicious. Losing the sense of intensities, the Taurus reacts strongly to weak signals: he systematically reads between the lines despite the clarity of the text, goes to great lengths over trifles, attaches a thoughtless importance to minor details. He overvalues what’s insignificant, marginal, invisible or small. The rich kind can this way make great discoveries. The poor kind will make do with defensive susceptibility, systematic paranoia. Overdose of energy displayed for the target of induction, overdose of indifference for the rest: one overworks for the obsession.


Paradoxical phaseParadoxical phase for Leo: the reckless. While really and objectively serious events only elicit his indifference, this doesn’t apply whenever what he considers to be his vulnerable spots gets a minor blow. Tickle his pride and you will bring about some storms. Announce him a general catastrophe and he will keep his composure. He overvalues the feats, what’s enormous or ornamental; he plays down what’s insignificant, subtle, underlying. He underestimates real obstacles, serious dangers and keeps a blind faith into bold challenges, rash initiatives. Showing too much his desire to win and to dominate, he’s likely to get his victories stolen by smarter ones.


Paradoxical phaseParadoxical phase for Scorpio: the schemer. Losing the sense of intensities, the Scorpio reacts strongly to weak signals. His discriminating mind will therefore take above all else an interest into what’s mysterious, hidden, secret — no matter whether true or fake. Frenzied curiosity for what’s marginal or underlying; chase for an insane dominion over others by giving the impression that one knows a great deal about what others ignore: hints, veiled threats, blackmail, insidious propaganda. Over-negativism: dramatizing, painting a bleak picture, systematic pessimism, ill-boding, etc. Over-scheming: one wants to win on all fronts by excessively manipulating what’s known and unknown to the others.


Paradoxical phaseParadoxical phase for Aquarius: the unrealistic. One gives much prominence to what’s positive or promising, while playing down the realities that are negative, that incite pessimism or fatalism. A mere nothing is enough to discern anything wonderful, inspiring, extraordinary, unprecedented or marvellous, where others would just see something very commonplace and usual. Thoughtless optimism, visionary imagination disconnected from practical realities; tendency to establish one’s domination over the others through the irrational, through colossal promises, puppet hopes, magic potions and miracle cures; through putting out smoke and mirrors. Mirages and pixie dust.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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