AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

“Extensive E” family in Signs
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
The extensive Existence of the R.E.T. in the zodiac

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the planetary family in a zodiac Sign. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by a planetary family in a Sign. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Aries “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Aries ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Aries

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S+, Q+, SO”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w−, sl−, EP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : realistic and dynamic, you are a go-getter, an activist who is stimulated by obstacles. Enterprising and pragmatic, you launch an assault on existence with a great appetite for building something solid. Snappy and feisty but thoughtful and organised, you like nothing more than hectic situations that force you to take matters into your own hands, to confront the facts, to take advantage of tangible opportunities as they arise. to you. Energetic and hardworking, you have a pioneering mentality always ready to clear new territories. You are at the highest point a tireless man in the field, a supporter of clear-cut choices struck at the corner of common sense.

▶ Your weaknesses : your untimely activism and “getting into it”, your systematically offensive or aggressive stances and your tendency to crash into obstacles rather than circumvent them risk earning you many enemies and setbacks. You always have something urgent to do, at the risk of having difficulty planning your long-term activities, of running out of patience. Your anger is vindictive, your impatience growling. Incapable of forgetting, of indifference, you react with impetuosity and anger to provocations, accusing your enemies as well as your well-meaning friends of preventing you from acting as you see fit, deaf to the advice of prudence, moderation and balance.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Taurus “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Taurus ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Taurus

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S−, Q+, SP”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in recovering inhibition Strength, negative induction, excitation Quickness, sense of Proportions

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w+, sl−, PP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in recreating excitation weakness, inhibition inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : patient, enduring, director, you are the type who takes the… bull by the horns with great ardor coupled with wise caution. you want to build something solid, stable, durable, protected from the trials of time and the vagaries of chance. A stubborn and pragmatic worker, you know how to set practical goals and stick to them, while being realistic enough to take advantage of the slightest opportunity that does not stray too far from the line you have set for yourself. Your skeptical but active common sense leads you to think that nothing is ever certain, that you must always carefully consolidate your positions before undertaking new projects, new actions.

▶ Your weaknesses : you are so down-to-earth, so prosaically pragmatic that you are often “heavyweight”. Prisoner of your needy, laborious, rehashing furrow, enemy of all fantasy, nothing else seems to interest you apart from what you do or could do, what you could gain or lose materially. Only your concrete interests seem to count for you : for the rest, you show yourself to be narrow-minded, hard, impracticable, devoid of any imagination and any openness to the world, which you contemplate through wary loopholes. To exist is for you an exhausting labor to which you devote, without complaining but without real passion, all your strength.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Gemini “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Gemini ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Gemini

Adjusted formula: “Big R in S+, Q+, SS”

▶ Extensive Representation (communicative sociability) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-E, Non-T in w−, sl−, UP”

▶ Non-Existence-Transcendence (lack of pragmatic realism & of prospective imagination) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : having a lot to do and taking life in all its facets and dimensions excites you. Pragmatic, realistic, thoughtful and hyper-adaptable to all circumstances, to all unpredictable changes in situations, you have a contagious and unifying dynamism. In all your many activities, you strive to be versatile with a seemingly inexhaustible energy and the talents of a one-man band as gifted for reflection, organization as for direct action. Facing tangible realities with common sense and courage is for you an inexhaustible source of discoveries and experiences that galvanize you.

▶ Your weaknesses : you get agitated and act too much in all directions and on all terrains, and too often in a messy, contradictory, feverish way, and you do not know how to say no often enough to the opportunities for action that circumstances offer you. By wanting too much to do and organize a thousand things at once, you mix up genres and activities until you are exhausted and exhaust those around you. Impatient, impulsive, always on the go, you can become aggressive when someone tries to limit your power to act concretely on things. Your disorderly, overflowing and invasive dynamism irresistibly brings to mind the proverb “Who graps all, looses”.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Cancer “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Cancer ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Cancer

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S−, Sl+, SS”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w+, q−, UP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you know how to delimit your field of action to make your efforts more effective. Patient, tenacious, cautious, organized, you do nothing before having carefully surveyed your territory to protect yourself from chance and correctly assessed your real capacities to manage the situations with which you are confronted. Your realism is both enterprising and defensive : you only launch into new actions when you are sure you can master the circumstances. Pragmatic and combative, you are nevertheless extremely thoughtful, master your taste for concrete activities and your material ambitions and tirelessly strengthen your achievements against the outside world.

