AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

All persons born with a strong Capricorn influence are not alike, even if they have some common points. We therefore offer you eight different portraits of this Sign: it’s up to you to see if you match one, two or three of these categories. To find out more and ascertain which Signs are dominant in your natal chart, do not hesitate to visit our website and build your free astrological mini-portrait using our software Astrosoft.

Capricorn ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Sociable-communicative Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : while being extremely sociable, curious, charming and available for all encounters, you nevertheless cultivate a very strong indifference which prompts you to remain unmoved by anything that does not speak to you, and to immediately cut contact with this and those you don’t immediately recognize. Open to all those who seduce you, interest you, recognize you and value you, you show absolute deafness towards others, as if they had no existence. This smiling and relaxed impassivity allows you not to be easily disconcerted when you find yourself in front of people who expect nothing from you and to devote your strength only to what really matters to you.

▶ Your weaknesses : you easily find yourself paralyzed, immobilized, struck with a forbidden stupor when no one listens to you, is interested in you, seduces you. Communicating spontaneously with others is such an absolute need for you, such an imperious necessity that you then find yourself deprived of all your means. If you find yourself with people who encourage you to show more of your availability, you will attack friendly and cheerful sociability while still having difficulty in pouring out your heart, in confiding in yourself to the end as you strictly forbid yourself to disturb the others by telling them about your essential problems, which you consider fundamentally to be totally incommunicable.

Capricorn ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Active-pragmatic Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : in all circumstances, you show inflexible realism, unalterable common sense and a pragmatism that is definitely immune to any procrastination. The essential thing is for you to fully dispose of all the means necessary for an organized and persevering action to manage and organize, without weakness or distraction, your material conditions of existence. Resistant, dry, distrustful, coldly determined, impassive in the face of obstacles and adversity, relentless in your obstinate refusal of laissez-faire, you deploy all your efforts to make your existence a rigorously structured mechanism at the service of your needs to build solid and durable.

▶ Your weaknesses : in the event of a sudden, unforeseen and brutal reversal of the situation, you most of the time find it difficult to react with the speed required by the circumstances : you are too good at slouching and waiting for the storms to calm down. No doubt you are also too systematic, too inflexible in the way you take things head-on, too solitary in the way you confront people, things and situations. You thus find yourself singularly isolated when the time comes for the trials that you make it a point of honor to face alone, refusing all outside help and assistance. It is the ransom of your independence of action.

Capricorn ‘T’ family — Uranus-Neptune-Pluto: prospective imagination — extensive Transcendence

Imaginative-inspired Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : you determine yourselves with a cold indifference according to the laws which are specific to you and of which you consider that nothing obliges you to make them accessible or comprehensible for others. Secret and disconcerting, inaccessible to any outside influence, you follow the path you have chosen for yourself with a constancy and determination that commands respect despite the surprising and unpredictable initiatives that you take at the end of your long maturation. The main thing for you is always elsewhere, in the depths of your intuitions that you discover at the same time as you transmit them, in your imagination rebelling against everything that is learned, in your laconic and dazzling independence.

▶ Your weaknesses : you live according to deep and irrational aspirations which make you hermetic, cold and incomprehensible to those around you. What is for you your deep logic is for the others madness closed on itself. You don’t care : apart from the dark and confusing world of your fantasies and your chimeras, which is undoubtedly the only area that really excites and excites you, all the rest only inspires you with a contemptuous detachment, a misanthropic indifference, absolute disdain. Deaf to criticism, thickly shielded against any questioning, you only believe in the validity of the obscure will which obliges you to do nothing like the others.

Capricorn ‘r’ family — Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: power of decision — intensive representation

Ambitious-resolute Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : your ambitions are compact, coldly determined, entire, definitive. The power of your will is such that you are ready to sweep everything in front of you to achieve your goals. Idealistic, demanding, intransigent, incorruptible, you aim for the heights with cold endurance and terrible patience. Animated by quasi-sacred principles that you cannot betray without betraying yourself, by convictions so firm that nothing can discourage you from going to the end of your will, you behave in all areas with extreme rigor, indisputable moral authority and ruthless personal discipline, leaving absolutely nothing to chance.

▶ Your weaknesses : stiff, narrow, fixed in your principles and your absolutist convictions, you tend too much not to tolerate any breach of the rules that you yourself have arbitrarily set. In the name of the intolerant morality that you want to embody, you prohibit around you any spontaneous manifestation of feelings and any different opinion. you take refuge in your sterile authoritarianism, stuffed with arbitrary and anxious prohibitions, like in a haughty and disembodied ivory tower. The slightest manifestation of lively spontaneity or smiling joviality frightens you to your very core, so attached are you to a puritanical vision of the world and the enemy of all fantasy.

