Astronomy of the Rising Sign (Richard Pellard)
Word “Ascendant” comes from Latin “ascendere”, which means “which rises”. The Rising Sign, at the intersection of the ecliptic (apparent race of the Sun around the Earth) and the horizon, is the rising Sign. The calculation of the Ascendant is the basic operation which makes it possible to carry out the housekeeping, that is to say to the division of (...)
In fact, a fraction of a second is enough to pass from one Sign to another, to transform a bold lion in Cautious Virgo. On 23rd August, the Sun entered the sign of Virgo at 15:14 UT. One second before, we are Leo. A second later, we are Virgo. Apparently, this seems absurd… and it is indeed, all the more so since the times of birth are rarely absolutely exact, and in any case they never (...)