AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

“Lacks” of planetary functions
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

To designate the negative formula of the planetary functions, we usually add the prefix “not-” at one of the levels of the R.E.T.: the Sun is for example “non-eE” and “non-tT”, while Saturn is “non-rR”, “non-e” and “non-T”. Behind this negative prefix hide various possible relationships between the positive formula and the negative formula of each function. Exploration and proposals.

The negative is not the absence

Each planetary function is characterized by both the levels of the R.E.T. that she “excited” and by those she “inhibits”, to which she is indifferent or opposed, which blind her, which she ignores, rejects or obscurely seeks. In this sense, the negative formula of a planetary function can be understood as the equivalent of the “blind planet” of a Chart, the one that is last in the ranking. Jean-Pierre Nicola has already addressed this aspect: “The negative ‘non’ does not mean the absence of the function but its inhibition in variable modes, selectivity (differential inhibition: we have marked preferences): self-protection (organization of defenses against the inhibiting function); unavailability (passive refusal by natural incompatibility); extinction (elimination by detachment, devaluation of the function).

Venus ScorpioThis formulation has the advantage of making it possible to operate a logical junction between planetary function and zodiacal rhythm, but it nevertheless poses a problem: let us take the example of a Venus in Scorpio. In the reflexological zodiac, the dominant pole of this Sign is the Force and the Speed of differential inhibition in negative induction. A Venus in Scorpio therefore implies “very strong preferences” in terms of sensory likes and dislikes, epidermal likes and antipathies. The selectivity of Scorpio thus acts within the target level ‘e’ and source level ‘R’ of the venusian function: we find certain words or certain images (‘R’) clearly more touching, speaking or moving (‘e’) than others, and we will tend to systematically select the former to the detriment of the latter. According to the hypothesis formulated by J.-P. Nicola, the differential inhibition of Scorpio would also play on the rejection, by the differential function, of the levels ‘T’ and ‘t’. From this perspective, it would be all the sensory likes and dislikes, all the epidermal likes and antipathies that would be systematically preferred to the secrets, complexities and mysteries of the invisible.

Inhibition of “missing” levels

Venus GeminiLet us now take the example of a Venus in Gemini, Sign whose dominant reflexological formula is the Force and Speed of Natural Excitation in Sense of Syntheses. Preferences in terms of sensory likes and dislikes and epidermal likes and antipathies are much less marked this time: we spontaneously find many beings or things to our liking or dislike, we have epidermal likes and antipathies in all directions. But in the case of this Sign in optimal excitation, what becomes of the inhibition of the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’ specific to the venusian function? A Venus in Gemini in “lack of inhibition” would she be unable to inhibit the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’? If so, these levels would become dominant in venusian function. This is obviously not the case: the Sign cannot change the Planet so radically, since it is only a modulation of it.

Venus ‘eR’ ↔ Pluto ‘tT’How to solve this problem? No doubt by decoupling the excitatory and inhibiting effects of the planetary functions per se, from the excitatory and inhibiting effects of the Signs of the zodiac. Thus, whatever the Sign occupied by a Planet, the latter would exercise within this Sign its own power of natural, protective, differential or extinctive inhibition on its levels “missing”. It is complicated? Yes, it’s complicated… So let’s go back to the example of Venus in Gemini. If the function ‘eR’ of Venus puts the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’ in natural inhibition, OUR “venusian”, in the name of his likes and dislikes, of his epidermal sympathies and antipathies, passively refuses to be interested in secrecy, mystery, complexity; if he puts the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’ in protective inhibition, he will tend to guard against any invasion by them into the sphere of his likes and dislikes, etc.; if he puts the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’ in differential inhibition, he will selectively choose to disregard secrecy, complexity and mystery when in the sphere of his likes and dislikes, etc.; if he puts the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’ in extinctive inhibition, he will systematically eliminate any reference to secrecy, complex, mystery in the sphere of his likes and dislikes, etc.

These mechanisms of inhibition having been implemented within the venusian function and independently of the reflexological formula of Gemini, the Sign will be able to take over: the “venusian” of Gemini will then have, in accordance with the dynamics of this Sign, varied and changing emotions, in permanent grip with the solicitations and temptations of the outside world, etc.

