AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

The saturnian function ‘tE’ (transcendence of Existence)
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the planetary function. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by a planetary function. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

Saturn ‘tE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘t’ critical mind Saturn ‘tE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘t’ critical mindGenerally: switching from the duo-duel to the multiple. Dig into facts, phenomena to discover their invisible laws, invariant mechanisms, hidden structures, internal complexity. Experimental physics in search of unknown elements. Actions in depth, secret, obscure, uncertain. The quest for the universal through the problematic of concrete experience. The experience in its future and its long-term prospects. Disregard the feeling, the experienced. Take a step back from the present. Situations or confrontations generating perplexity and multiple hypotheses.

Saturn ‘tE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘t’ critical mindPsychologically: Look for the invisible thread that connects one’s various experiences and the complexity of the situations one is confronted with. To probe beings, events and things to discover their hidden depths. Take a step back from your feelings: asceticism, stripping, discipline or repression of emotions. Introduce distance into his presence: coldness, phlegm, detachment, distraction. Quest for wisdom by decantation of personal experience. Be careful, provide, reflect in what you do. Accept thankless responsibilities. To walk through life by questioning yourself, without ever being completely satisfied with your achievements. Make his experience the platform of an elsewhere.


Positive formula: ‘tE’

The positive characteristics of the saturnian function are the sense of the concrete (trio intensive existence with Mars and Jupiter) and critical mind (trio intensive transcendence with Mercury and Pluto).

“Extensive Existence”: the sense of the concrete

Saturn ‘tE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘t’ critical mind ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive ExistenceThe Saturnian is a long-term realist. Patient, cautious, skeptical, thoughtful, he acts only after having explored all the possibilities, seriously studied all the hypotheses and carefully assessed the far-reaching consequences of his actions. Complex, thankless, difficult situations, the obstacles that reality places in front of him do not scare him. Forever dissatisfied with acquired certainties and accepted explanations, he likes above all to deepen his experiences, to seek the secret mechanisms that determine beings, things and situations. His experimental skepticism prompts him to check and recheck, test again and again the outside world before issuing any opinion whatsoever. For him, existence is an inexhaustible reservoir of fruitful questions, a material to grind to extract buried truths. Frugal, meticulous and methodical, his good sense is doubtful: his attentive and in-depth observation of the things in life leads him to think that nothing is ever acquired, guaranteed, definitive.

“Intensive transcendence”: the critical thinking

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendenceThe Saturnian is never satisfied with anything or anyone. Suspicious, serious, introverted, meditative, he wants above all to distance himself from events, to maintain the distance necessary for reflection. Basically, he remains resistant to common opinions, accepted laws and simple certainties. Loneliness does not scare him, which allows him to take the time to question himself, to question himself, to ask himself essential questions. Withdrawn, sagacious, philosophical, taciturn, he is in search of an elsewhere and easily abstracts from situations. Reserved, modest, scrupulous, it is difficult to extract immediate acquiescence from him. Deep, serious, a bit pessimistic, he thirsts to understand in order to stop deluding himself. He carefully cultivates the virtues of lucidity, depth, detachment, indifference. Modest, impenetrable, without emphasis, he cultivates in him a background of chronic dissatisfaction which encourages him to be a perfectionist and demanding, never to neglect the future and the unknown.


Negative formula: “non-rR”, “non-e”, “non-T”

“Extensive non-Representation” or lack of communicative sociability

In negative, the Saturnian suffers from a lack of relaxed communication. Nothing and no one seems to be able to win his support or his interest, seduce him or touch him, arouse his curiosity. Introverted, awkward, clumsy or retiring in his human relations, he expects nothing from others, is hardly interested in their expectations and does nothing to show himself to be pleasant, available, interested. Too locked in his ruminations or reflections, he always has the impression of being the one who is too much, who is not expected, which encourages him to develop persecution complexes in reaction to his expressive helplessness. He lacks charm, fantasy and ease.

In positive, serious, solitary the Saturnian is the reverse of a socialite, a talker who has nothing to say, a casual aesthete. Slow, deep, secret, the interplay of appearances leaves him unmoved and he is indifferent to appearing interesting. He knows that in any case the essential is elsewhere, far from the usual gossip, seductions and landmarks.

“Extensive non-Transcendence” or lack of prospective imagination

In negative, the Saturnian, prisoner of his worried realism, of his anguished ratiocinations, of the questions he asks himself in relation to existence, tends to block in himself all inspiration, all escape from the imagination, all liberating intuition. He can thus fall into a narrow and punctilious rationalism, so anxious to anchor his reasoning in a thorough analysis of the facts that he forgets that the truth is often ready to arise elsewhere than where he too reasonably imagines that it is to be found. By dint of disillusioned skepticism, sterile existential interrogations, he does not manage to live according to the dynamics of his deep demands which he minimizes or denies.

In positive, the dissatisfied and dissecting skepticism of the Saturnian puts him in principle sheltered from chimeras, grandiloquent utopias, hazy extrapolations and extraordinary revelations. To dazzling intuitions supposed to account for the deep nature of things, he prefers the obscure patience of stubborn research.