▶ Your weaknesses : you tend to refuse to open up to anything that is not your own experience, your personal field of experience, your distrustful pragmatism, which no doubt makes it difficult to communicate easily with people who are very different from yourself. Everything that is not solid, tangible, measurable, acts on you like a repellent : you cook yourself in an anxious and defensive activism as if you never accumulated enough concrete securities to feel protected against the blows of fate. You spend so much time protecting the fruit of your efforts that you neglect many interesting opportunities. And since you would never want to miss anything, you are perpetually unsatisfied.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Leo “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Leo ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Leo

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S+, Sl+, SP”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in unblocking excitation Strength, positive induction, excitation Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w−, q−, PP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in differentiating inhibition weakness, inhibition lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are always ready to courageously take up all the challenges imposed on you by circumstances, especially the most adverse ones. From your point of view, no difficulty of existence can be overcome as long as we want it and act with voluntarism. The world of facts is for you a territory of conquest where you advance with as much audacity, pragmatism as determination. Combative and organized, you are ready to break through all the limitations and obstacles to your need to undertake. Constantly experimenting with new situations fascinates you and you show unassailable self-confidence when it comes to confronting yourself with the concrete world.

▶ Your weaknesses : reckless and impulsive, you are too abrupt, too whole in your way of reacting to the circumstances with which you are confronted. Where it would take tactical finesse, the subtlety of a goldsmith to triumph in your endeavors, you too often behave like a bulldozer, an elephant in a china shop. The fear that events will escape you, that circumstances will resist you, arouses in you an excessive activism and interventionism motivated by the panic fear of being deprived, dispossessed of your needs for triumphant action. If your combativeness remains intact, you too often give in to bluster and opportunism for fear of not being in the game.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Virgo “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Virgo ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Virgo

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S−, Sl+, SO”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w+, q−, EP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : as soon as you act and take matters into your own hands, you could not be more organized, controlled, disciplined. Pragmatic and realistic, you do everything possible to leave absolutely nothing to chance. You know too well what circumstances have imperative limits to believe that everything is won in advance : “One good hold is better than two you get.” In your ceaseless and enterprising activity to domesticate and master the material universe, you set yourself narrow and constraining limits to be effective without fail. With your fighting spirit and your common sense, you know how to save your efforts and control your activist outbursts : you never know.

▶ Your weaknesses : you sin by excessive desire that everything that happens happens as you have determined, planned and ordered according to your too narrow and too functionalist common sense. Your heavily realistic and reflective nature tends too much to consider the opportunities for action that present themselves to you as useless temptations. You only see the concrete problems that arise for you through the small end of the telescope, prisoner of your excessive mistrust and the panic fear into which any idea of adventure without a net, of risk without tangible counterpart, throws you. Excessively realistic and cautious, your needy common sense lacks offensive audacity.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Libra “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Libra ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Libra

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S+, Q−, SO”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w−, sl+, EP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : enterprising, energetic and pragmatic, you possess the art of opportune choices and profitable associations to the highest degree. Your thoughtful and ambitious combativeness is based on a good ability to negotiate concrete common ground with your partners as well as with your opponents. While being capable of bold initiatives, you remain cautious in your choices, always ready to reconsider them if the facts, the obstacles, the fluctuations of circumstances oblige you to do so momentarily. Diplomat and not afraid to get your hands dirty, you have no difficulty uniting around you active goodwill to achieve your tangible objectives.