In this hypothesis, the mechanisms of inhibition would operate on two levels: first at the internal level of the planetary function, then at the external level of the zodiacal formula. Given the complexity of the human nervous system, such cascading and interfering mechanisms are not impossible. How to account for it with language, in interpretation? This has a priori nothing obvious. Let us take again the example of Venus in Gemini, let us admit that she is hyper-dominant in a Chart and that she is at the square of a Pluto (‘tT’) undervalued. The subject “venusian” will then tend to “inhibit” its plutonian function. Is the Chart likely to provide information on the type of inhibition (natural, protective, differential or extinctive) implemented? It is not certain: the conscious or unconscious choice of a type of inhibition can be the result of the way in which the Subject experiences this dissonance. If the plutonian square simply disturbs him in the expression of his “venuseity”, he will tend to choose the natural inhibition (“I have no time to waste with Pluto”); if the plutonian square is perceived as a threat, a danger for Venus, it will tend to choose protective inhibition (“I put my emotions away from the complexities”); if plutonian dissonance is perceived as the need to make a choice between Venus and Pluto, he will elect differential inhibition (“I much prefer to live according to my emotions rather than opening myself up to the dimension of unfathomable mystery”); finally, if the square of Pluto is perceived by Venus as a useless and destabilizing obstruction, the Subject will put the plutonian function in extinctive inhibition (“Plutonian mysteries and complexities, I don’t give a shit”).

Venus GeminiIt then remains to interpret the situation of Venus in Gemini. Let’s say that, because of his experience of this Venus-Pluto dissonance, the Subject has “chosen” to put Pluto in differential inhibition. Would that mean that Venus in Gemini would be in Scorpio? Of course not… But our “venusian” Gemini having “chosen”, because of his experience of this Aspect (experience which is not inscribed in his Chart, but in the original way in which he negotiates this dissonance according to his environment, his encounters, his experiences and his preferences), put the function ‘tT’ of Pluto in differential inhibition, he can now fully live his condition of “venusian” of Gemini, that is to say emotional, affective and sensory hyper-excitable… Let’s recap: because of the way in which he experiences this Venus-Pluto square, our “venusian” to “chosen” to put Pluto in differential inhibition; this type of inhibition is certainly the one favored by Scorpio in the reflexological zodiac, but the implementation of differential inhibition is not the exclusive prerogative of Scorpio (whether Scorpio is dominant or not in your Chart, you do differential inhibition each time you have to choose between cheese or dessert, then between the different types of cheese and dessert); finally, the type of inhibition of the plutonian function having been selected according to the experience of the Aspect, the Gemini mechanisms are put to work. There is therefore no incompatibility between the differential inhibition of the plutonian function induced by the way in which the Subject experiences his dissonance, and the natural excitation of Gemini. Phew!

Venus ScorpioLet us now return to Venus in Scorpio, and admit that our “venusian”, still grappling with a square of Pluto, has “chosen” to put the plutonian function in differential inhibition. This first extra-zodiacal selection having been made upstream, the differential inhibition of Scorpio will be able to come into play downstream (“I much prefer to live according to my emotions rather than opening myself up to the dimension of unfathomable mystery, and moreover I have very marked preferences in terms of sensory likes and dislikes, epidermal likes and antipathies, etc.”). This time, the differential inhibition operates at two distinct levels: on the one hand, it indicates that the Subject has very markedly preferred the venusian function to the plutonian function, and on the other hand, it allows the Subject to to be extremely sharp in the selection of one’s tastes and sympathies, etc.

The excitement of the “present” levels

So far we have only discussed the inhibiting mechanisms at work within each planetary function. It remains to address the mechanisms of excitation. Indeed, if Venus inhibits the levels ‘t’ and ‘T’, this means that the function ‘eR’ is excited, and that this excitation would be natural, unblocking, associative or recreative, in relation to the type of inhibition at work, and this regardless of the Sign where Venus is located. Let’s go back to the Venus-Pluto square: if the Subject has put Pluto in natural inhibition, it is to better live naturally its venusian impulses; if he put Pluto in blocking inhibition or protective, this allows him to “unlock” his venusian impulses, to free them from any grip of secrecy, complexity or mystery; if he put Pluto in differential inhibition, this allows him to associate his venusian impulses with the surrounding world; if he put Pluto in extinctive inhibition, he can endlessly recreate venusian pleasures while stubbornly refusing to be interested in plutonian complexities.

