AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

“Extensive P” family in Signs
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
The extensive Power of the R.E.T. in the zodiac

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the planetary family in a zodiac Sign. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by a planetary family in a Sign. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Aries “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Aries ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Aries

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Q+, SO”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, sl−, EP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are characterized by a strong and clear-cut character. Proud, active and coldly determined, you are not afraid to come into conflict with those who do not share your radical taste for order, efficiency and justice. While wanting to occupy the leading roles in full light, you are not reluctant to get your hands dirty and preserve your share of shadow and mystery. Dynamic, reactive and rebellious, you can’t stand soft consensuses, situations where everyone and everything is not exactly in its place. Declared enemy of neutrality, ambiguities and pretense, you confront each of the essential truths that you defend with ardor and passion.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are a die-hard, incapable of the slightest diplomacy, of the slightest concession. Aggressively dominating and provocative, you spend your time throwing oil on the fire, stirring up revolts and unleashing shambles, always ready to do the irreparable to fight your worst enemies : routine, resignation and apathy. From your point of view, the abscesses must be burst without anesthesia and the crises triggered whatever the consequences, including for yourself. Anyway, you put all those who are not inflamed and extremist like you in the same bag : they are soft, cowardly, crawling. So don’t be surprised if your declared enemies are so numerous…

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Taurus “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Taurus ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Taurus

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S−, Q+, SP”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in recovering inhibition Strength, negative induction, excitation Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w+, sl−, PP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in recreating excitation weakness, inhibition inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by an abrupt character, resistant and refractory to useless or superficial changes. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you have nothing but contempt and can be very repressive with the irresponsible, the scatterbrained, the fanciful without deep roots. Being in love with order, concrete efficiency and justice, you know how to put yourself forward by your combative and realistic skills as well as by the cunning subtlety of your maneuvers and your skillful dosages. Firmly planted in your dominant and defensive positions, you are not the type to let yourself be destabilized by those who would challenge your power over people and things : your responses are then lightning and implacable.

▶ Your weaknesses : for you, beings and things must be in their place in an immutable and fixed order of which you make yourself the unbreakable guardian. Suspicious, resentful, vindictive, you are a follower of “everything new, everything wrong”. Barricaded in your immutable principles, your inert revolts and your heavy incommunicability, you are tempted to identify yourself with a character of misanthropic, pessimistic and slyly aggressive persecutor-persecutor. You tend to have disproportionate reactions as soon as you imagine, rightly or wrongly, that your enemies or adversaries are plotting against you : it really doesn’t take much for you to feel like the sole object of secret machinations.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Gemini “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Gemini ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Gemini

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Q+, SS”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, sl−, UP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have a well-defined character which however does not prevent you from adapting quickly to very different situations. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you intend to maintain your flexible freedom of maneuver in all circumstances, even if it means surprising and intriguing by your sudden about-turns. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, you look for leading roles and establish your power over beings and things thanks to your combative realism, your adaptable authority and your insidious sense of persuasion. Spontaneously open to the fluctuations of events, you never lose sight of a dynamic overview that allows you to maintain the hierarchy of your priorities.

▶ Your weaknesses : for you, beings and things must be in their place in a changing and fluctuating order according to your will at the time, which can discourage those who love logic and stable and clear positions. Offhand, inward, insolent, you exercise your dominating tendencies in all directions, without any restraint, believing that it is natural for everyone to yield without restriction to your immutable principles, your inert revolts and your fallacious ulterior motives according to the role that you want to play, which is that of a character who claims to master his glaring contradictions : among other things, your desire to extend your dominating impulses while advocating a universal tolerance that seems to apply only to yourself.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Cancer “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Cancer ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Cancer

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S−, Sl+, SS”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w+, q−, UP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by an abrupt character equipped with solid defensive barriers and a very great stubbornness in the pursuit of your objectives. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you know how to establish your power over beings and things thanks to your qualities of constancy, patience and endurance. Being of order, concrete efficiency and justice, you reign over your environment by highlighting your combative pragmatism while being capable of subtle behind-the-scenes maneuvers. Above all, you manifest your dominating tendencies by playing the role of reassuring and protective regulatory authority, ensuring the permanence of a stable and total order of which you present yourself as the shrewd guarantor and the solid keystone.

