“Conditionalist language from traditional heritage is more universal than astrology. The functions of the R.E.T., although qualified as planetary, do not come from the stars but from the forces and structures of which they are the manifest vectors in the solar system. In its elementary digital form (interactions between one, two, many), at the atomic scale, the R.E.T. does not (...)
In terms of Subject, each of us “see things his/her own way” (a popular expression that perfectly describes subjectivity). Each of us, whether we are aware of it or not, looks at, interprets and judges the outside world through the distorting glasses of our own history. A story made up of his beliefs, his sensitivity, his a priori, prejudices and biases hyper-conditioned by the education, the (...)
In terms of Object, everything changes. We come out of the reassuring den of our subjectivity, we strip ourselves of our prejudices, we decenter ourselves. Sure, it’s always noon at my door, but what time is it for someone else, whose door opens or closes in another time zone? The object is “that which… exists independently of the mind (opposed to the subject who thinks)”.
The successful (...)
The Relationship is “the character of two objects which are such that a modification of one leads to a modification of the other.” Relationship is also a repository that has its own laws, organization and structures. It is possible to analyze the nature, properties and form of a Relationship independently of the respective qualities of the elements that constitute it. Is this relationship (...)
Repository Integration can be defined as the set, or totality, within which Subjects and Objects are in Relation. On the level of Integration, the difference between Subject and Object is abolished, it no longer exists. There is only one big All. I inhabit the world that inhabits me. I am part of the Universe, and the Universe is part of me. At the Integration level, only the general climate, (...)