AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Mercury Virgo
Mercury in Virgo
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the combination between a zodiac Sign and a planetary family. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by the different combinations zodiac Signs and planetary families. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages, and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme. To find out which Planets and which Signs are dominant in your birth chart, do not hesitate to visit our website and build your free mini-astrological portrait thanks to our software Astrosoft.


A detailed interpretation of the meanings of a dominant Mercury in Virgo will soon be available on our website. In the meantime, we offer you the interpretation sections below. The first one begins by summarizing the meanings of a dominant Mercury (without Sign): the characteristics of the Planet in itself prevail indeed over the characteristics of the Planet in Sign.

The two subsequent sections give an overview of the combinations between Planets and Signs by associating Virgo on the one hand with the R.E.T. characteristics of Mercury on the other hand : Extensive representation (‘R’) and intensive transcendence (‘t’). Keep in mind that these texts are only valid when the relevant R.E.T. families are dominant as a whole : Sun-Venus-Mercury for the ‘R’ family and Mercury-Saturn-Pluto for the ‘t’ family. To deduce the characteristics associated with Mercury alone, you will have to disregard the characteristics associated with the Sun and Venus for the ‘R’ family, as well as the characteristics associated with Saturn and Pluto for the ‘t’ family.

The mercurian profile

Mercure ‘tR’ : ‘R’ sociabilité spontanée ► ‘t’ esprit critique Famille ‘R’ — Soleil-Vénus-Mercure : sociabilité spontanée — Représentation extensiveExtensive representation : You are an all-around sociable person, eager for varied encounters, for multiple contacts, always ready to engage in dialogue with others for the simple pleasure of communication. People interest you straightaway by their diversity, and your human curiosity is aroused by detecting the slightest sign that facilitates getting in touch. Playful, relaxed, receptive, your mind always on the move, sometimes uncatchable through your zigzags and your twirls, you are keen to remain free to start and leave the conversation whenever you please, to feel that you aren’t tied to anything or anybody. Basically, if you like chatting and communicating, you do it for fun, just to see, without ever really getting involved in your words or taking yourself seriously. Fundamentally open-minded to the others, having nothing to prove or to demonstrate, you infinitely multiply the facets of your own character and you make it your duty to be always changeable, ready to make new connections and to welcome new points of view with pleasure, curiosity and interest.

Famille ‘t’ — Mercure-Saturne-Pluton : esprit critique — transcendance intensiveIntensive transcendence : You are spontaneously open to the unknown and the unforeseeable. Distrustful towards definitive certainties, accepted theories, thought habits, and so-called sacrosanct principles, you know that the truth is multiple and that it should always be sought beyond appearances, by tracking down the slightest clues that can point towards it. For you any explanation that is meant to be unique is necessarily unsatisfying, and you never refrain yourself from criticizing or ridiculing those who claim having understood everything. Your immense and unquenchable inquisitiveness incites you to multiply your centers of interest and your fields of discovery, so that your thought doesn’t idle in a too well-known or a too dwelled-upon routine. You can occasionally be ironic, acerbic, mocking : it’s for you a way to keep away from excessive seriousness. You know how to take a wide step back from all your involvements and how to preserve your freedom to change your mind, to alter your way of thinking at any time.

Virgo ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Sociable-communicative Virgo

▶ Your strengths : you have an ultra-selective and very particular sociability. Open, available and charming towards those who interest you and above all find you interesting, you know how to close yourself opportunely and effectively to those who you think have nothing to offer you. You instinctively perceive that any communication between beings is necessarily inscribed within certain limits to which you willingly comply : if you know how to assault charm, curiosity and interest for those who correspond to you best, you also know how to protect yourself by firm, timely and precise refusals from intruders with whom you are immediately convinced that you have nothing to do or say.

