AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

“Extensive R” family in Signs
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
The extensive Representation of the R.E.T. in the zodiac

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the planetary family in a zodiac Sign. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by a planetary family in a Sign. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Aries “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Aries ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Aries

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Q+, SO”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, sl−, EP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : Cheerful, spontaneous, extroverted, you launch yourself out in front of others without any hesitation and make first contacts with astonishing speed. You give of yourself the image of a dynamic being, functioning with the blows of passionate interests, sudden curiosities and immediate thunderbolts. As soon as you feel that someone or something is beckoning you, you start at full speed and you become fully involved in the multiple interests that follow one another. You have a taste for lively and varied encounters, sudden and exciting changes where your hectic charm, your provocative but smiling relaxation, your joie de vivre and your art of appearing work wonders.

▶ Your weaknesses : you do not know how to say no to what amazes you, seduces you, excites your curiosity or your passion, you always believe that you have to react with spontaneous excitability even when nothing is asked of you and go from enthusiasm to enthusiasm without learning to cultivate the virtues of oblivion and indifference. You make choices too quickly on the sole basis of your favorite moments, your sudden whims, your fantasies. Unstable, you casually burn what you’ve adored and adore what you’ve burned, and can come to stiffen up in stubborn defense systems whenever you feel misunderstood. Your eternal beginner’s ardor prevents you from taking advantage of your failures.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Taurus “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Taurus ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Taurus

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S−, Q+, SP”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in recovering inhibition Strength, negative induction, excitation Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w+, sl−, PP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in recreating excitation weakness, inhibition inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : while being sociable and communicative, you remain circumspect and suspicious. If you open up to others, if you like to be interested, charmed, seduced, amused, you don’t want to let yourself be invaded by them. Vis-à-vis those who do not speak to you straight away, those who do not inspire you with immediate confidence, you maintain an attitude of reserve which can border on thick indifference, refractory silence ; you are all the more joyful, pleasant, funny and attractive for those you have chosen and with whom you develop bonds that are both relaxed and close. You know how to judiciously measure your efforts to gain acceptance without having to compromise yourself too much.

▶ Your weaknesses : somehow you hate being upset. Not feeling immediately understood, accepted, recognized by those you have chosen and whom you believe should never change triggers earthquakes of deep discouragement within you. You would always like to be accepted for exactly who you are, without making efforts to renew yourself in your relationships. When you feel misunderstood, you tend to make a big deal out of nothing, to exaggerate in the belief that everyone is after you personally and that you are not welcome anywhere. Added to this is a bad faith that encourages you to blame your own communication problems on others.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Gemini “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Gemini ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Gemini

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Q+, SS”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, sl−, UP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are spontaneously and naturally open to all contacts, ready for all seductions, available for all curiosities. Extremely eclectic in your tastes, your passions, your varied centers of interest, tremendously open to all the solicitations of the outside world, attentive to others, you are easily accepted thanks to your joyful and relaxed kindness, your sense of party and spectacle, your art of never taking anything seriously. An expert in communication and all-out exchanges, you put people in your pocket brilliantly, as good at charming them as you are at entertaining them. You are cheerful, clever, tolerant, immediately ready for all encounters.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are likely to often sin by casualness, lightness, carelessness. You are a little too inclined to consider the world around you as a pleasant and entertaining spectacle where you just have to play your fluttering role. Dispersed, crumbled, unstable chameleon twirling from one encounter, curiosity, interest or desire to another, you too often give a superficial, disembodied image of yourself that harms your credibility. You lack selectivity and discrimination, hang out with anyone at any time and hold absurd and contradictory speeches to justify your inability to make clear, deep and sensible choices.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Cancer “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Cancer ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Cancer

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S−, Sl+, SS”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w+, q−, UP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you never express your taste for encounters, varied exchanges as well as when you feel secure, protected. When you have an audience acquired in advance, attentive to your way of expressing yourself full of charm, interest and fantasy, then you give the full measure of your talents as a communicator or seducer. While being very open to others, you have your modesty, your shyness, as if you fear disturbing, going beyond the role assigned to you. You know how to delimit the territory of your curiosities so as not to disperse yourself. Tenacious and patient in your human relationships, you like to be the center of a universe closed in on yourself but rich in many different attractions.

▶ Your weaknesses : nourishing secret self-esteem problems, you have an excessive tendency to withdraw into yourself when you do not feel immediately understood, accepted, recognized. At the slightest signal of incomprehension or hostility from others, you panic, you retract and you then take refuge in the circle of your familiars, on known ground where you do not have to prove yourself. Isolated in your capricious subjectivity, you too often take your wishes for realities, do not go to the end of your curiosities for fear of finding yourself overwhelmed. Your main problem is probably never to precisely locate the boundaries between yourself and others, between your naïve expectations and the possible.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Leo “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Leo ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Leo

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Sl+, SP”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in unblocking excitation Strength, positive induction, excitation Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, q−, PP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in differentiating inhibition weakness, inhibition lability, paradoxical phase

▶ Your strengths : you are looking to push your taste for parties and shows even further. Communicative, seductive and very sensitive to your appearance, you know how to bring others out of their entrenchments, encourage them with tact, humor and conviction to take an interest in you or to enthusiastically share your interests. Very good at asserting yourself and being recognized as long as you are held in high esteem from the outset, audacious, generous and persevering when it comes to going ahead of others, nothing seems to be able to resist your confident dynamism. and liberator full of charm and relaxation, to your affable and relaxed humor, to your radiant character.