▶ Your weaknesses : despite or because of your messy pragmatism, your impulsive activism, you find it difficult to consolidate your back, to ensure the sustainability of what you are undertaking. Because you do not want to miss any good or less good opportunity that presents itself, you excessively neglect to set the limiting framework for your many activities and your taste for organization that would make them more effective. you risk unreasonably persisting in pursuing experiments that seem doomed to failure. Perhaps you also suffer from a certain difficulty in making the right choices at the right time, torn as you are between the short and the long term, pure action and wise and prudent management.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Scorpio “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Scorpio ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Scorpio

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S−, Q−, SP”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in differentiating inhibition Strength, negative induction, inhibition Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w+, sl+, PP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in unblocking excitation weakness, excitation inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have an almost infallible sense of opportunity : you know how to recognize the moments when you need to deploy with optimal efficiency and precision your qualities of realism, pragmatism and combativeness, and do not be afraid to go to contrary to common opinion. In the name of the demanding common sense that characterizes you, you do not hesitate to oppose with virulence and aplomb the incompetent, to accuse of laxity those who do not dare to confront unpleasant situations and facts directly, to operate the ruptures that circumstances dictate. Gifted for the judicious attack, you are also gifted for the vigilant defense of what you stubbornly build.

▶ Your weaknesses : you have such a personal and demanding conception of your concrete conditions of existence that you seem unable to share them with anyone, and still more unable to free yourself from them. Your combativeness, however real, is anchored in a disillusioned fatalism which encourages you to think that it is impossible for you to get out of the rut in which you have gotten yourself into by dint of refusing any compromise, any facility. The sense of absurdity that you often feel in no way prevents you from persevering in your stubborn desire to claim yourself as the one and only master of your actions. Your susceptibility, your assertive aggressiveness are likely to earn you many enemies.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Sagittarius “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Sagittarius ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : with a contagious participatory enthusiasm, you like to take things head on and fearlessly launch an assault on facts to bend them to your will and your ambitions. Full of common sense, pragmatism and realism, you can carry out several activities that you coordinate easily thanks to your sense of organization and management. Teamwork stimulates your combative and accomplishing ardor : better than others, you know how to fully cooperate with others while remaining independent. Dynamic and constructive, you are not afraid to confront tangible realities which are a springboard for you to always go further…

▶ Your weaknesses : the seemingly inexhaustible energy you show to assault tangible realities actually has its limits, but you do not perceive them, carried away by your impetuous and reckless movement. Your common sense is too often overwhelmed by your taste for risky challenges, risky bets. You are tempted by a headlong rush into a disorderly activism that encourages you to neglect all tangible security, all lasting roots. The only master on board of your existence that you want unhindered, contemptuous of everyday problems, your unlimited expansionism risks bringing you many setbacks in your businesses if you do not learn to control yourself.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Capricorn “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Capricorn ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Capricorn

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S−, Sl−, SS”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w+, q+, UP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : in all circumstances, you show inflexible realism, unalterable common sense and a pragmatism that is definitely immune to any procrastination. The essential thing is for you to fully dispose of all the means necessary for an organized and persevering action to manage and organize, without weakness or distraction, your material conditions of existence. Resistant, dry, distrustful, coldly determined, impassive in the face of obstacles and adversity, relentless in your obstinate refusal of laissez-faire, you deploy all your efforts to make your existence a rigorously structured mechanism at the service of your needs to build solid and durable.

