AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

All persons born with a strong Gemini influence are not alike, even if they have some common points. We therefore offer you eight different portraits of this Sign: it’s up to you to see if you match one, two or three of these categories. To find out more and ascertain which Signs are dominant in your natal chart, do not hesitate to visit our website and build your free astrological mini-portrait using our software Astrosoft.

Gemini ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Sociable-communicative Gemini

▶ Your strengths : you are spontaneously and naturally open to all contacts, ready for all seductions, available for all curiosities. Extremely eclectic in your tastes, your passions, your varied centers of interest, tremendously open to all the solicitations of the outside world, attentive to others, you are easily accepted thanks to your joyful and relaxed kindness, your sense of party and spectacle, your art of never taking anything seriously. An expert in communication and all-out exchanges, you put people in your pocket brilliantly, as good at charming them as you are at entertaining them. You are cheerful, clever, tolerant, immediately ready for all encounters.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are likely to often sin by casualness, lightness, carelessness. You are a little too inclined to consider the world around you as a pleasant and entertaining spectacle where you just have to play your fluttering role. Dispersed, crumbled, unstable chameleon twirling from one encounter, curiosity, interest or desire to another, you too often give a superficial, disembodied image of yourself that harms your credibility. You lack selectivity and discrimination, hang out with anyone at any time and hold absurd and contradictory speeches to justify your inability to make clear, deep and sensible choices.

Gemini ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Active-pragmatic Gemini

▶ Your strengths : having a lot to do and taking life in all its facets and dimensions excites you. Pragmatic, realistic, thoughtful and hyper-adaptable to all circumstances, to all unpredictable changes in situations, you have a contagious and unifying dynamism. In all your many activities, you strive to be versatile with a seemingly inexhaustible energy and the talents of a one-man band as gifted for reflection, organization as for direct action. Facing tangible realities with common sense and courage is for you an inexhaustible source of discoveries and experiences that galvanize you.

▶ Your weaknesses : you get agitated and act too much in all directions and on all terrains, and too often in a messy, contradictory, feverish way, and you do not know how to say no often enough to the opportunities for action that circumstances offer you. By wanting too much to do and organize a thousand things at once, you mix up genres and activities until you are exhausted and exhaust those around you. Impatient, impulsive, always on the go, you can become aggressive when someone tries to limit your power to act concretely on things. Your disorderly, overflowing and invasive dynamism irresistibly brings to mind the proverb “Who graps all, looses”.

Gemini ‘T’ family — Uranus-Neptune-Pluto: prospective imagination — extensive Transcendence

Imaginative-inspired Gemini

▶ Your strengths : you have a very vast imagination, a prolific imagination, a desire for independence and autonomy that suffers no limitation : the freedom to be as you see fit is an unavoidable necessity for you. You often behave in an original, surprising way that sometimes surprises you. You like to intrigue, to be where you least expect it, to provoke, to disconcert with your penetrating intuitions, your absurd ideas. The unpredictable is your kingdom : disconcerting and creative, jack-of-all-trades who does not lose sight of the essential thanks to a powerful inner determination, you follow the thread of your inspirations and theories without letting yourself be influenced.

▶ Your weaknesses : you could be criticized for being completely disconnected from the most elementary realities and for evolving in a world populated by chimerical abstractions. Your overly prolix imagination, your vertiginous extrapolations, which you believe to be visionary, easily make you take bladders for lanterns. Contradictory or absurd behaviors do not scare you, on the contrary : you seem to be making virtue of your feverish and diehard inconsistencies, of the multiple challenges that you launch to common sense and do not seem to be able to resist the temptation of any delirium, of no unreason. You are blowing the wind with incredible nerve while being unable to make concrete choices.

Gemini ‘r’ family — Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: power of decision — intensive representation

Ambitious-resolute Gemini

▶ Your strengths : thanks to your vast analytical mind, you are extremely gifted at piloting, organizing, directing, coordinating but also bringing together and bringing together people of goodwill around you. Willing and determined, openly ambitious, very concerned about your social impact and full of authority, you have strict principles that you know how to apply flexibly when circumstances require it, without however ever deviating from the clear objectives that you have set for yourself. Dynamic and determined, you are not afraid to take on many responsibilities and, while disciplining yourself and planning your activities effectively over the long term, you are always ready to seize the opportunities that go in the direction of your projects.

▶ Your weaknesses : too sure of yourself and too extroverted, you can sin by impudence : you know everything about everything, have the answer to everything and above all doubt nothing. Whatever the circumstances, you cannot help but impose yourselves openly on others with an invasive and spectacular tyranny, monopolizing speech and attention by listening only to yourself : others are asked to behave as spectators. submissive and admiring. Even and sometimes especially in areas of which you know nothing, you feel obliged to give your definitive opinions, to display your certainties without nuance, as if you could not help but constantly demonstrate your unbridled interventionism.