So what happens to our “venusian” of Gemini who put Pluto in differential inhibition? First floor (lived from Aspect): the mode of association with the outside world will be electively venusian; second stage (zodiac): the emotional or sensory associations are vast, multiple, spontaneous, immediate, changing. For a “venusian” of Scorpio who put Pluto in differential inhibition the process is as follows: First stage: the mode of association with the outside world is electively venusian; second stage: emotional or sensory associations are narrow, precise, selective, etc. To summarize: since the horoscope is not the Subject and that the nervous system of the latter is not in his Chart, but in his body, the mechanisms of excitation and inhibition, which are not the exclusive prerogative of the zodiac but are common to the zodiaco-planetary configurations, can be implemented in a wide variety of ways. Basically, the main comprehension problem is probably at the semantic level. It disappears as soon as we stop making each Sign the “owner” of a type of excitation or inhibition: the Signs are only instigators, modulators of the higher nervous activity structured primarily by the planetary functions. Suffice to say that the Planet/Sign relationship is very far from being simple… you were probably aware of it.

Another approach

It is possible to make another approach to explain the “missing” of each planetary function. With this in mind, the negative prefix “not-” can turn into “anti-”, in “para-” or in “neo-”.

▶ non-: the missing levels of the R.E.T. are the object of total indifference. The Subject behaves as if they did not exist, as if he were in no way concerned by them.
▶ anti-: the missing levels of the R.E.T. are deeply rejected. The Subject denounces them, criticizes them, refuses them, makes them its Turkish heads, its scapegoats.
▶ para-: the missing levels of the R.E.T. are the subject of mixed interest. The Subject behaves as if he was trying to appropriate them without going all the way, to instrumentalize them with more or less skill and efficiency.
▶ neo-: the missing levels of the R.E.T. are the subject of passionate interest. The Subject seems to idealize them and strives to integrate them but by refounding them.

The actors in “non-representation

Naive because inexperienced like any young beginner, I remember that, when I started in conditionalist astrology, I said to myself that actors and actresses of cinema or theater must necessarily have the levels ‘R’ and or ‘r’ dominant in their Charts, since they obviously exercised a profession which is very generally the fruit of a vocation and whose main characteristic is the fact of being in performance, if not permanent, at least very frequently. As soon as I put together a sufficiently substantial collection of Charts from renowned actors and actresses, I found that it was not so simple: a very large number of them were born during the peak hours of Planets “non-rR” such as Mars, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto.

Was this proof of the falsity of the astrological assertions? That’s not the reasoning I got. I preferred to read biographies of actors, and I thus realized that if, for many of them, the fact of being in professional representation was a completely natural consequence of their innate need to appear, to s to exhibit, to be in the limelight, there were also many who had more or less consciously chosen this profession to compensate or cure, by going on stage and putting on a show, a pathological shyness, a communicative impotence, a constitutional impotence to “play a role” in their intimate and private life. I then wondered about the way in which they could live their status as stars and their relationship to representation. On reading their statements and the testimonies of their relatives, it appeared that the actors in whom the Planets of “representation” did not generally seem to suffer subjectively from their objective star situation. It was different with the actors “non-rR”: some seemed to be the half-willing and sometimes recalcitrant victims of the adulation they were the object of, while others seemed terrified of having become celebrities.

Relative or absolute lacks

By studying the experience of the charts of individuals in “non-existence” and in “non-Transcendence”, I observed the same type of phenomena, which take on even more relief when the missing level is “blind” (planet in last position of the hierarchy).

