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Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Excitation slowness (unadapted inhibition quickness)
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Excitation slowness


Excitation slownessExcitation slowness for Cancer: the tortoise. The Excitation (the action) is slow, continuous, progressive, persevering: one builds step by step, one organizes systematically, one is patient, one hangs on, one is able to wait. The openness is mastered: it must be efficient. Concern for organizing and controlling within a closed environment, self-control or tutelary authority. Ritual or repetitive behaviors: habits and routines providing a sound framework for actions, thoughts and emotions. Persistence of memories, traditions, regulating safeguards.


Excitation slownessExcitation slowness for Leo: the infallible. The concern for organizing and mastering is clearly displayed: it’s about declaredly legislating, having control, being in charge. High, persistent, persevering ambitions; strong, long-lasting, obsessing passions. Audaciousnesses are handled carefully, conquests are fortified and progressively extended. One thinks about everything, one aspires to be master of oneself, without leaving anything to chance. Radiant power due to a deep self-control.


Excitation slownessExcitation slowness for Virgo: the meticulous. The concern for mastery and organization is now total: slow, methodical, strictly hierarchized action; invisible but relentless obstinacy yielding guaranteed results through a high economy of means. Rigor, seriousness, method, patience become ideal qualities. Without commotion, one never loses track of one’s objectives. Habits are quasi-sacred rituals. Space is compartmentalized and domesticated.

Unadapted inhibition quickness


Unadapted Inhibition quicknessUnadapted Inhibition quickness for Cancer: the alarmist. Inhibition reactions are strong but unadapted to the situation: one runs away from imaginary dangers, one has ill-timed or early defense reactions, one buries one’s head in the sand. One fears, one freaks out, one worries for nothing. One panics about the intrusion of elements foreign to the cocoon; the outside world is systematically considered as hostile. Discriminations are running on empty: phobic doubts, impossible choices, speculations about anything.


Unadapted Inhibition quicknessUnadapted Inhibition quickness for Leo: the wimp. He frets over his personal freedom, his popularity, his outperforming power. He’s irrationally afraid that the (real or imaginary) vulnerable spots of his armour are picked upon. This can be a gutsy on the defensive, aborting his bragging initiatives out of sudden fear of their results, even if this means bluffing or boasting in order to cover it up. Once facing real dangers, he prefers rushing headlong so as not to decline, unless he beats a hasty and shameful retreat in a panic beyond description.


Unadapted Inhibition quicknessUnadapted Inhibition quickness for Virgo: the phobic. Defence systems are running almost in closed circuit, in a complete vacuum: it’s a permanent fear from invasion, an endless anxiety, the absurd worry of the ostrich who doesn’t dare anymore unburying its head from the sand. Anything is an excuse for abrupt withdrawals: being afraid of germs, of thieves, of the neighbour, of the other, of oneself. This can go as far as anxiety neurosis, as neurasthenia. But the Inhibition quickness is on the verge of adaptation: there might be discreet desires disguised as fears, or a courage that tries to obscurely emerge through irony, through mockery from a wise distance, through veiled criticisms.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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