▶ Your weaknesses : despite your openness to others, you are too often choosy when it comes to social contacts. You admit only those who admit you and understand only those who understand you. Amiable, interesting, funny and playful with some, you show yourself to be self-effacing, compressed, ultra-limited or at the very least completely indifferent with others. When you feel misunderstood, you make no effort to address it and panic when called upon. Your main problem is to be completely allergic to this and those who tell you nothing at first, to wonder beyond all reason if you are not mistaken in playing the role that is closely yours.

Virgo ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Critical-aloof Virgo

▶ Your strengths : you have a very strong capacity for in-depth reflection. Gifted with subtle and nuanced analyses, cunning and lucid, you have no illusions about anything or anyone. The caustic irony that you most often show allows you to keep others at a distance and to protect you from any influence. Your defensive skepticism encourages you to get rid of the accessory, the apparent to go to the essential, which for you is always hidden, you, to discover. Your deep and systematic dissatisfaction makes you a perfectionist ; you are unparalleled in detecting flaws in reasoning and in dismantling impostures with ruthless thoroughness.

▶ Your weaknesses : quibbler, fussy, hair-cutter, you too often exercise your sterile criticism on everything that comes within reach of your tormented and complicated mind. Entrenched within your secrets, you only come out of your anguished silences to make sibylline and disjointed remarks. Your fragmented thought decomposes everything to excess. By dissecting too much, cerebralizing, intellectualizing, analyzing, reducing beings, things and situations to disembodied abstractions, you forget to live. At bottom fearful, alarmist, full of doubts that gnaw at you and prone to self-deprecation, your suspicious nature too often succumbs to the mania of persecution.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ The mercurian function ‘tR’ (transcendence of Representation)
▶ Mercurian stage (from 1 to 3 months old) : the age of communication
▶ The Mercurian on video

▶ Sun-Mercury-Venus : extensive Representation
▶ Mercury-Saturn-Pluto : intensive transcendence
▶ Dès deux mois, le réseau du langage est en marche
▶ L’Esprit Mercure de C.G. Jung : une leçon de symbolisme
▶ Virgo
▶ Virgo in natural astrology
▶ La Vierge mythologique
▶ La Vierge dans “La Condition solaire”
▶ “Summer” Signs

▶ Signe solaire et Signe Ascendant
▶ Astrologie, adaptation & inadaptation
▶ Change-t-on de caractère en changeant de Signe solaire ?

▶ The astronomical reality of the zodiac
▶ The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
▶ Zodiaque et sphère locale
▶ The human reflexology zodiac

Les significations planétaires

par Richard Pellard

620 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

La décision de ne traiter dans ce livre que des significations planétaires ne repose pas sur une sous-estimation du rôle des Signes du zodiaque et des Maisons. Le traditionnel trio Planètes-Zodiaque-Maisons est en effet l’expression d’une structure qui classe ces trois plans selon leur ordre de préséance et dans ce triptyque hiérarchisé, les Planètes occupent le premier rang.

La première partie de ce livre rassemble donc, sous une forme abondamment illustrée de schémas pédagogiques et tableaux explicatifs, une édition originale revue, augmentée et actualisée des textes consacrés aux significations planétaires telles qu’elles ont été définies par l’astrologie conditionaliste et une présentation détaillée des méthodes de hiérarchisation planétaire et d’interprétation accompagnées de nombreux exemples concrets illustrés par des Thèmes de célébrités.

La deuxième partie est consacrée, d’une part à une présentation critique des fondements traditionnels des significations planétaires, d’autre part à une présentation des rapports entre signaux et symboles, astrologie et psychologie. Enfin, la troisième partie présente brièvement les racines astrométriques des significations planétaires… et propose une voie de sortie de l’astrologie pour accéder à une plus vaste dimension noologique et spirituelle qui la prolonge et la contient.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

Le petit livre de la Vierge

par Richard Pellard

49 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

Interprétation de la Vierge selon la symbolique classique et selon ses réflexes dans le zodiaque naturel (force, vitesse, équilibre) ; interprétation de la Vierge en fonction des planètes dominantes ; le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

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