AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

The planetary couples
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The planets whose R.E.T. are inverses form pairs of complementary-opposites: the source level (‘R’, ‘E’ or ‘T’ of one) is the target level (‘r’, ‘e’ or ‘t’ of the other), which constitutes a “crazy circle” or vicious circle in feedback integral. When one of the members of the duo dominates in a chart, it is important to carefully analyze the situation and the strength of the second.

Couple Venus-Jupiter

Venus ‘eR’ ↔ Jupiter ‘rE’ Venus ‘eR’ ↔ Jupiter ‘rE’ Venus JupiterWhile the formula R.E.T. of Venus is “existence of Representation”, that of Jupiter is “representation of Existence”. Through the venusian function, words and images (‘R’ source level) provoke affective and sensory reactions (‘e’ target level).

By the jupiterian function on the contrary, it is a question of expressing by words and images (‘r’ target level) what one has felt, lived, experienced (‘E’ source level). Venus moves from words and images to experience and feeling, while Jupiter moves from experience and feeling to words and images. The Venusian is more at ease in the language of complicity, in an emotional relationship; the Jupiterian is more at ease in codified language, in an official relationship.

Couple Mercury-Uranus

Mercury ‘tR’ ↔ Uranus ‘rT’ Mercury ‘tR’ ↔ Uranus ‘rT’ Mercury UranusWhile the R.E.T. formula of Mercury is “transcendence of Representation”, that of Uranus is “representation of Transcendence”. Through the mercurian function, words and images (‘R’ source level) provoke questions and open up to the unknown (‘t’ target level).

By the uranian function on the contrary, it is a question of expressing by words and images (‘r’ target level) what is complex and unknown (‘T’ source level). Mercury complicates the simple, while Uranus simplifies the complex. The hyper-relaxed Mercurian is more at home in the world of assumptions, open communication, “to see”; the hyper-tense Uranian is more at ease in the world of codified theories, of directed communication.

Saturn-Neptune couple

Saturn ‘tE’ ↔ Neptune ‘eT’ Saturn ‘tE’ ↔ Neptune ‘eT’ Saturn NeptuneWhile the R.E.T. formula of Saturn is “transcendence of Existence”, that of Neptune is “existence of Transcendence”. Through the saturnian function, experience and feeling (‘E’ source level) provoke questions and open up to the unknown (‘t’ target level).

By the neptunian function on the contrary, it is a question of expressing by feelings and affective reactions (‘e’ target level) what is complex and unknown (‘T’ source level). Saturn multiplies experiences in an attempt to grasp the hidden purpose, while Neptune determines itself in its experience according to non-obvious purposes. The Saturnian passes from the abstract to the concrete, the Neptunian from the abstract to the concrete; the first searches and tests obscurely, the second partially reveals and discovers.

Couple Sun-Pluto

Sun ‘P’ ↔ Pluto ‘P’ Sun ‘P’ ↔ Pluto ‘P’ Sun PlutoWhile the R.E.T. of Sun is “representation of Representation”, that of Pluto is “transcendence of Transcendence”. By the solar function, everything is clear, simple, obvious, elucidated, explained and explainable: words and images are spontaneously significant.

By the plutonian function, on the contrary, everything is obscure, complex, obvious, strange, unexplained or inexplicable: words and images are for Pluto spontaneously insignificant. The Sun only lends faith to the visible and Pluto only to the invisible. The Sun is central, in light and Pluto is marginal, in shadow. When one affirms and reaffirms and sticks to their certainties, the other denies and denies and sticks to their uncertainties.

Couple Moon-Mars

Moon ‘p’ ↔ Mars ‘P’ Moon ‘p’ ↔ Mars ‘P’ Moon MarsWhile the R.E.T. formula of Mars is “existence of Existence” (maintenance and renewal of duo-duels, divisions, separations), that of the moon is to maintain and renew the homogeneity, the cohesion, the non-separability of a whole.

Through the marsian function, we seek confrontation, in an abrupt relationship with beings and things and situations; through the lunar function, one seeks harmonious fusion, the absence of duality and conflict, peaceful sweetness. Where the Mars function pushes towards realism, direct action and even adventure, the lunar function pushes towards reverie, laissez-faire, routine daily life.

The axis of symmetry “marsian” circular or diamond diagrams of the R.E.T. implies the existence of two other pairs: the “incoming” (Venus and Neptune, ‘e’ target level) and the “outgoing” (Jupiter and Saturn, ‘E’ target level) of the central ‘E’ level.

Couple Jupiter-Saturn

Jupiter ‘rE’ ↔ Saturn ‘tE’ Jupiter ‘rE’ ↔ Saturn ‘tE’ Jupiter SaturnWhile Jupiter function aims to simplify (‘r’ target level) the Existence, the saturnian function aims to complicate or complexify it (‘t’ target level).

Where lived experiences push the “Jupiterian” to extrovert and display his successes and his certainties, the same experiences encourage the “Saturnian” to practice introversion and dig into your failures and doubts. Despite their common belonging to the “big E” family, the jupiterian and saturnian functions are extremely divergent as their purposes are opposed when it comes to the treatment to be given to lived and experimental realities. The dissonant Aspects underline these divergences.

Couple Venus-Neptune

Venus ‘eR’ ↔ Neptune ‘eT’ Venus ‘eR’ ↔ Neptune ‘eT’ Venus NeptuneWhile venusian function aims to give a sensitive dimension, a vibrant body to the words and images that constitute its source level of information, the neptunian function aims to make the unspeakable and the unimaginable tangible.

If the “Venusian” and the “Neptunian” converge towards the same ‘e’ target level (the intensity of the experience, of the feeling, of the affective reactions), they do so from source levels so opposite that this perceptual intensity is a source of disorder and turbulence that is difficult to control. One (Venus) seeks to make external images exist, the other (Neptune) internal visions. The dissonant Aspects underline these divergences.

Note that the fact that each of these planetary pairs belongs to the same R.E.T. (‘E’ for Jupiter-Saturn, ‘e’ for Venus-Neptune) strengthens their links of complementarity with respect to what opposes them. This is also the case for the Sun-Pluto couple, whose two members belong to the same family ‘P’ (“Extensive power”). But in the event of strong and poorly integrated dissonance between members of these couples, what opposes them clearly outweighs what unites them.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
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