“Intensive non-representation” or lack of decisive willpower

In negative, the Saturnian, too aware of the complexity of beings, things and situations, shows himself to be extremely hesitant, dubious, quibbling, nit-picking, uncertain at the moment when it is necessary to decide on the spot, to make decisions without appeal, to formulate a program, decide which way to go. Doubts gnaw at him and undermine his ability to make clear choices. Doubtful, reserved, afraid of making mistakes, of going the wrong way, pessimistic deep down, it is difficult for them to assert themselves, to play their social role, to identify themselves unreservedly with anything. He unnecessarily complicates his existence with pointless questions or takes the sick glory of being rejected and misunderstood.

In positive, the Saturnian cultivates a great experimental skepticism with regard to all those who know, decide, decide without having previously deepened all the data of a problem. Modest and silent, honest and discreetly industrious, he ignores or despises those who live only according to their social impact, their public utility.

Saturn ‘tE’: ‘E’ sense of concrete ► ‘t’ critical mind

“Intensive non-existence” or lack of affective sensoriality

In negative, the Saturnian takes so much reflective distance, questioning distance vis-à-vis his emotions, affects and feelings that he no longer knows how to live them simply, crudely, at close range. He doubts his perceptions, what he feels, what he experiences. Entangled in his gloomy, melancholy thoughts, in his unsatisfied imagination, in search of somewhere else, he does not know how to live his feelings and emotions on edge, live, without asking questions. By dint of looking for the why and how of beings and things, he forgets to live them day by day. He seeks so much to flee his moods of the moment that when they manifest themselves they seem to him to come from a stranger.

In positive, the Saturnian knows how to take wise and deep distances and demonstrates composure in situations of emotional disturbance and sentimental outpouring. Skeptical, gruff and far-sighted, he is rightly wary of thoughtless impulses, sudden impulses and irrational outbursts of affectivity.

The reverse planetary function is the neptunian function

The saturnian function in the S.O.R.I.

▶ Perspective Subject-Excitability : Switching from the medium to the low energy level.
▶ Perspective Object-Signal : Switching from the composite to the complex.
▶ Perspective Relationship-Communication : Transcendence of Existence.
▶ Perspective Integration-Symbol : Switching from the Duo-Duel to the Multiple

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ The Saturnian: Psychological profile
▶ Saturnian stage (from 12 to 30 years old): the age of questioning
▶ Mars-Jupiter-Saturn: extensive Existence
▶ Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: intensive transcendence
▶ Zodiaque et formes de l’inhibition
▶ Saturne et le système osseux : de l’analogie à la biologie

Les significations planétaires

par Richard Pellard

620 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

La décision de ne traiter dans ce livre que des significations planétaires ne repose pas sur une sous-estimation du rôle des Signes du zodiaque et des Maisons. Le traditionnel trio Planètes-Zodiaque-Maisons est en effet l’expression d’une structure qui classe ces trois plans selon leur ordre de préséance et dans ce triptyque hiérarchisé, les Planètes occupent le premier rang.

La première partie de ce livre rassemble donc, sous une forme abondamment illustrée de schémas pédagogiques et tableaux explicatifs, une édition originale revue, augmentée et actualisée des textes consacrés aux significations planétaires telles qu’elles ont été définies par l’astrologie conditionaliste et une présentation détaillée des méthodes de hiérarchisation planétaire et d’interprétation accompagnées de nombreux exemples concrets illustrés par des Thèmes de célébrités.

La deuxième partie est consacrée, d’une part à une présentation critique des fondements traditionnels des significations planétaires, d’autre part à une présentation des rapports entre signaux et symboles, astrologie et psychologie. Enfin, la troisième partie présente brièvement les racines astrométriques des significations planétaires… et propose une voie de sortie de l’astrologie pour accéder à une plus vaste dimension noologique et spirituelle qui la prolonge et la contient.

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Pluton planète naine : une erreur géante

par Richard Pellard

117 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Pluton ne fait plus partie des planètes majeures de notre système solaire : telle est la décision prise par une infime minorité d’astronomes lors de l’Assemblée Générale de l’Union Astronomique Internationale qui s’est tenue à Prague en août 2006. Elle est reléguée au rang de “planète naine”, au même titre que les nombreux astres découverts au-delà de son orbite.

Ce livre récapitule et analyse en détail le pourquoi et le comment de cette incroyable et irrationnelle décision contestée par de très nombreux astronomes de premier plan. Quelles sont les effets de cette “nanification” de Pluton sur son statut astrologique ? Faut-il remettre en question son influence et ses significations astro-psychologiques qui semblaient avérées depuis sa découverte en 1930 ? Les “plutoniens” ont-ils cessé d’exister depuis cette décision charlatanesque ? Ce livre pose également le problème des astres transplutoniens nouvellement découverts. Quel statut astrologique et quelles influences et significations précises leur accorder ?

Enfin, cet ouvrage propose une vision unitaire du système solaire qui démontre, chiffes et arguments rationnels à l’appui, que Pluton en est toujours un élément essentiel, ce qui est loin d’être le cas pour les autres astres au-delà de son orbite. Après avoir lu ce livre, vous saurez quoi répondre à ceux qui pensent avoir trouvé, avec l’exclusion de Pluton du cortège planétaire traditionnel, un nouvel argument contre l’astrologie !

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