▶ Your weaknesses : you too often lack reserve and moderation when you put on a show. As soon as you feel recognized, accepted and accepted, you do too much to monopolize attention. Showman, theatrical, braggart, you have too much of the impression that it is enough to be charming, funny and to be interesting to believe that everything is allowed, including and above all to invade the living space of others. Because their indifference towards you makes him panic, you tend to flatter them too much to keep yourself in their good graces cheaply. In fact, you fear above all that your credit, your love rating will collapse, and flee forward in an invasive sociability to prevent this from happening.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Virgo “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Virgo ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Virgo

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S−, Sl+, SO”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w+, q−, EP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have an ultra-selective and very particular sociability. Open, available and charming towards those who interest you and above all find you interesting, you know how to close yourself opportunely and effectively to those who you think have nothing to offer you. You instinctively perceive that any communication between beings is necessarily inscribed within certain limits to which you willingly comply : if you know how to assault charm, curiosity and interest for those who correspond to you best, you also know how to protect yourself by firm, timely and precise refusals from intruders with whom you are immediately convinced that you have nothing to do or say.

▶ Your weaknesses : despite your openness to others, you are too often choosy when it comes to social contacts. You admit only those who admit you and understand only those who understand you. Amiable, interesting, funny and playful with some, you show yourself to be self-effacing, compressed, ultra-limited or at the very least completely indifferent with others. When you feel misunderstood, you make no effort to address it and panic when called upon. Your main problem is to be completely allergic to this and those who tell you nothing at first, to wonder beyond all reason if you are not mistaken in playing the role that is closely yours.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Libra “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Libra ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Libra

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Q−, SO”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, sl+, EP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : as long as you feel understood, you are easy to contact, available to approach and pleasantly sociable. Curious, seductive, anxious to please and to attract benevolent attention to yourself, you are always available to build relationships with others, listen to what is happening around you and watch for the slightest sign of complicity to make it common ground. Ready to make many diplomatic concessions to get you accepted, skilful maneuverer of human relations, courteous, considerate and pleasant, open and smiling, you are so good at smoothing things over that you have no difficulty in forging alliances without worrying enemies.

▶ Your weaknesses : too liberal, too concerned about getting on well with everyone, you often take too much pleasure in worldliness, curiosities and futile and uninteresting seductions. By making too many concessions to others, you too often abdicate from any point of view of your own, from any original idea. Excessively carefree and relaxed despite your ambitions, you live according to your desires, your one-day encounters and your spontaneous interests without seeming to worry about the next day or the need to build solid security for yourself. You cannot bear the dynamics of your good pleasure being limited by any constraint or discipline whatsoever.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Scorpio “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Scorpio ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Scorpio

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S−, Q−, SP”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in differentiating inhibition Strength, negative induction, inhibition Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w+, sl+, PP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in unblocking excitation weakness, excitation inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : if most of the time you show yourself to be very open, curious about others, charming, available, laid-back, gifted in gaining acceptance and recognition, you are nonetheless extremely selective in your contacts and encounters, in your crushes, hobbies and interests. You know how to discern with a relaxed but effective perspicacity what and those who do not suit you or mean nothing to you and choose those with whom you will have absolute complicity. Clever and clever in your social relations, a virtuoso in approach tactics, you are unparalleled in quickly evaluating and modulating your behavior according to the exact effect you have on others.

▶ Your weaknesses : once you have found the keys that allow you to be recognized, celebrated, expected, you often find it difficult to change registers. Your curiosities, your interests and your passions revolve in circles, always identical to themselves : in spite of the multiple facets of your personality, you repeat yourself, you harp on things and tend too much to believe that the same recipes for communication are effective whatever be your interlocutors. Too anxious to affirm your difference, your little individual music without displeasing and finding yourself rejected, you have ambiguous and paradoxical behaviors, playing the role of the refractory and the critic without assuming all the consequences.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Sagittarius “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Sagittarius ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have a very broad open-mindedness and a great ease in making contacts in many areas and with very different people. From your point of view, provided that we have a minimum of points in common from the outset, there is no reason not to encourage all possible rapprochements in an atmosphere of relaxed understanding and spontaneous cooperation : all that is needed is to dynamically assimilate the habits and customs of the social milieu in which one finds oneself. Curious, charming and concerned about your social impact, you know how to engage enthusiastically in your encounters and disengage yourself with tact and relaxation. Tolerant and humanist, you see far and wide.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your bad times, you reject all limitation, all constraint, all security in the name of the absolute freedom to stroll according to your multiple desires, your eclectic curiosities, your changing centers of interest. In your sometimes pathetic desire to be a priori respected, recognized, admired by the most diverse people, you delude yourself about your own abilities and skills, exaggerate, overdo it, blow the wind. Your smiling casualness badly hides appetites for power that you are unable to give yourself the means to as you are so undisciplined and versatile. Contradictory and sometimes incoherent, you are able to support the most opposing points of view at the same time.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Capricorn “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Capricorn ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Capricorn

