AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Sagittarius in the R.E.T.
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of planetary families in a zodiac Sign. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by planetary families in a Sign. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Zodiac theory and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Sagittarius “extensive R” (Sun-Mercury-Venus)

Sagittarius ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have a very broad open-mindedness and a great ease in making contacts in many areas and with very different people. From your point of view, provided that we have a minimum of points in common from the outset, there is no reason not to encourage all possible rapprochements in an atmosphere of relaxed understanding and spontaneous cooperation : all that is needed is to dynamically assimilate the habits and customs of the social milieu in which one finds oneself. Curious, charming and concerned about your social impact, you know how to engage enthusiastically in your encounters and disengage yourself with tact and relaxation. Tolerant and humanist, you see far and wide.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your bad times, you reject all limitation, all constraint, all security in the name of the absolute freedom to stroll according to your multiple desires, your eclectic curiosities, your changing centers of interest. In your sometimes pathetic desire to be a priori respected, recognized, admired by the most diverse people, you delude yourself about your own abilities and skills, exaggerate, overdo it, blow the wind. Your smiling casualness badly hides appetites for power that you are unable to give yourself the means to as you are so undisciplined and versatile. Contradictory and sometimes incoherent, you are able to support the most opposing points of view at the same time.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Sagittarius “extensive E” (Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Sagittarius ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : with a contagious participatory enthusiasm, you like to take things head on and fearlessly launch an assault on facts to bend them to your will and your ambitions. Full of common sense, pragmatism and realism, you can carry out several activities that you coordinate easily thanks to your sense of organization and management. Teamwork stimulates your combative and accomplishing ardor : better than others, you know how to fully cooperate with others while remaining independent. Dynamic and constructive, you are not afraid to confront tangible realities which are a springboard for you to always go further…

▶ Your weaknesses : the seemingly inexhaustible energy you show to assault tangible realities actually has its limits, but you do not perceive them, carried away by your impetuous and reckless movement. Your common sense is too often overwhelmed by your taste for risky challenges, risky bets. You are tempted by a headlong rush into a disorderly activism that encourages you to neglect all tangible security, all lasting roots. The only master on board of your existence that you want unhindered, contemptuous of everyday problems, your unlimited expansionism risks bringing you many setbacks in your businesses if you do not learn to control yourself.

‘T’ family — Uranus-Neptune-Pluto: prospective imagination — extensive Transcendence

Sagittarius “extensive T” (Uranus-Neptune-Pluto)

Sagittarius ‘T’ family — Uranus-Neptune-Pluto: prospective imagination — extensive Transcendence Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big T in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Transcendence (prospective imagination) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-E in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-Representation-Existence (lack of communicative sociability & of pragmatic realism) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have qualities identical to those of a visionary or an inspired prophet : you see further and bigger than the others and do not hesitate to openly assert your points of view as surprising as they are stripped of all blinkers. Both open to others and fiercely independent, you have a synthetic and imaginative mind, a vast and multifaceted imagination that encourages you to break down all the barriers and taboos that imprison the human spirit, to take an interest in what brings people together beyond their social life and their material conditions of existence. Dynamic, bold and disconcerting, your behaviors dictated by your intuitions are unpredictable.

▶ Your weaknesses : you can unfortunately also have all the faults of a visionary who deludes himself about his own visions and cannot help imposing his delusions and his megalomaniac chimeras on those around him. Your imagination is too fertile, and your inflamed imagination deprives you of all common sense : caught in your trajectory which despises all instinct for self-preservation, you pursue your insane dreams of omnipotence with limitless stubbornness. Your sentimental and often pretentious intuitions take the place of realism and free you from any inclination to confront them with the stubborn reality of the facts. You may be tempted to play the extravagant gurus.

‘r’ family — Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: power of decision — intensive representation

Sagittarius “intensive r” (Sun-Jupiter-Uranus)

Sagittarius ‘r’ family — Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: power of decision — intensive representation Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Small r in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Intensive representation (resolute willpower) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-e, Non-t in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-existence-transcendence (lack of sensorial affectivity & of critical detachment) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have powerful ambitions and you do not hide it : you want to play an important social role, to belong to the elite, to the club of decision-makers, people recognized, respected and admired for their ability to take on heavy responsibilities. You are ready to be exemplary in all respects, to show others the route to follow, to enforce, in the name of the common good and the superior and demanding values that inhabit you, the laws and rules of the society in which you live. Voluntary, energetic, dynamic and loving unity, you are good at leading large groups. A master of public speaking, you easily find the words and formulas to simplify the most complex problems.

▶ Your weaknesses : despite the few firm principles that drive you, you risk being hostage to a real frenzy of power and domination that can lead you to be excessively opportunistic and to eat at all the racks to satisfy your ambitions. Authoritative and pompous, solemn and pretentious, you too often let your pride blind you. Too sure of yourself and inflated with your own importance, you risk experiencing many setbacks in your oversized projects by dint of making risky, cookie-cutter decisions, for the simple pleasure of imposing your mark on events and to demonstrate how superbly you are capable of ignoring the weight of concrete circumstances.

