AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

“Intensive t” family in Signs
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger
The intensive transcendence of the R.E.T. in the zodiac

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the planetary family in a zodiac Sign. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by a planetary family in a Sign. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Aries “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Aries ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Aries

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Q+, SO”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, sl−, EP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you more than others tend to be “against all that is for, and for all that is against”. Your skeptical, critical and investigative mind very quickly sets in motion to seek the essential hidden behind false evidence and true appearances. Your vehement and provocative insight prefers to attack pretenses, conventional truths, doting models. Refractory and impetuous, you intend to preserve your freedom of thought against any conformism, any “unique thought”. You like to state untruths to destabilize those who are too sure of themselves and reject with an insidious and subtle violence the hypocrisies of the world.

▶ Your weaknesses : prisoner of your desperate lucidity, you may become incapable of getting along with anyone on any subject whatsoever : nothing finds favor in your eyes, everything is subject to questioning, questioning, systematic denigration. Whatever circumstances you face, you respond unilaterally only with cynical and destructive sneers or with aggressive and heavy silences. At worst, you persist in violently playing the role of the incorrigible misunderstood, the unintegrable pariah, the disturbing marginal who rejects everything that is offered to him, in the name of an absolute whose existence you doubt yourself. existence.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Taurus “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Taurus ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Taurus

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S−, Q+, SP”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in recovering inhibition Strength, negative induction, excitation Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w+, sl−, PP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in recreating excitation weakness, inhibition inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : It is difficult to wrest from you an approval, assent, a movement of frank acceptance in the face of what is proposed to you : you never depart from a skeptical circumspection, a thoughtful mistrust, a critical prudence. Whatever happens to you, whatever is said to you, you demand to see and observe the world around you with unindulgent insight. You don’t want to be fooled by empty talk, false promises, reassuring illusions. Worried, inquisitive, you look behind the scenes and are never satisfied with anything or anyone, neither yourself nor others. Fond of paradoxes and subtleties, you have a taste for deepening.

▶ Your weaknesses : refractory tendencies and “paranoid” of Taurus are pushed to the extreme here. You systematically split hairs, suspect everyone of veiled bad intentions, underground plots, unmentionable maneuvers. You only seem able to focus your attention on the bad side of things, complicate everything at your leisure, sometimes even getting lost in your riddles, finding yourself prisoner in your dead-end labyrinths. Pessimistic, disillusioned and hopeless, worried, anxious and perpetually dissatisfied, you endlessly dwell on your eternal unanswered questions and your anxieties that wall you in on yourself and prohibit all contact.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Gemini “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Gemini ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Gemini

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Q+, SS”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in expending excitation Strength, excitation Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, sl−, UP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in eliminating inhibition weakness, inhibition inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : multiple, complex, cerebral, you are never as gifted as when you juggle with abstractions, you throw hypotheses and speculations into the maze : in this sense, you are a born researcher interested only in the unknown, the deep and the difficult. Subtle and clever, insightful and refractory, you often show a penetrating and caustic sense of humor. Your areas of interest are extremely diverse and your ever-awakening curiosity constantly encourages you to dig behind the scenes. Everything is a pretext for you to ask yourself essential questions ; you always have a multitude of different and often disturbing points of view on each problem.

▶ Your weaknesses : With you, worry and dissatisfaction are limitless : anxious, dispersed and complicated, you seem incapable of cultivating the minimum of indifference that sometimes allows you to escape depression or despair. Everything is a pretext for sarcasm, denigration, sterile criticism. By dint of abstracting yourself from the world and juggling your indecipherable deductions which generally lead to the observation of the uselessness and the profound lack of interest in everything, you become powerless to make concrete choices. You think too much and too badly. The ability to circumscribe your thoughts, your faculties of subtle analysis in an area that could be useful to you is foreign to you.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Cancer “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Cancer ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Cancer

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S−, Sl+, SS”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w+, q−, UP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are characterized by a cautious and thoughtful skepticism which encourages you to distrust evidence, appearances and accepted speeches. Doubt protects you against illusions. Armored against too commonly accepted truths, you tenaciously and relentlessly pursue your research to understand the why of things. The unknown, the multiple, the complex, the uncertain are your domain of choice, territories that you strive to master. Refractory and independent-minded, you are not afraid of the isolation that your banter or your disturbing questions can bring you : on the contrary, these are so many cactus thorns that protect you from others.