▶ Your weaknesses : in the event of a sudden, unforeseen and brutal reversal of the situation, you most of the time find it difficult to react with the speed required by the circumstances : you are too good at slouching and waiting for the storms to calm down. No doubt you are also too systematic, too inflexible in the way you take things head-on, too solitary in the way you confront people, things and situations. You thus find yourself singularly isolated when the time comes for the trials that you make it a point of honor to face alone, refusing all outside help and assistance. It is the ransom of your independence of action.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Aquarius “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Aquarius ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Aquarius

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S+, Sl−, SP”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in recreating excitation Strength, positive induction, inhibition Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w−, q+, PP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in recovering inhibition weakness, excitation lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you immediately perceive what the concrete situations that you like to confront directly have promise. Realistic, energetic and pragmatic, organized action is for you a viaticum that allows you to shake off all sclerosis, to refuse all fatalities. Where others perceive situations frozen and hopeless, you only see stimulating opportunities to build something new and solid : no obstacle seems insurmountable to you, and no failure, no difficulty puts you off. your active, combative and invigorating voluntarism encourages you to launch bold and daring initiatives that are nevertheless struck at the corner of common sense mixed with innovative reflections.

▶ Your weaknesses : too often seized by a real frenzy of action and achievement, you tend to overwork yourself, at the risk of wasting your energy reserves too quickly. Your hatred of routine encourages you to quickly lose interest in what you have begun to undertake to throw yourself back into other fights, other conquests that galvanize you more, often even if it means that you have trouble shooting enjoy the fruits of your realism. Messy and disorderly, subject to sudden and untimely reactions despite your common sense, you dangerously minimize the obstacles placed in your way and place too blind faith in your power to take concrete action on things.

‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence

Pisces “Extensive Existence” (“Big E”: Mars-Jupiter-Saturn)

Pisces ‘E’ family — Jupiter-Mars-Saturn: sense of concrete — extensive Existence Pisces

Adjusted formula: “Big E in S−, Sl−, SO”

▶ Extensive Existence (pragmatic realism) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-R, Non-T in w+, q+, EP”

▶ Non-Representation-Transcendence (lack of communicative sociability & of prospective imagination) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are above all an unrepentant pragmatist, a realist who does not intend to be distracted by anything that is foreign to the action you undertake and execute effectively. Without losing your common sense, you claim total freedom of appreciation as to your personal judgment on the facts and tangible circumstances, which allows you to organize your life as you wish, taking into account the constraints imposed on you. the facts but with absolute indifference to opinions outside your own. Energetic, thoughtful and combative, you know how to eliminate false dilemmas to better seize, without betraying yourself, the opportunities available to you.

▶ Your weaknesses : when you are confronted with concrete situations that are too turbulent, too mobile, too unpredictable, you often find it difficult to adapt to them immediately : the haste throws you off your feet and having to improvise leaves you speechless, as if struck dumb. You then react with angry and impatient behavior, as if you had to correct a failure or a weakness at all costs, take revenge on a temporary drop in tone by assaulting activism and anxious pragmatism. Finally, one of your main problems could be in your tendency to believe that your acquired common sense can systematically apply to the most opposite situations.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Your zodiac Sign
▶ Signs and seasons
▶ Planetary trios in Signs
▶ The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
▶ The astronomical reality of the zodiac
▶ The human reflexology zodiac
▶ Autour du zodiaque : de l’eau dans un Signe de Feu ?
▶ Zodiaque et sphère locale
▶ Mythologie du zodiaque
▶ Zodiaque et formes de l’inhibition
▶ Change-t-on de caractère en changeant de Signe solaire ?
▶ Énergie-Espace-Temps-Structure et zodiaque
▶ Genèse du zodiaque conditionaliste
▶ L’horloge photopériodique du genou
▶ Signe solaire et Signe Ascendant
▶ Astrologie, adaptation & inadaptation

Le grand livre du zodiaque

par Richard Pellard

180 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

  • Le zodiaque des constellations : zodiaques suméro-chaldéens, origines du zodiaque, constellations et Signes, bestiaire de l’abbé Pluche, précession des équinoxes
  • Le zodiaque traditionnel : interprétation de la symbolique des 12 Signes
  • Du zodiaque traditionnel au naturel : ressemblances & dissemblances
  • Le zodiaque naturel : écliptique et bande zodiacale, zodiaque des déclinaisons & photopériodique
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes et de leurs réflexes : force, vitesse, équilibre
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes en fonction des planètes dominantes
  • Le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant

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