‘e’ family — Venus-Mars-Neptune: affective sensoriality — intensive existence

Sagittarius “intensive e” (Venus-Mars-Neptune)

Sagittarius ‘e’ family — Venus-Mars-Neptune: affective sensoriality — intensive existence Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Small e in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Intensive existence (sensorial affectivity) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-t in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-representation-transcendence (lack of resolute willpower & of critical detachment) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are looking for a vast emotional sharing with the world around you and the beings that populate it. Your broad and generous affectivity, your unlimited sentimentality encourage you to feel concerned by everything that is happening around you and to react to it with your heart and your guts. Your power of compassion is almost unlimited, your moods fiery. You want to live intensely and share this intense experience with others, bring together desires, bring bodies and hearts to fraternize in an agreement devoid of any artifice. For you, nothing is true except what touches you, shakes you, moves you, makes you shudder, gives you strong and invigorating sensations.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are too often intrusive by dint of manifesting, and constantly demanding of others, an affectionate presence at all times. As soon as you are touched, moved, upset, you lose all composure and all measure, and you devote yourself frantically to your feverish feelings, your excessive feelings, your intense and turbulent emotions, as if nothing could ever satiate your thirst for sensations. exhilarating, vibrant sharing of sensitivities. To be reasonable as soon as your heart is touched raw is for you an unbearable tutelage. You live under the dictatorship of your urgent desires, your variable moods, your crushes to which you never know how to say no.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Sagittarius “intensive t” (Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Sagittarius ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are characterized by a vast and perspicacious cerebrality which pushes you to constantly seek what is hidden behind the speeches and the apparent phenomena. Curious and skeptical, you are drawn to all the complexities and unknowns in the world around you. Nothing ever seems to be able to satisfy your thirst to understand beings, things and situations in depth, to elucidate their enigmas, to penetrate their mysteries. Ready to cooperate with others without having any illusions but resistant to any influence, you are skilful and cunning in your audacious reasoning, your subtle and nuanced analyzes which often open up new and disturbing perspectives.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your bad times, you are haunted by a feeling of deep and absolute absurdity that attacks with frenzy all the values, all the ideals, all the reassuring norms. You exaggerate in sarcasm, denigration, systematic demolition, as if no one should be free from your own doubts, anxieties and dissatisfactions. Your unlimited skepticism adheres to nothing, not even the most concrete evidence : you live in a world where everything is illusion and where nothing is worth anything. Lost in your multiplicities, you want to believe and make people believe, with overly abstract and twisted reasoning, that everything is also your opposite.

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power

Sagittarius “extensive P” (Sun-Mars-Pluto)

Sagittarius ‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive Power Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big P in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Power (organizing-conservative authority) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-p in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Deficiency of intensive power (lack of receptive flexibility & of ability to let go) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are distinguished by a determined character who sees far, big and wide and a desire for power that you want to federate, unify, unify. In short, you are not one of those who thrive on petty ambitions and, to establish your domination in your sphere of reference, you know whether to show yourself to be as combative as accommodating or ready for intrigue in order to succeed in carrying out extensive summaries. Imperative, active and coldly determined, you have the soul of a missionary ready to dedicate yourself concretely to your cause provided it allows you to enhance yourself and transform this mission into an empire. Being orderly, concretely efficient and fair, your overall vision prevents you from getting lost in the details.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your desire for control over the world and over others, you see too far, too big and too broad, to such an extent that your desire for power is freed from all internal and external limitations. Intoxicated by your thirst for greatness, you cannot bear to be resisted and consider that whatever your exalted unreason, you must obey without question the decisions you make without appeal, assent to your aggressive outbursts and take your delusions of interpretation. for common sense reasoning. Also beware of your big tendency to mishmash which can encourage you to prefer enemies who pretend to accede to your four wishes, to friends who are precisely critical of you : it’s dangerous…

‘p’ family — Moon: homogeneous wholeness — intensive power

Sagittarius “intensive p” (Moon)

Sagittarius ‘p’ family — Moon: homogeneous wholeness — intensive power Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Small p in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Intensive power (receptive flexibility, ability to let go) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-P in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Deficiency of extensive Power (lack of organizing-conservative authority) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : completely and widely open to the world around you, plastic, welcoming and without prejudice, you have the gift of feeling at ease in the most different environments and of adapting to them peacefully without it requiring the slightest effort. Reconciling beyond all limits, your tolerance and your availability towards others are infinite provided that you evolve in a calm and harmonious atmosphere. You feel intimately and deeply that you belong to the vast world around you, with which you experience total communion, a peaceful fusion. Spontaneously humanistic, the state of euphoria and blissful completeness in which you most often bathe is contagious for those around you.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are much too malleable and much too dependent on the environment in which you evolve and from which you have the greatest difficulty in differentiating yourself by dint of being unable to close yourself to it. Your unbridled receptivity pushes you to assimilate, accept, digest everything without discernment : you risk being too suggestive, too easily influenced. You often lack your own identity as you seek with others a perfect agreement excluding any expression of your individual particularities. Naive and impressionable, you abandon yourself with gentle passivity to your dream of a marvelous world in which you could bathe free from all constraints, all disciplines and all limits.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Sagittarius in natural astrology
▶ The Sagittarius on video

▶ Aries-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Taurus-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Gemini-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Cancer-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Leo-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Virgo-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Libra-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Scorpio-Sagittarius : similarities and differences
▶ Sagittarius-Capricorn : similarities and differences
▶ Sagittarius-Aquarius : similarities and differences
▶ Sagittarius-Pisces : similarities and differences

Le petit livre du Sagittaire

par Richard Pellard

49 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

Interprétation du Sagittaire selon la symbolique classique et selon ses réflexes dans le zodiaque naturel (force, vitesse, équilibre) ; interprétation du Sagittaire en fonction des planètes dominantes ; le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

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