These lacks are relative or compensated when a major Aspect or a dominant compensate for them. Under a trine Mercury-Mars For example, Mercury can not be “non-E” and Marsnon-Rt”. Ditto if there is no Aspect between these two planets, but they are both dominant. Under a Mercury-Mars opposition, on the other hand, everything depends on the experience of this Aspect. If one of the two functions clearly takes precedence over the other, if it represses it, the mechanisms of the lack can freely set in motion and create very serious dysfunctions, because the missing level is at the very heart of the dominant functioning of the personality. The fact of having a dominant Mercury and a Mars “blind” does not produce the same effects “non-E” than having a dominant Mercury opposed to a repressed Mars. In the first case, the effect “non-E” risk of being absolute, initially without possible compensation, especially if Jupiter and Saturn are also undervalued; in the second case, there is a risk of strong inner tugs, painful tensions, perhaps neurosis, since this is built from repressions.

Here are some suggested interpretations of these different forms of “not-”, which you can complete and deepen.

Sun ‘rR’: ‘R’ spontaneous sociability ► ‘r’ power of decision

Function solar

▶ Non-eE: the solar lives in a world of pure representations and the facts and realities of concrete existence as well as the felt, the experienced, are indifferent to it. At best, this allows him to cling to his principles without letting himself be diverted from his major objectives by the accidents of the terrain and passing emotions or sensations. At worst, he will never understand why he is accused of being unrealistic and insensitive.

▶ Anti-eE: in the name of its superior principles and ideals, solar is head-on opposed to any form of pragmatic realism and quivering sensitivity. At best, he proudly refuses to bend to circumstances contrary to his ideas and combats excesses of sentimentality. At worst, he condemns himself to failure by dint of categorically rejecting any accommodation with facts and emotions.

▶ Para-eE: still as clinging to its ideal principles, the solar nevertheless perceives the reality and the need for a certain form or dose of pragmatic realism and taking into account emotional reactions. At best, he makes meritorious efforts to try to be more open to the concrete and more human. At worst, he risks finding himself destabilized in his major orientations by dint of playing roles far removed from his true personality.

▶ Neo-eE: while strongly identifying with its guiding principles and ideals, solar is more or less fascinated by what it lacks, namely pragmatic realism and quivering affectivity. At best, he may be tempted to turn them into real ideals by incorporating them in a rather abstract way into his vision “representative” of the world. At worst, if he forgets that facts and feelings are not just abstractions, he risks distorting their essence and running after impossible chimeras.

▶ Non-tT: the solar lives in a world of pure and clear representations and complexities and obscurities of the real as well as the emergence of new possibilities indifferent to him. At best, it allows him to cling to his principles without letting himself be diverted from his major objectives by doubts, criticisms, questionings and questionings. At worst, he will never understand why he is taxed with simplism and cautious conservatism.

▶ Anti-tT: in the name of its transparent and intangible principles and ideals, solar is directly opposed to any form of critical thinking and forward-looking imagination. At best, he proudly refuses to let himself be destabilized by underhanded undermining and the emergence of opposing forces. At worst, he condemns himself to failure by dint of categorically rejecting any questioning and refusing to recognize the complexity of reality.

▶ Para-tT: still as clinging to its ideal principles, the solar nevertheless perceives the reality and the need for a certain form or dose of critical thinking and taking into account emerging values. At best, he makes meritorious efforts to try to be less simplistic, less reductive, more open to the unknown. At worst, he risks finding himself destabilized in his major orientations by dint of paying excessive attention and interest to everything that contradicts them or undermines them from the inside.

▶ Neo-tT: while strongly identifying with its guiding principles and ideals, solar is more or less fascinated by what it lacks, namely skepticism and the prospective imagination. At best, he may be tempted to turn them into real ideals by incorporating them in a rather abstract way into his vision “representative” of the world. At worst, it risks erecting skepticism and irrationality into untouchable principles and dogmas and getting lost in its own paradoxes: when we no longer doubt doubt, doubt no longer has any value in itself…

Mercury ‘tR’: ‘R’ spontaneous sociability ► ‘t’ critical mind

Function mercurian

▶ Non-eE: the mercurian lives in a world of bushy curiosity and games of words or images and the facts and realities of concrete existence as well as the felt, the experienced, indifferent to him. At best, this allows him to preserve the freshness of his imagination and his availability of the accidents of the ground, the heaviness of the concrete and the emotions or passing sensations. At worst, he will never understand why he is accused of being unrealistic and insensitive.