▶ Your weaknesses : the excessively authoritarian and intolerant tutelary domination that you too often exercise over your environment is the other side of your coin. Uncertain of the durability of your domination over beings and things, which seems to you to be constantly threatened by the sly forces of disintegration and anarchy, you react to these real or imaginary dangers, which you overestimate, by taking refuge in an anxious alertness and aggressively defending your prerogatives that you would like to be immutable. In short, you fear above all that disorder will settle in the closed world that you claim to govern without sharing and within which you isolate yourself to the detriment of your openness to others and to the outside universe.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Leo “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Leo ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Leo

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Sl+, SP”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in unblocking excitation Strength, positive induction, excitation Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, q−, PP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in differentiating inhibition weakness, inhibition lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by a well-structured and daring character which encourages you to set out to conquer your environment with as much constancy as the will to sweep away all the obstacles to your freedom. Imperative, active and coldly determined, a being of order, concrete efficiency and justice, you manifest a radiant authority which is associated with an unequivocal combativeness, whose outbursts are accompanied by an art of suggestion and persuasion showing that you are more subtle than it seems at first sight. Your will to power is assumed, open, displayed, spectacular and easily wins the support of those it amazes, mobilizes and galvanizes.

▶ Your weaknesses : too much is too much, and your weak points lie in your boasting, your boasting, your claim to dominate unchallenged and take center stage by multiplying bluffs, true or false exploits, aggressive outrages and unnecessary provocation. You are exposed to the dangers of a dangerous headlong rush due to the fact that you are more tormented and anxious than you appear, fearing to fall from the pedestal that you have forged for yourself and to see the collapse of too absolutist power. and invading that you exert on beings and things. In doing so, with reckless challenges and shameful tactical retreats, you yourself generate around you the disorder and anarchy that you claim to ward off and combat.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Virgo “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Virgo ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Virgo

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S−, Sl+, SO”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w+, q−, EP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by a voluntary and determined character. Organized and methodical in the pursuit of your carefully targeted objectives, patience, stubbornness, a sense of hierarchy and awareness of your limits are among your strengths. Imperative, active and coldly determined, the accession and maintenance of power are for you a methodical construction that must leave nothing to chance or improvisation. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, you know how to impose yourself with proud discretion, by combining combative realism and meticulous organization in the shadows. To maintain your domination over beings and things, you have the art of compartmentalizing and partitioning your activities.

▶ Your weaknesses : disorder, anarchy and confusion, real or imaginary, are real obsessions for you that you intend to ward off by too often demonstrating an implacable and often unlivable sense of hierarchy that weighs heavily on your environment. It must be said that your anxious and alarmist temperament fears above all that beings and things escape your narrow and fussy control and escape from the cramped spaces where you have stored them in order to better dominate them. It follows that you tend to lock yourself into an aggressive and suffocating self-esteem for yourself and for others, where you struggle to close the gaps through which the mess could eventually rush, at the risk of becoming antisocial.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Libra “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Libra ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Libra

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Q−, SO”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, sl+, EP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you distinguish yourself by a character marked by resolution and the will to power. You combine these characteristics with a willingness to involve others in your decisions and a great flexibility in avoidance tactics and the art of weaving between obstacles. Imperative, active and coldly determined beneath your appealing appearances, you consider your environment to be an accomplice with which you know how to cooperate easily in order to better dominate it. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, you know how to put yourself in the spotlight thanks to your combative realism but also to the subtlety of your analyzes and arbitrations, using your science of suggestion to transform adversities into partnerships.

