“p-eE” issue (intensive power & existence of Existence). How to blend a homogeneous wholeness (Moon ‘p’) with maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’)? How to operate together a receptive casualness and a pressing need for action? How to intimately own being frank and realistic? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘r’ (decisive willpower), ‘T’ (prospective imagination) and (...)
“Big P” issue (extensive Power). How to blend maintaining the absolute unique (Sun ‘rR’) with maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’)? How to operate together a passionate involvement and a pressing need for action? How to maintain one’s certainties while staying frank and realistic? This aspect excludes levels ‘T’ (prospective imagination) and ‘t’ (cold critical thinking).
Consonant (consonant (...)
“tR-eE” issue (transcendance of Representation & existence of Existence). How to blend switching from the unique to the multiple (Mercury ‘tR’) with maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’)? How to operate together a scattered curiosity and a pressing need for action? How to stay flippant while being frank and realistic? This aspect excludes levels ‘r’ (decisive willpower) and ‘T’ (prospective (...)
“Small e” issue (intensive existence). How to blend switching from the unique to the duo-duel (Venus ‘eR’) with maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’)? How to operate together a skin-deep sentimentality and a pressing need for action? How to stay charming and appealing while being frank and realistic? This aspect excludes levels ‘r’ (decisive willpower), ‘T’ (prospective imagination) and ‘t’ (cold (...)
“Big E” issue (extensive Existence). How to blend maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’) with switching from the duo-duel to the unique (Jupiter ‘rE’)? How to operate together a pressing need for action and an ambitious pragmatism? How to stay frank and realistic while building an exemplary way of life? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘T’ (prospective imagination) and ‘t’ (...)
“Big E” issue (extensive Existence). How to blend maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’) with switching from the duo-duel to the multiple (Saturn ‘tE’)? How to operate together a pressing need for action and an experimental scepticism? How to stay frank and realistic while pondering the complexities of experience? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘r’ (decisive willpower) (...)
“eE-rT” issue (existence of Existence & representation of Transcendance). How to blend maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’) with switching from the multiple to the unique (Uranus ‘rT’)? How to operate together a pressing need for action and an uncompromising voluntarism? How to stay frank and realistic while asserting one’s intuitive convictions? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative (...)
“Small e” issue (intensive existence). How to blend maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’) with switching from the multiple to the duo-duel (Neptune ‘eT’)? How to operate together a pressing need for action and unpredictable moods? How to stay frank and realistic while experiencing strange sensations? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability), ‘r’ (decisive willpower) and ‘t’ (cold (...)
“Big P” issue (extensive Power). How to blend maintaining duos and duels (Mars ‘eE’) with maintaining the absolute multiple (Pluto ‘tT’)? How to operate together a pressing need for action and maximum aloofness? How to be frank and realistic while staying inscrutable? This aspect excludes levels ‘R’ (communicative sociability) and ‘r’ (decisive willpower).
Consonant (consonant conjunction, trine, (...)
Consonant Mars-Moon aspect (conjunction, trine, sextile)
You live intensely and energetically your relationship of osmosis with the world and its inhabitants. Combative, determined, ardent, you expend your energy without counting the cost to strengthen the bonds of solidarity that bind you to your environment. To feel good about yourself, you must constantly try new experiences, (...)
Dissonant Mars-Moon aspect (conjunction, opposition, square)
If and when Mars dominates : you oppose a brutal and restless activism to all forms of tranquility, harmony and peace. You go from irritation to irritation, and you feel constantly obliged to shake those and those around you lest they abandon themselves comfortably to dream or serene contemplation. You exhaust yourself in (...)
Dissonant Mars-Moon aspect (conjunction, opposition, square)
If and when the Moon dominates : for you, the pinnacle of harmony and wholeness is to do nothing. Tired in advance at the idea of having to confront the world harshly, you prefer to take refuge in a daily routine without roughness and without relief, in a bubble of sweetness which, you hope, will protect you from harsh (...)