▶ Anti-eE: in the name of his spontaneous curiosity and his fundamental availability, the mercurian is opposed frontally to any form of pragmatic realism and quivering sensitivity. At best, he happily and mischievously refuses to bend to the heaviness of the material and makes excesses of sentimentality one of the main targets of his taunts. At worst, he condemns himself to failure by systematically taking facts and emotions lightly.

▶ Para-eE: while remaining firmly attached to his all-out curiosity and his fundamental availability, the mercurian nevertheless perceives the reality and the need for a certain form or dose of pragmatic realism and taking into account affective reactions. At best, he makes meritorious efforts to try to be more open to the concrete and more human without losing any of his fantasy. At worst, he risks drawing plans on the comet of feelings and multiplying unrealistic and unachievable projects.

▶ Neo-eE: his insatiable curiosity and his openness to the unknown are electively oriented towards this (for him) mysterious and elusive world of tangible and sensitive realities. At best, he strives to intellectualize it, to define it through multiple hypotheses and with the help of the fantasies of his imagination. At worst, if he forgets that facts and feelings are not toys with which one juggles without danger or consequences, he risks distorting their essence and persuading himself dangerously that existence and lived experience are not just an unimportant comedy.

▶ Non-rT: open to all the winds and curious about everything, the mercurian cares as much about any guideline and any prospective imagination. He is indifferent to principles and the will to power. At best, he laughs at all the constraints and prefers to browse all over the place rather than seek personal affirmation. At worst, he will never understand why he is taxed with indiscipline and a lack of interiority or depth, as this means nothing to him.

▶ Anti-rT: Anxious to maintain his freedom without constraints and his playful curiosity, the mercurian makes watchwords, principles and ideals the favorite Turkish heads of his casual irony and refuses to grant any credit whatsoever to the powers of the unconscious. At best, he thus escapes all the brainwashing and the grip of gurus giving lessons. At worst, he risks losing himself in an intellectualist wandering without goal or structure and being unable to build himself from within by refusing all discipline.

▶ Para-rT: while preferring to let their spontaneous curiosity and fundamental freedom freely exercise, the Mercurian realizes that they still need some guiding principles and that they need to build themselves from within. At best, he can thus manage to orient his often disjointed and fragmented thinking a little and to assert himself as a mischievous and marginal researcher. At worst, he risks treating with too much lightness and dissipation problems that require rigor, concentration and depth.

▶ Neo-rT: the spontaneous curiosity of the mercurian is fascinated by the mechanisms of the hierarchical order and the emergent properties of the complexity of the real. He passionately questions voluntarism and self-affirmation. At best, he may be able to freely imagine new models and offer a form of deep self-affirmation without heaviness or pretension. At worst, he risks straying into hazy theories which he is convinced are brilliant while others see in them only arbitrarily reconstituted puzzles.

Venus ‘eR’: ‘R’ spontaneous sociability ► ‘e’ affective sensoriality

Function venusian

▶ Non-rE: Engrossed in his pleasures and displeasures, sensory crushes and emotions, the Venusian is indifferent to rules and principles as well as pragmatic realism. Only the satisfaction of his immediate desires and desires counts. At best, he lives his feelings and his sensuality without worrying about watchwords, lesson givers and material constraints. At worst, he does not understand when it is pointed out to him that he lacks spine, that his whims cannot take the place of will and that his desires are unrealistic.

▶ Anti-rE: in the name of his pleasures and displeasures, crushes and sensory emotions, the Venusian openly attacks rules and principles as well as pragmatic realism, which he considers have no right to hinder the satisfaction of his immediate desires and desires. At best, he lives his feelings and his sensuality as a rebellion against the watchwords, the lesson givers and the material constraints that interfere with his sensoriality. At worst, he sterilely opposes the anarchy of the universe of the senses to all morality and all common sense.