Gemini ‘e’ family — Venus-Mars-Neptune: affective sensoriality — intensive existence

Affective-sensorial Gemini

▶ Your strengths : you enjoy a multifaceted and dynamic affectivity that encourages you to multiply the opportunities to experience strong sensations. Everything excites your senses, stimulates your desires, your desire to share, to experience things with others, to react sensitively and to feel overwhelmed with exhilarating emotions in their presence. Everything touches you, strikes you, moves you, shakes you : your skin-deep compassion has neither limits nor borders. Energetic and reactive, you live your feelings in broad daylight, directly, with a refreshing spontaneity and authenticity that make your quivering and active presence endearing, stripped of all shadows, of all calculation, of all desire for domination.

▶ Your weaknesses : you overreact with your guts depending on the circumstances and your changeable and capricious mood, going from exaggerated kindness to thoughtless aggressiveness without transition and for no other reason than the dictatorship that your impulsive emotivity exerts on you and on others. In your loves as in your hatreds, you have no brakes, no hindsight : you let your contradictory feelings invade you in a totally uncontrollable way and dictate your behavior devoid of any logic. Insatiable in your multiple desires and impatient to see them come true, you abandon yourself to the saraband of your incoherent and passionate attractions and repulsions.

Gemini ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Critical-aloof Gemini

▶ Your strengths : multiple, complex, cerebral, you are never as gifted as when you juggle with abstractions, you throw hypotheses and speculations into the maze : in this sense, you are a born researcher interested only in the unknown, the deep and the difficult. Subtle and clever, insightful and refractory, you often show a penetrating and caustic sense of humor. Your areas of interest are extremely diverse and your ever-awakening curiosity constantly encourages you to dig behind the scenes. Everything is a pretext for you to ask yourself essential questions ; you always have a multitude of different and often disturbing points of view on each problem.

▶ Your weaknesses : With you, worry and dissatisfaction are limitless : anxious, dispersed and complicated, you seem incapable of cultivating the minimum of indifference that sometimes allows you to escape depression or despair. Everything is a pretext for sarcasm, denigration, sterile criticism. By dint of abstracting yourself from the world and juggling your indecipherable deductions which generally lead to the observation of the uselessness and the profound lack of interest in everything, you become powerless to make concrete choices. You think too much and too badly. The ability to circumscribe your thoughts, your faculties of subtle analysis in an area that could be useful to you is foreign to you.

Gemini ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Deciding-commanding Gemini

▶ Your strengths : you have a well-defined character which however does not prevent you from adapting quickly to very different situations. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you intend to maintain your flexible freedom of maneuver in all circumstances, even if it means surprising and intriguing by your sudden about-turns. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, you look for leading roles and establish your power over beings and things thanks to your combative realism, your adaptable authority and your insidious sense of persuasion. Spontaneously open to the fluctuations of events, you never lose sight of a dynamic overview that allows you to maintain the hierarchy of your priorities.

▶ Your weaknesses : for you, beings and things must be in their place in a changing and fluctuating order according to your will at the time, which can discourage those who love logic and stable and clear positions. Offhand, inward, insolent, you exercise your dominating tendencies in all directions, without any restraint, believing that it is natural for everyone to yield without restriction to your immutable principles, your inert revolts and your fallacious ulterior motives according to the role that you want to play, which is that of a character who claims to master his glaring contradictions : among other things, your desire to extend your dominating impulses while advocating a universal tolerance that seems to apply only to yourself.

Gemini ‘p’ family — Moon: homogeneous wholeness — intensive power

Flexible-receptive Gemini

▶ Your strengths : you feel good everywhere, you spontaneously acclimatize to all environments, to almost all atmospheres : your dispositions for well-being, pleasant intimacy, “bubble” peaceful are adaptable to the ebb and flow of changing circumstances, without seeming to bother you in the least. Besides, you don’t know the embarrassment : open and friendly, you welcome everything and everyone with a smiling tranquility, a spontaneous confidence and without blinkers. You change habits and routines like a shirt, with a fluidity that makes you extremely pleasant to live with on a daily basis. Friendly, fraternal and welcoming, your intimacy is open to everyone.

▶ Your weaknesses : you get too comfortable, you feel too much at home everywhere, until you become unembarrassed and intrusive. Extremely suggestible and malleable, unable to oppose a firm refusal to the stimulations of the outside world, the nothing impresses you, disturbs your tranquility, calls into question your well-being. You place your trust in anyone too easily, you delude those whom you believe to be your relatives or friends, and you give too liberal, too tolerant and too lax a welcome to ideas, things or people who are not worth it and may even harm you to one degree or another. Your exaggerated receptivity to people and situations disturbs you intimately.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Gemini in natural astrology
▶ The Gemini on video

▶ Aries-Gemini : similarities and differences
▶ Taurus-Gemini : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Cancer : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Leo : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Virgo : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Libra : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Scorpio : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Aquarius : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Pisces : similarities and differences

Le petit livre des Gémeaux

par Richard Pellard

49 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

Interprétation des Gémeaux selon la symbolique classique et selon ses réflexes dans le zodiaque naturel (force, vitesse, équilibre) ; interprétation des Gémeaux en fonction des planètes dominantes ; le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

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