AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Sense of syntheses (ultraparadoxical phase)
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Sense of syntheses


Sense of synthesesSense of syntheses for Gemini: the one-man band. Excitation reduces Inhibition to the bare bones. The refusal or the active surpassing of antagonisms allows everything and everyone to meet freely. The most heterogeneous elements mingle naturally, each of these being fully autonomous while connected to the others by an overall dynamics that combines apparently irreducible dualities. Humanism is instinctive, universalism is spontaneous. The contradictions that emerge from opposing viewpoints can even out from the moment everyone respects the basic freedom of the other.


Sense of synthesesSense of syntheses for Cancer: the heritage. Gemini phase was characterized by an ensemble integrating ever more elements (growth and absolute domination of daytime). In Cancer phase, daytime still dominates absolutely but is now decreasing: there is nothing left to include, it’s now time to integrate. It’s a synthesis within a closed environment: a place for the greatest content. One gathers within a restrictive framework, under the same auspices. Preserving an exhaustive memory, living fully all the facets of one’s inner world and protecting it against any exteriority. Steadily maintaining a variety of projects. Sense of internal consistency and of homogeneity.


Sense of synthesesSense of syntheses for Sagittarius: the unifier. One is in search of an endlessly open macro-synthesis, with all its elements interdependently and flexibly connected to each other. Everything holds together, from microcosm to macrocosm, from top to down, from left to right, from the Earth to the Sky: universalism, cosmopolitanism, encyclopaedism. It’s not even “it takes all sorts to make a world”, it’s “the world is made of a whole”. One is determined to stick to the big picture that absolutely rises above the usual dualities, rivalries, splits, distinctions and antagonisms. Liking for mixings, miscegenations and hybridizations; need to unite the whole personality into a harmonious and dynamic synthesis.


Sense of synthesesSense of syntheses for Capricorn: the legist. Quest for the fundamental matrix, the invisible framework, the absolute structure. Everything must fit within a very high architectural, mechanical or metaphysical precision and cohesion. The perfect puzzle, without any gaps between the elements. The inner principles of functioning of the society, of the cosmos or of the individual. Need to be fundamentally oneself, properly built, well-ordered, each facet of the being in its place, rigorously fitted to and articulated with the others. Abstract humanism: may each one be a humble and tight-fitting cog of the Whole, and everything will be fine. Integrity, respect for the necessary Order, strict compliance to the rules.

Ultraparadoxical phase


Ultraparadoxical phaseUltraparadoxical phase for Gemini: the misunderstanding. The loss of the sense of antagonisms leads to an inversion of the Excitation-Inhibition system: what is normally inhibiting becomes stimulating, hence a lure for what’s harmful, dangerous, immoral, taboo, etc. Absurdity becomes sensible, “you” becomes “I” (active and spontaneous identification to the others, impersonation, parody, mime, splitting). Taste for blatant illogicalities, preposterous speculations. At best he succeeds, diplomat of the ephemeral, in blending the most opposing viewpoints into a fragile and fleeting alliance. At worst that’s a constant split, incredible stunts to justify every contradiction.


Ultraparadoxical phaseUltraparadoxical phase for Cancer: the shambles. The loss of the differentiation of antagonisms reaches the sense of boundaries: are we inside or outside? Uncertain boundaries. Homebirds dream of adventures. Adventurous or bohemian ones dream of a home sweet home. What’s real and imaginary, subjective and objective, gets superimposed and mixed up. One is moved by one’s own emotions, one thinks about one’s own thoughts in a closed circuit. Everything agglomerates within a closed environment: heterogeneous shambles or jumble, stacking of thoughts, dreams or emotions smashed into pieces, without any link in between, without any connecting thread. Identification to what protects (family, place, authority) and reflexes of fear or flight once faced with cooperation offers, with helping hands.


Ultraparadoxical phaseUltraparadoxical phase for Sagittarius: the tower of Babel. One wants to integrate and make cooperate the most irreducibly antagonist sides, the most radically alien viewpoints. Great mishmash, ridonkulous associations. What’s normally inhibiting becomes stimulating: attraction for danger, Russian roulette, silly gambles, exhausting one’s supplies with relish. Social hyper-conditioning while aiming at originality: the parlor revolutionary, the self-righteous nonconformist, actions that are inconsistent with the displayed ethics. Excessively playing down one’s enemies: ending up playing their game by dint of telling oneself that one can set the cats among the pigeons provided that everyone cooperates with civility.


Ultraparadoxical phaseUltraparadoxical phase for Capricorn: the totalitarian. What’s normally stimulating becomes inhibiting: hostile reactions are triggered by going out, opening up, or approaching the unfamiliar. One isn’t excited by novelty, one is left cold by the best news. Caricatural composure, unmovable habits in the situations where a vigorous and immediate reaction would be preferable. Greed unadapated to the actual needs: the more disregard one has for what one doesn’t own, the more one craves for it. One becomes totally identified with the Law, the Rule, the Sacred, the Ethics, the Transcendent Cause; hence the risks of merciless fanaticism, of ice-cold passions where the individual completely forgets oneself in the service of an absolute for which he’s capable of sacrificing everything, including whatever and whoever is just minding one’s own business.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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