▶ Para-rE: the Venusian is certainly attached to his pleasures and displeasures, crushes and sensory emotions, but he still realizes that it takes a minimum of respect for certain principles and taking into account concrete possibilities and impossibilities. At best, he makes meritorious efforts not to systematically give in to the vertigo of the senses and seeks to come to terms with the reality principle without getting too frustrated. At worst, he may seek to give himself good pseudo-moralistic or pseudo-concrete reasons to give in to his whims.

▶ Neo-rE: this Venusian approaches ideals, principles and rules from the angle of what he likes or does not like, what moves him or not. Fascinated by the gap that separates desire from its realization, he seeks to fill it. At best, he strives to reformulate the rules of a morality and a practice that are not totally at odds with the spontaneous expression of the first sensibility, of its quivering sensoriality. At worst, he may be tempted to make primary desire the motor of the will and the sole principle of reality.

▶ Non-tT: Engrossed in their pleasures and displeasures, sensory crushes and emotions, the Venusian is indifferent to the complexity of beings and things, to the rustlings and emergences of the unconscious. Only the satisfaction of his immediate desires and desires counts. At best, he lives his feelings and his sensuality without worrying about the piss-cold and pain-to-come doubtful and questioning. At worst, he does not understand when it is pointed out to him that he thus lacks depth and subtlety, and that his insatiable hedonism is a crime against the mind and what it can produce.

▶ Anti-tT: this Venusian brandishes his pleasures and displeasures, crushes and sensory emotions like a flag against all coldness, all distance, all flight of the imagination. It is the visceral rebellion of the absolute enjoyer or the esthete enemy of abstractions. At best, he knows how to impose the message of epidermal sensitivity in a world that is too dehumanized and too disembodied. At worst, he makes his cutesy hedonism an absolute that transcends all transcendence and all effort of reflection and questioning.

▶ Para-tT: he must certainly — this is the main thing — indulge himself and avoid displeasure, give in to his crushes and satisfy his sensory emotions, but this Venusian has noticed that there are all the same other values in life. At best, he makes meritorious efforts to react less on edge, to put on a mask of coldness when he is touched, moved, affected and to remain a minimum of himself even when he loves. At worst, his false coldness and his reserve badly mask an emotional and sensory volcano always ready to erupt for nothing.

▶ Neo-tT: while remaining anchored in the world of his pleasures and displeasures, crushes and sensory emotions, this Venusian is fascinated by the complexity of beings and things and by the powers of the mind. At best, he approaches them as a subtle esthete anxious not to make them lose any of their emotional and sensual charge: the invisible throbs for him in the heart of quivering appearances of which he is only a discreet emanation. At worst, he makes himself shiver, plays at scaring himself with false doubts and questions that are not too disembodied.

Mars ‘eE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘e’ affective sensoriality

Function marsian

▶ Non-rR: concrete, frank, realistic, energetic, active and reactive, the Marsian cares as much about any guideline and any spontaneous sociability. He is indifferent to principles and ignores casual communication. At best, he ignores all the constraints and prefers direct action rather than getting lost in rounds of legs and pleasantries. At worst, he will never understand why he is taxed with visceral indiscipline and a lack of tact, charm and gratuitous curiosity, as it means nothing to him.

▶ Anti-rR: Anxious to preserve his ability to act and react as he sees fit, the Marsian reacts vigorously against any form of talkative authority that would claim to designate his objectives and tell him what to do and say. At best, he is good at effectively denouncing discourses and theories that are too far removed from concrete realities. At worst, he risks blindly attacking all the norms and values that structure social life.

▶ Para-rR: while favoring above all direct action and concrete work on the ground, this Marsian realized that in the long run it could be dangerous or ineffective to move forward blindly, without clear goals and plans accurate. At best, he knows how to channel his instinctive dynamism and make the minimum concessions necessary for relaxed social relations. At worst, he risks getting the wrong objectives and showing himself to be a sign of clumsiness in his human relationships while nevertheless having the impression of doing everything to smooth things over.