Capricorn ‘e’ family — Venus-Mars-Neptune: affective sensoriality — intensive existence

Affective-sensorial Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : Basically, nothing really interests you outside of what shakes you, moves you, touches you : the rest is completely indifferent to you and only arouses in you a thick and radical insensitivity. This and those you love are for you an absolute to which you devote yourself totally and which encourages you to detach yourself from everything else. You invest yourselves affectively only in what and those who seem to you to correspond deeply to your desires : thus your feelings, your affections, systematically insensitive to temptations and ephemeral desires, resist the test of time without difficulty. You are whole and faithful in your quivering loves and your irrevocable hatreds.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are too absolutist and too bulimic in your instinctive and visceral passions. Apart from them, nothing seduces you, interests you, touches you or moves you. As soon as they appear, your feelings are too likely to immediately freeze, become invested in a single object. This does not prevent you, under a veil of indifference and apparent balance, from being crossed by a multitude of contradictory moods, desires and desires that you have difficulty in exteriorizing. This is how you can often appear awkwardly cold and insensitive when you are deeply touched and delay the frank expression of your emotions at the risk of losing them…

Capricorn ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Critical-aloof Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : nothing that is incidental, superficial, mundane and passing really interests you. The only thing that counts for you is the essential that hides behind appearances, the deep structures of beings, things and situations. You are good at liquidating pretenses, at eliminating illusions, at radically questioning everything that others adhere to without trying to understand. Your cold mind, your abstract cerebrality have the constant strategy of not accepting anything that does not have a deep reason. Laconic and skeptical in all things, infinitely secretive and reserved, you are above all interested in the hidden architecture of the world and the beings that inhabit it.

▶ Your weaknesses : your exacerbated criticism, your systematically refractory side, your extreme sensitivity to the integral absurdity that founds beings, things and situations too often make you unfit to take an interest in anyone or anything. Your risk is then to fall into a disillusioned indifference which, strong in your disenchanted lucidity, confines you to a powerlessness to act, react, impose a minimum of your will on circumstances. The more they ask him to invest himself, to decide and to choose, the more you tend to retreat into a sneering impassiveness, a sarcastic phlegm or a heavy and anxious silence which in any case is of no use to you.

Capricorn ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Deciding-commanding Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by an entire, compact, solid, intransigent character which does not allow itself to be distracted by anything foreign to the will to power which inhabits you and keeps you upright like a spinal column. The desire to become an authority in your field or your sphere of influence is for you an absolute on which you focus your entire attention and which makes you indifferent to everything else. Imperative, active and coldly determined, it is with good reason that you rely on your methodical mind, your strategic sense and your extreme rigor to achieve your objectives. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, your tenacity, your coldness and your implacable combativeness are the best allies of your absolutist ambitions.

▶ Your weaknesses : ambition, the taste for power and the will to dominate have drying effects on you, as you dedicate time and energy to them to the detriment of other resources such as those relating to immediate emotion or spontaneous affectivity, that you seem incapable of living or expressing. It must be said that your ambitions have the unfortunate consequence of locking you up in an ivory tower and isolating you beyond reason. It is also true that your immoderate passion for order can lead you to identify completely with a law, a rule or a cause which risks making you fall into aggressive fanaticism, unless you prefer to take refuge in a world frozen imaginary interior sheltered from the surrounding anarchy.

Capricorn ‘p’ family — Moon: homogeneous wholeness — intensive power

Flexible-receptive Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : there “bubble” in which you feel good is above all an ivory tower that isolates you from the outside world. At ease and good about yourself within the relationships of conviviality, familiarity and intimacy that you willingly develop, you know how to refuse with constancy, phlegm and stubbornness that anyone or anything may come to disturb them. Moreover, any relationship that is not deep and absolute osmosis with others is perfectly indifferent to you. In your secluded and warm little world, you feel as much alone as in company, as long as nothing comes to disturb your peaceful rhythms of life which you hold as the apple of your eye.

▶ Your weaknesses : apart from your ambient, habitual, routine and familiar environment with which you identify too completely, you find it difficult to find your general balance, to adapt spontaneously. And even within this everyday world, you tend to be too apathetic, inactive, withdrawn, as if you were completely self-sufficient in your uninteresting routine. Nothing seems to be able to reach you, nothing intoxicates you, excites you, except your disjointed daydreams which sometimes make you feverish. If you do not feel carried and supported by a reassuring environment, you have too much of a tendency to withdraw into your fleeting anxieties which in no way prevent you from remaining carefree and incapable of reacting.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Capricorn in natural astrology
▶ The Capricorn on video

▶ Aries-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Taurus-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Cancer-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Leo-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Virgo-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Libra-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Scorpio-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Sagittarius-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Capricorn-Aquarius : similarities and differences
▶ Capricorn-Pisces : similarities and differences

Le petit livre du Capricorne

par Richard Pellard

49 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

Interprétation du Capricorne selon la symbolique classique et selon ses réflexes dans le zodiaque naturel (force, vitesse, équilibre) ; interprétation du Capricorne en fonction des planètes dominantes ; le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

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