AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Inhibition strength (excitation weakness)
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

Inhibition strength


Inhibition strengthRecovering Inhibition strength for Taurus: the objector. Reaction to the excesses of Excitation for Aries: one calms down, one becomes distrustful, mistrustful, sceptical. One controls and regulates one’s vital energy, one disciplines one’s strength, one recovers. One instinctively resists excitement, waste, or impatience. One steps aside in order to be at peace, one maintains one’s psychological or physical health, one paces oneself and sets one’s force of inertia against the outside world’s stimulations.


Inhibition strengthBlocking Inhibition strength for Cancer: the defender. One protects oneself from the overdose of external stimuli, one delineates one’s force, territory or power, one places a border between oneself and the outside world. Inside this border, one explores one’s acquired skills, one’s wealth (mental, affective or whatnot) accumulated through strengthening one’s protective bulwarks. One defends one’s nest, one’s stronghold, one’s shelter, one’s core community. There, one faces oneself: self-esteem, narcissism or subjectivity problems.


Inhibition strengthBlocking Inhibition strength for Virgo: the reasonable. The brake is fully pulled: the protection is tight, systematized, strictly circumscribed, and gains this way a better practical efficiency. One gives up the impossible, one builds up safety margins and lifelines. One endeavours to limit oneself, to be auto-sufficient, not to let oneself being invaded by anything or anyone; one takes all the necessary precautions to be free from want.


Inhibition strengthDifferentiating Inhibition strength for Scorpio: the opponent. One perceives first and foremost what distinguishes, differentiates or separates beings, objects, feelings or ideas: one dissects, one discriminates, one split hairs, one refuses too easy associations or similarities. One systematically emphasizes what contrasts and separates: nitpicking, adding fuel to the fire, widening the gaps, standing out at every opportunity, triggering splits, hitting a nerve, accentuating contrasts.


Inhibition strengthEliminating Inhibition strength for Capricorn: the impassive. Nighttime, still dominant, is from now on decreasing: of all the things one acquired, one only preserves what is strictly necessary. One therefore radically loses interest in the outside world and its stimulations, one stays cool, stone-faced, unmoved; one distances oneself from anything secondary, relative, factual. One tunes out the world in order to exclusively dedicate oneself to what one reckons to be the essential, the absolute, the most important. Power of oblivion and detachment; elimination, boycott, impassiveness.


Inhibition strengthEliminating Inhibition strength for Pisces: the uncatchable. The indifference of the Inhibition strength is all the stronger that it must withstand the growth of daytime — which will become dominant in Aries, the following Sign. Not letting oneself being touched, reached or shaken by anything nor anyone. Deconditioning oneself, making a clean sweep of all the pressing solicitations from the outside world. Slipping out of the usual ways of reacting, loving or thinking. Withdrawing from the surrounding world so as to be fully present to oneself, to the absolute one is aiming at. The appearance of adaptation to everything actually masks a total indifference.

Excitation weakness


Excitation weaknessRecreating Excitation weakness for Taurus: the fatalist. Nothing new under the sun: he’s unable to give a fresh, different look to the world. Lazy, tired ahead, apathetic, thickly indifferent to any novelty, any transformation, any change, he lives on his fund of subjective experiences, of preconceived ideas. No fancy, no imagination, no possibility of sublimation: everything is inevitably and eternally still. All that is left is to live life in a rut, doing the least possible.


Excitation weaknessAssociating Excitation weakness for Cancer: the stay-at-home. He doesn’t want or is not able to join forces with others, with the outside world, withdraws timidly inside its protective cocoon, makes any contact impossible, breaks all ties, eradicates any common ground. He dawdles, gives in to laziness, to carelessness, to nonchalance. He’s gruff, antisocial, hermit, cultivates clannishness, refuses to understand viewpoints that differ from his. He functions in closed circuit, auto-intoxicating himself with his own thoughts or emotions.


Excitation weaknessAssociating Excitation weakness for Virgo: the asocial. The Associating Excitation weakness reaches its climax: no enthusiasm, no dynamism, no willingness to exchange, to communicate, to associate one’s behaviours, thoughts or emotions with others’ ones. Absolute withdrawal into oneself, into a tight internal world, into a fragmented self, shattered into pieces. Self-protection becomes quasi-masochistic through forbidding any freedom, any boldness, any surge: inferiority complexes can arise therefrom. Deprivation of affective exchanges, hermetism, impossible negotiation.


Excitation weaknessUnblocking Excitation weakness for Scorpio: the prisoner. Locked up in the cell of one’s singularity, one is not able anymore to step outside oneself, outside one’s boundaries, to break free, to surpass oneself. One stagnates in the doldrums, one wades through the quagmire, ones sinks into the swamp. Decay, ghetto, oppressive environment, life sentence, prisoner of fate. In order to be oneself nevertheless, one sticks to one’s miasmas, one’s failures, one’s turpitude; one becomes even more negative by walking round and round in the prison of one’s singularity.


Excitation weaknessExpending Excitation weakness for Capricorn: the disillusioned. No spontaneity, no vital impulse, no healthy animal aggressivity, no initiative: one can’t take action or assert oneself openly. Tiredness, asthenia, prostration, staying in the background, depreciating self-criticism, feeling of powerlessness, general lack of interest, inability to respond opportunely to external stimulations, pathological indifference, repression of affect, expressionlessness, incommunicability.


Excitation weaknessExpending Excitation weakness for Pisces: the forsaker. One has a hard time fighting, taking action, asserting oneself. Lethargic, apathetic, colourless behaviors; extreme passivity, excessive laziness, negligence, anxious refusal of the reality principle. Letting oneself being tossed around by the turbulent flow of circumstances, and come what may. Dependency, seclusiveness, immobility, despondency, inefficiency, powerlessness, oppressive incommunicability, deathly fear of having to confront oneself to the tough and real outside world.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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