▶ Neo-rR: this Marsian certainly remains very attached to concrete realities and to direct and realistic action, but he is nevertheless fascinated by the world of language, discourse, theory, which he understood was necessary and unavoidable. At best, he will strive to develop thought and ideas that are as close as possible to experience, to raw experience. At worst, it runs the risk of making action and experience absolute abstract ideals and thus causing them to lose their shifting, random and relative dimension – while defending themselves against it.

▶ Non-tT: concrete, frank, realistic, energetic, active and reactive, the Marsian cares as little as possible about any deep questioning and any flight of the prospective imagination. He is indifferent to doubt and metaphysics. At best, his impermeability to doubt and to big questions reinforces his practical effectiveness as a man in the field: nothing destabilizes him. At worst, he will never understand why he is taxed with a lack of subtlety, critical thinking, long-term vision and depth, as this means nothing to him.

▶ Anti-tT: Always as concrete, frank, realistic, energetic, active and reactive, this Marsian believes that those who ask themselves too many serious questions are useless beetle sodomizers who understand nothing about raw existence. At best, he vigorously attacks anything that crumbles, deconstructs man and goes against his instinctive and animal good health. At worst, this grassroots activist will spend his time ineptly prosecuting thinkers, critics and prophets in the name of a short-sighted materialist realism.

▶ Para-tT: while favoring above all direct action and concrete work on the ground, this Marsian realized that there was a deeper dimension than that of pure existence, than the domain of raw material facts. At best, he knows how to control his instinctive dynamism from within and can end up knowing how to listen to the ways of intuition to lead his struggles. At worst, it risks encumbering its active dynamism with all sorts of questions and imaginary grips likely to hinder or distort it.

▶ Neo-tT: always as concrete, frank, realistic, energetic, active and reactive, this Marsian is nevertheless fascinated by the mystery, the impalpable, the non-obvious, metaphysical dimension of beings and things. At best, he will be able to give concrete and lived foundations to what seemed only to be utopia, the implausible or dubious hypotheses. At worst, he risks actively confusing his tendency for visceral and virulent opposition with true critical thinking and genuine detachment.

Jupiter ‘rE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘r’ power of decision

Function jupiterian

▶ Non-eR: pragmatic, ambitious, jovial, organized, sure of his know-how and his know-how, this Jupiterian is indifferent to affective reactions, ignores his epidermal likes and dislikes and ignores gratuitous sociability. At best, he lives his desire to succeed in life without being parasitized by his emotions and feelings and without expecting anything from others. At worst, he unwittingly risks being rude and indelicate by failing to take into account the emotional expectations and the need for personalized listening from those around him.

▶ Anti-eR: Always as pragmatic, organized and ambitious, this Jupiterian rejects any spontaneous outburst of the heart and draws a line under any relationship that would not be directly useful to the success of his projects and undertakings. At best, his refusal of any tenderness (“business is business”) and its rejection of any disinterested communication will make it even more effective. At worst, he risks crushing any manifestation of sensitivity within himself and living in a world populated solely by utilitarian relationships.

▶ Para-eR: it was his ambitious pragmatism that made this Jupiterian understand that he could not ignore the importance of epidermal affective reactions and the need for spontaneous communication in human relationships. At best, he does his best to give a little flesh to his desire to convince and to listen to those who can be of no use to him in his projects. At worst, he risks being clumsy and clumsy in his attempts to charm, seduce and remain available despite himself to the expectations of others.

▶ Neo-eR: this Jupiterian approaches the field of affective reactions, sensoriality and spontaneous communication from the angle of what is done and what is not done, of normality or abnormality, in short, of the rules of the social game. At best, he learned to give free rein to his emotions which he transformed into principles of life and of which he speaks abundantly and brilliantly. At worst, he risks being unbearable by dint of wanting to make his good-natured pragmatism his only vector of emotion and seduction.

▶ Non-tT: pragmatic, ambitious, jovial, organized, sure of his know-how and his know-how, this Jupiterian is indifferent to doubts, questions and the share of invisibility and mystery of the world in which he lives. At best, he benefits from good mental health and a simple and clear vision that is not encumbered with subtleties and details. At worst, he risks, without realizing it, being a cumbersome talker with simplistic judgments and being the victim of the lack of importance he pays to the hidden complexity of people and situations.