▶ Your weaknesses : your thirst for domination seems to suffer from no limits and to want to escape any form of external constraint such as self-control, despite the fact that you give the deceptive impression of treating others as equals, as if to better reign on them. Your excessive will to power transformed into an illusion of omnipotence can encourage you to attack violently or insidiously vulgar windmills or to build sandcastles by having the feeling that you are building something solid and durable. In your impatience to break down all barriers to your authoritarianism, you may be tempted to accept all compromises to maintain your empire over what and those around you.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Scorpio “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Scorpio ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Scorpio

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S−, Q−, SP”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in differentiating inhibition Strength, negative induction, inhibition Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w+, sl+, PP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in unblocking excitation weakness, excitation inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : your character is marked by an abrupt individualism and a singular desire for power. To do this, you do not hesitate to adopt strategies of rupture to better differentiate yourself and assert yourself, while being capable of flexible tactics of dodging or bypassing to achieve your ends. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you know how to dialogue with your opponents to better submit them and you excel in the art of double play, feinting and kicking into touch. Being orderly, practical efficiency and justice, you intend to play the leading roles thanks to your sense of timing, your combative realism and your know-how in terms of subtle suggestions and maneuvers as secret as they are delicate.

▶ Your weaknesses : the desire for power, control and domination can turn to obsession, monomania, fixed idea, even delirium of influence. You are then inhabited by the will to exercise an insane authority which makes you lose not only the sense of measure and proportions, but also any possibility of help and collaboration on the part of others so much you insist on displaying your assertive aggressiveness despite outstretched hands. By setting the bar of your grip too high, you will run straight to failure and even that seems to comfort you in your character as an accusing and misunderstood vigilante who is himself at the top of a hierarchy from which he can decree that he is right against the whole world and thus dominates it.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Sagittarius “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Sagittarius ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by a determined character who sees far, big and wide and a desire for power that you want to federate, unify, unify. In short, you are not one of those who thrive on petty ambitions and, to establish your domination in your sphere of reference, you know whether to show yourself to be as combative as accommodating or ready for intrigue in order to succeed in carrying out extensive summaries. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you have the soul of a missionary ready to dedicate yourself concretely to your cause provided it allows you to enhance yourself and transform this mission into an empire. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, your overall vision prevents you from getting lost in the details.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your desire for control over the world and over others, you see too far, too big and too broad, to such an extent that your desire for power is freed from all internal and external limitations. Intoxicated by your thirst for greatness, you cannot bear to be resisted and consider that whatever your exalted unreason, you must obey without question the decisions you make without appeal, assent to your aggressive outbursts and take your delusions of interpretation. for common sense reasoning. Also beware of your big tendency to mishmash which can encourage you to prefer enemies who pretend to accede to your four wishes, to friends who are precisely critical of you : it’s dangerous…

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Capricorn “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Capricorn ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Capricorn

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S−, Sl−, SS”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w+, q+, UP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by an entire, compact, solid, intransigent character which does not allow itself to be distracted by anything foreign to the will to power which inhabits you and keeps you upright like a spinal column. The desire to become an authority in your field or your sphere of influence is for you an absolute on which you focus your entire attention and which makes you indifferent to everything else. Imperative, active and coldly determined, it is with good reason that you rely on your methodical mind, your strategic sense and your extreme rigor to achieve your objectives. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, your tenacity, your coldness and your implacable combativeness are the best allies of your absolutist ambitions.