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S−, Sl−, SS”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w+, q+, UP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : while being extremely sociable, curious, charming and available for all encounters, you nevertheless cultivate a very strong indifference which prompts you to remain unmoved by anything that does not speak to you, and to immediately cut contact with this and those you don’t immediately recognize. Open to all those who seduce you, interest you, recognize you and value you, you show absolute deafness towards others, as if they had no existence. This smiling and relaxed impassivity allows you not to be easily disconcerted when you find yourself in front of people who expect nothing from you and to devote your strength only to what really matters to you.

▶ Your weaknesses : you easily find yourself paralyzed, immobilized, struck with a forbidden stupor when no one listens to you, is interested in you, seduces you. Communicating spontaneously with others is such an absolute need for you, such an imperious necessity that you then find yourself deprived of all your means. If you find yourself with people who encourage you to show more of your availability, you will attack friendly and cheerful sociability while still having difficulty in pouring out your heart, in confiding in yourself to the end as you strictly forbid yourself to disturb the others by telling them about your essential problems, which you consider fundamentally to be totally incommunicable.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Aquarius “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Aquarius ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Aquarius

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Sl−, SP”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in recreating excitation Strength, positive induction, inhibition Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, q+, PP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in recovering inhibition weakness, excitation lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have a knack for looking at every new encounter and every new center of interest from their most positive and promising angle. Your immense curiosity encourages you to take an interest in everything that is in the making, in the making. Charming, funny, relaxed and enthusiastic as long as you feel valued, understood and accepted, you go from wonder to wonder without ever getting tired. A great, smiling and optimistic communicator, your joie de vivre, your fundamental availability and your love of freedom push you to disregard conventions and routines. Shielded against discouragement, indifferent to material contingencies, you constantly renew yourself.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are too often, in your bad moments, the victim of your naïve and inconsistent optimism, of your thoughtless impulses, of your mindless dispersion, of your hopes that nothing justifies. You make a thousand plans, give in to a thousand seductions, draw plans on the comet while despising to excess the tangible obstacles which prevent their realization. Chronically unstable, it is extremely difficult for you to root yourself permanently in an idea, a project, a relationship. You get carried away for nothing, you give in to surges of euphoria, unthinking infatuations, prisoner of your versatile and fluttering sociability, of your fascination for the “all new, all beautiful”.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Pisces “Extensive Representation” (“Big R”: Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Pisces ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Pisces

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S−, Sl−, SO”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w+, q+, EP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have an extreme ability to detach yourself from what does not interest you, does not seduce you, does not arouse your spontaneous curiosity. Open, sociable, available and communicative as long as you feel recognized, you stubbornly turn a deaf ear to those who don’t tell you anything right away. Playful, charming and laid-back, you know how to make yourself accepted by the most varied interlocutors and how to insinuate yourself brilliantly into the most different circles thanks to the courteous and smiling indifference you show with strangers and thanks to your contact. easy and relaxed, to your great ability to listen and adapt peacefully as soon as you really feel concerned.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your moments of maladjustment, your relaxed sociability is very often the expression of a deep passivity which encourages you to expect far too much from others, a way of slyly fleeing the harsh realities of existence, of resigning from any spirit of conquest. As soon as you do not feel expected, accepted, recognized, you suddenly become mute as a carp, prey to a feeling of incommunicability all the more painful because deep down, you still have easy contact. You have too much of a tendency to take an interest in just anything, to get enthusiastic about everything and nothing, to let yourself be seduced and carried away by beings, things or situations that deep down quickly indifferent to you.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Your zodiac Sign
▶ Signs and seasons
▶ Planetary trios in Signs
▶ The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
▶ The astronomical reality of the zodiac
▶ The human reflexology zodiac
▶ Autour du zodiaque : de l’eau dans un Signe de Feu ?
▶ Zodiaque et sphère locale
▶ Mythologie du zodiaque
▶ Zodiaque et formes de l’inhibition
▶ Change-t-on de caractère en changeant de Signe solaire ?
▶ Énergie-Espace-Temps-Structure et zodiaque
▶ Genèse du zodiaque conditionaliste
▶ L’horloge photopériodique du genou
▶ Signe solaire et Signe Ascendant
▶ Astrologie, adaptation & inadaptation

Le grand livre du zodiaque

par Richard Pellard

180 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

  • Le zodiaque des constellations : zodiaques suméro-chaldéens, origines du zodiaque, constellations et Signes, bestiaire de l’abbé Pluche, précession des équinoxes
  • Le zodiaque traditionnel : interprétation de la symbolique des 12 Signes
  • Du zodiaque traditionnel au naturel : ressemblances & dissemblances
  • Le zodiaque naturel : écliptique et bande zodiacale, zodiaque des déclinaisons & photopériodique
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes et de leurs réflexes : force, vitesse, équilibre
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes en fonction des planètes dominantes
  • Le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant

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