▶ Anti-tT: this Jupiterian is directly opposed to gratuitous speculations and risky hypotheses, which for him are only wastes of time and rejects all metaphysics in the name of materialistic empiricism. At best, he can thus maintain his standing as a bon vivant with simple certainties without letting his existence rot by the demons of doubt and marginality. At worst, he risks becoming a kind of upstart full of contempt for those who walk humbly through life without seeking to be noticed.

▶ Para-tT: still just as pragmatic, ambitious, jovial, organized, sure of his know-how and his know-how, this Jupiterian ended up understanding that there are beings, things and situations that cannot be reduced to any normality. At best, he makes meritorious efforts to still be interested in the weak, the excluded, the voiceless and the rankless, even if he derives no immediate benefit from them. At worst, he risks being tempted to normalize them in spite of themselves, to spectacularly give his shirt to marginalized people who ask nothing of him

▶ Neo-tT: Always as pragmatic, ambitious, jovial, organized, sure of his know-how and his know-how, this Jupiterian knows that he must personally succeed socially but that it is not an indisputable and universal value. At best, he will strive to put his interpersonal skills and his possessions at the service of lost causes, even to make himself their benefactor and spokesperson. At worst, he risks making the mysterious and the hidden the one and only object of his speeches, without however approaching them with the necessary humility.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Interpretation theory

Les significations planétaires

par Richard Pellard

620 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

La décision de ne traiter dans ce livre que des significations planétaires ne repose pas sur une sous-estimation du rôle des Signes du zodiaque et des Maisons. Le traditionnel trio Planètes-Zodiaque-Maisons est en effet l’expression d’une structure qui classe ces trois plans selon leur ordre de préséance et dans ce triptyque hiérarchisé, les Planètes occupent le premier rang.

La première partie de ce livre rassemble donc, sous une forme abondamment illustrée de schémas pédagogiques et tableaux explicatifs, une édition originale revue, augmentée et actualisée des textes consacrés aux significations planétaires telles qu’elles ont été définies par l’astrologie conditionaliste et une présentation détaillée des méthodes de hiérarchisation planétaire et d’interprétation accompagnées de nombreux exemples concrets illustrés par des Thèmes de célébrités.

La deuxième partie est consacrée, d’une part à une présentation critique des fondements traditionnels des significations planétaires, d’autre part à une présentation des rapports entre signaux et symboles, astrologie et psychologie. Enfin, la troisième partie présente brièvement les racines astrométriques des significations planétaires… et propose une voie de sortie de l’astrologie pour accéder à une plus vaste dimension noologique et spirituelle qui la prolonge et la contient.

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Pluton planète naine : une erreur géante

par Richard Pellard

117 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Pluton ne fait plus partie des planètes majeures de notre système solaire : telle est la décision prise par une infime minorité d’astronomes lors de l’Assemblée Générale de l’Union Astronomique Internationale qui s’est tenue à Prague en août 2006. Elle est reléguée au rang de “planète naine”, au même titre que les nombreux astres découverts au-delà de son orbite.

Ce livre récapitule et analyse en détail le pourquoi et le comment de cette incroyable et irrationnelle décision contestée par de très nombreux astronomes de premier plan. Quelles sont les effets de cette “nanification” de Pluton sur son statut astrologique ? Faut-il remettre en question son influence et ses significations astro-psychologiques qui semblaient avérées depuis sa découverte en 1930 ? Les “plutoniens” ont-ils cessé d’exister depuis cette décision charlatanesque ? Ce livre pose également le problème des astres transplutoniens nouvellement découverts. Quel statut astrologique et quelles influences et significations précises leur accorder ?

Enfin, cet ouvrage propose une vision unitaire du système solaire qui démontre, chiffes et arguments rationnels à l’appui, que Pluton en est toujours un élément essentiel, ce qui est loin d’être le cas pour les autres astres au-delà de son orbite. Après avoir lu ce livre, vous saurez quoi répondre à ceux qui pensent avoir trouvé, avec l’exclusion de Pluton du cortège planétaire traditionnel, un nouvel argument contre l’astrologie !

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