▶ Your weaknesses : ambition, the taste for power and the will to dominate have drying effects on you, as you dedicate time and energy to them to the detriment of other resources such as those relating to immediate emotion or spontaneous affectivity, that you seem incapable of living or expressing. It must be said that your ambitions have the unfortunate consequence of locking you up in an ivory tower and isolating you beyond reason. It is also true that your immoderate passion for order can lead you to identify completely with a law, a rule or a cause which risks making you fall into aggressive fanaticism, unless you prefer to take refuge in a world frozen imaginary interior sheltered from the surrounding anarchy.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Aquarius “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Aquarius ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Aquarius

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Sl−, SP”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in recreating excitation Strength, positive induction, inhibition Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, q+, PP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in recovering inhibition weakness, excitation lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have a voluntary and authoritarian character, but also open to everything that is new, in germ, unpublished, in the making. In short, you behave like a leader when it comes to opening up new perspectives, and this ambitious optimism makes you impervious to any discouragement. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you intend to embody and represent the hope and power of renewal. Being orderly, concretely efficient and just, your optimism does not make you a gentle and naive anarchist dreamer : on the contrary, you consider that it is only thanks to a persuasive authority, an insidious determination and a combative realism without flaws that new perspectives can hatch one day.

▶ Your weaknesses : in you, abuse of authority is combined with your talent for arousing wild hopes, for promising brighter tomorrows and for making others believe that by obeying your finger and eye, everything could change in better. Your uncontrolled will to power can make you prodigal, short-sighted, versatile, so much do you convince yourself that over time your marvelous projects can only take a favorable turn, the annoyances triggering sudden outbursts of aggression in you. In doing so, you deceive yourself and deceive others by raising puppet hopes and throwing dust in the eyes, even if it means blinding yourself to the effects of your sterile authoritarianism.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Pisces “Extensive Power” (“Big P”: Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Pisces ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Pisces

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S−, Sl−, SO”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w+, q+, EP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by a character as refractory as it is decided, entirely turned towards a desire for power that is all the more powerful in that it does not show itself in broad daylight nor does it seek to exteriorize itself frankly, and that your apparent indifference is makes it a very active fire that smolders under the ashes. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you not only know what you want : to live in an orderly world according to the principles that are yours, but also what you do not want at any price : anarchy and sloppiness. Being of order, of concrete efficiency and justice, you intend to demonstrate that one can dominate without crushing, be obeyed without belittling, assert one’s law by proposing it as a way escaping traditional antagonisms.

▶ Your weaknesses : you find it very hard to accept that the outside world, too messy, unpredictable and subject to unpredictable contingencies, is not in the image of the immutable and perfectly hierarchical order to which you aspire and in which you are part of your inner being. However, you have to deal with it, which explains your outbursts of angry aggression, untimely authoritarianism and sudden delusions of influence when you realize that you cannot shape it according to your absolute. Your will to power, frustrated with tangible results, can then push you into a desperate or destructive nihilism by wanting at all costs to impose fixed rules on others that they don’t want and decisions that don’t concern them in any way.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Your zodiac Sign
▶ Signs and seasons
▶ Planetary trios in Signs
▶ The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
▶ The astronomical reality of the zodiac
▶ The human reflexology zodiac
▶ Autour du zodiaque : de l’eau dans un Signe de Feu ?
▶ Zodiaque et sphère locale
▶ Mythologie du zodiaque
▶ Zodiaque et formes de l’inhibition
▶ Change-t-on de caractère en changeant de Signe solaire ?
▶ Énergie-Espace-Temps-Structure et zodiaque
▶ Genèse du zodiaque conditionaliste
▶ L’horloge photopériodique du genou
▶ Signe solaire et Signe Ascendant
▶ Astrologie, adaptation & inadaptation

Le grand livre du zodiaque

par Richard Pellard

180 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

  • Le zodiaque des constellations : zodiaques suméro-chaldéens, origines du zodiaque, constellations et Signes, bestiaire de l’abbé Pluche, précession des équinoxes
  • Le zodiaque traditionnel : interprétation de la symbolique des 12 Signes
  • Du zodiaque traditionnel au naturel : ressemblances & dissemblances
  • Le zodiaque naturel : écliptique et bande zodiacale, zodiaque des déclinaisons & photopériodique
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes et de leurs réflexes : force, vitesse, équilibre
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes en fonction des planètes dominantes
  • Le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant

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