AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

The Charts of two monozygotic twins
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Rémy and Pascal are twins born 4 minutes apart, they have the same genetic heritage but they are psychologically very different. They are an excellent example of the fact that the same Birth Chart can be experienced by two or more. Explanations.

Astro-profiles of Rémy and Pascal

Libra ascendant Gemini, 23/09/1983 at 21:20 and 21:24 UT in Paris

The problem of twins in astrology

Rémy and Pascal were born four minutes apart, from the same egg and the same mother (of course…): they therefore have exactly the same genetic heritage and practically the same astrological sky. However, they are noticeably different in their behavior: if both have in common a hypersensitive, lively, frank and direct affectivity, Pascal is more worried and tormented while having more need to play a role, to be recognized, while Rémy is more confident, more serene, less sensitive to the problems of doubt and affirmation that preoccupy his brother.

It is believed that monozygotic twins (those who are born from the same egg and who, having the same sex, are a perfect biological replica of each other) are psychologically similar. Observation and experience have challenged this certainty: most of the time twins have different characters, and these differences are even more significant in the case of dizygotic twins (born from two different eggs, the latter do not have the same genetic formula). We also know that in the majority of cases, twins are born less than twenty minutes apart. In twenty minutes, the state of the sky can change significantly or not, enough or not to be or not at the origin of the psychological differences between twins.

Could the problem of twins catch astrology at fault? No way. First of all, being born at the same time and in the same place implies that we have the same sky of birth. As astrologer Jean-Pierre Nicola says, “the horoscope is not the subject”. We cannot closely identify an individual with his birth chart, which is only the representation of the solar system as it is perceived from Earth. An astrological chart is never more than an empty structure, a proposition of being which can be shared by one, two, three or more people (case of quadruplets, sextuplets, etc.), who will then distribute the different “psychological poles” that the strong, medium or weak planets represent. Moreover, the astrological influence is only one influence among others, even if it is undoubtedly the most decisive in evaluating the mode of functioning of an individual. It is also necessary, to understand his personality, to take into account the type of education he received, his social environment, etc.

In the case of monozygotic twins, this problem does not arise: their parents will raise them in exactly the same way. Exactly? Not quite: some parents value the resemblance of their twins (same clothes, same haircut, same school orientations, etc.) while others insist on the need to educate them in such a way that they can to distinguish oneself. This trend is also dominant today.

The case of Rémy and Pascal

That said, how is it that Rémy and Pascal, although born under the same sky (four minutes difference does not count from the strict point of view of astrological technique) and from the same egg, have such obviously different behaviors? Let’s look at their birth sky: it can be divided into two major planetary systems. On the one hand, the group of dominant planets which values Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus which set, Mars and Venus which are at the lowest point of their daily course, as well as the Moon, the highest planet and which also forms trines (harmonious aspects) with Venus, Mars and Neptune: this is the easy, fluid part of this sky.

On the other hand, all the planets that are outside the AS-DS and MC-IC axes (Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto). It is the difficult, conflicting part of this sky, represented by the discontinuous lines: aspect of opposition between Saturn-Pluto and the Moon, aspect of square between Sun and Neptune.

Let’s pretend that this chart belongs to only one individual of the same family. It seems then that he values above all the good relations between the families “intensive existence” (Venus-Mars-Neptune), “intensive representation” (Jupiter-Uranus) and “intensive power”. We would then make the astro-profile of a being with skin-deep affectivity, emotional, sensitive, reacting most of the time with his heart and his guts, receptive, active, tender, energetic and friendly, while being extremely willful, determined, anxious to impose his rank and his role. We would then consider the conflict between families “intensive power” (Moon) and “intensive transcendence” (Saturn-Pluto), and we would deduce that if the general affective balance of this individual is rather easy, it is nonetheless crossed by doubts, worries, questions that sometimes undermine his natural serenity.

A wise astrologer would also look at the “Extensive Representation” family (Sun-Mercury) in conflict with the Neptune family. He would deduce from this that the individual to whom this chart belongs feels torn between the need for fixed and precise points of reference, stable and reliable models (Sun) and his inspirations which are not always very clear (Neptune), doubtless preferring to count on his feeling, his intuitions (Neptune is dominant, the Sun is not).

And yet, Rémy and Pascal are different. Very different? No. They share the same sensitive affectivity (“intensive existence” dominant), the same voluntarism (“intensive representation” dominant and the same need for convivial tranquility (co-dominant Moon). Then, they differ: Rémy favors the pole independent, voluntarist, concerned with personal affirmation (Jupiter-Uranus), while in counterpoint Pascal, while privileging sensoriality, lives more the more worried, more anxious tendencies (Moon-Saturn-Pluto conflict, Sun-Neptune conflict).

Rémy generally manages to live carefree because he knows that his brother worries about two, while Pascal, more vigilant, knows how to spare his brother the sometimes unfortunate consequences of his impulsive naivety and his dominating tendencies.

It is therefore perfectly possible for an astrologer with a single star chart for two twins to describe the main lines of their respective psychological profiles. Certain charts incite the twins to favor their unity, their resemblance to the extreme (this is most often the case when the dominant planets have harmonious relations between them). Other charts encourage them more to report their dissimilarities (charts where the dominant planets have conflicting relationships with each other). This is in cases where there is no clear dominance of one twin over the other. In the case where the twins live in a dominant-dominated relationship, the dominant twin most of the time adopts a behavior in line with what the dominant planets predict, while the dominated illustrates by his attitudes the “weak pole” of the chart.

Why did one inherit one pole of the chart rather than the other? In the current state of its knowledge and experiments, astrology cannot answer this question with certainty; she can only observe that the differentiated behaviors of two twins can be deduced from a single sky.

To be your own twin

These considerations on twins lead to a new look at what is called the “profile” psychological of an individual. If each of us is defined by specific and recognizable character traits, it is because he leaves other character traits in the shadow of his personality. An extrovert is a repressed or unaware introvert. Individuals drawn in a single copy are forced to live their entire sky: it is so complex that they generally prefer to illustrate in their behavior only the characteristics of their planets and dominant zodiac signs. The twins live their entire sky together by dividing up the roles: perhaps they are giving us a valuable lesson? What if we were our own twin to ourselves, if we dared to live absolutely all the facets of our personalities instead of privileging and repeating only a few, out of convenience or habit? But this is another story…

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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