▶ Your weaknesses : worried, anxious and perpetually dissatisfied, you tend to withdraw into your shell where you are assailed by a thousand thoughts and problems that confuse you and prevent you from opening up to the world. Inquisitive, always on the defensive, you often get lost in your inner labyrinths where you self-analyze to excess. Deeply allergic to others whom you always suspect of wanting to invade you, you are only too good at frustrating any attempt at cooperation with acerbic remarks and paradoxical reasoning that confuse your interlocutors as much as they lead you astray.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Leo “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Leo ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Leo

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Sl+, SP”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in unblocking excitation Strength, positive induction, excitation Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, q−, PP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in differentiating inhibition weakness, inhibition lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are always ready to go to the end of your criticisms, your frustrations, your dissatisfactions. It is essential for you to free yourself from all conformism and all habits. To be free for you is to grant yourself the supreme and regal power to question everything. You enjoy it without hindrance, never forbidding yourself to disturb, to show your independence of spirit and your stubborn will to go beyond appearances and usual speeches. Your refractory skepticism primarily attacks anything that limits the sphere of human thought. You never hesitate to exaggerate the lack of similarity to highlight what you think is wrong.

▶ Your weaknesses : when your critical and inquisitive spirit comes into action, you believe yourself too invulnerable, too exempt from the criticisms that your inappropriate, outrageous or inappropriate remarks can arouse. In fact, you affirm yourself by the excessiveness of your negations, your refusals, your rejections. To any assertion that is however valid and detailed, you feel obliged to respond openly with sarcasm or disturbing and refractory silences, as if the simple fact of acquiescing, of consenting, were for you an unbearable deprivation of freedom. In any case, when you disagree, it shows, it feels : you are too impulsive to hide your criticisms for long.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Virgo “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Virgo ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Virgo

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S−, Sl+, SO”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in shielding inhibition Strength, excitation Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w+, q−, EP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in associating excitation weakness, inhibition lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : you have a very strong capacity for in-depth reflection. Gifted with subtle and nuanced analyses, cunning and lucid, you have no illusions about anything or anyone. The caustic irony that you most often show allows you to keep others at a distance and to protect you from any influence. Your defensive skepticism encourages you to get rid of the accessory, the apparent to go to the essential, which for you is always hidden, you, to discover. Your deep and systematic dissatisfaction makes you a perfectionist ; you are unparalleled in detecting flaws in reasoning and in dismantling impostures with ruthless thoroughness.

▶ Your weaknesses : quibbler, fussy, hair-cutter, you too often exercise your sterile criticism on everything that comes within reach of your tormented and complicated mind. Entrenched within your secrets, you only come out of your anguished silences to make sibylline and disjointed remarks. Your fragmented thought decomposes everything to excess. By dissecting too much, cerebralizing, intellectualizing, analyzing, reducing beings, things and situations to disembodied abstractions, you forget to live. At bottom fearful, alarmist, full of doubts that gnaw at you and prone to self-deprecation, your suspicious nature too often succumbs to the mania of persecution.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Libra “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Libra ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Libra

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Q−, SO”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, sl+, EP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : if you reach out to others easily, it is above all to share with them your scholarly analyses, your subtle reasoning, your relevant and often disturbing associations of ideas, your deep and nuanced criticisms, your questions and centers of interest. multiple. Refractory to any superficial alliance and especially to any misalliance, you probe beings, things and situations to see what they hide or what they really are. Cunning, a shrewd and devious diplomat, you know how to lead people to your ends with subtle hints and skilful dodging that allow you never to get involved without having the possibility of quickly regaining your freedom.

▶ Your weaknesses : you do not know how to put a brake on your systematic criticism, your destructive skepticism and your disintegrating doubts, as if you took malicious pleasure in denying yourself from the outset any intellectual security and in rejecting any normative point of reference. Never happy, never satisfied, a bit anarchistic, you too often feel that basically nothing is worth anything, indulging in a nihilism that gets you nowhere. In these moments, you are incapable of any constructive exchange whatsoever : dialogue is for you only inter-intoxication and derisory simulacrum. The only common point of view possible with you, then, is not to have one…

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Scorpio “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Scorpio ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Scorpio

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S−, Q−, SP”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in differentiating inhibition Strength, negative induction, inhibition Quickness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w+, sl+, PP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in unblocking excitation weakness, excitation inertia, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : hard to find refusals and rejections more rigorous and vigorous than yours. Your restless, lucid and differentiating cerebralness attacks with cruel subtlety all commonplaces, all shared certainties, all sacrosanct principles, all that the rules of propriety condemn. You are good at throwing oil on the fire, to provoke the necessary crises and ruptures. Virtuoso of insinuation, of the unspoken, but also of accusation without concessions, adjusting your detailed criticisms with maximum precision, at ease in complex and delicate situations, your sophisticated cunning allows you to be daring.

▶ Your weaknesses : By dint of seeing only the bad side of things, of apprehending human relations only from the angle of a virtual plot and concrete situations only from their aspect of fatal and insurmountable obstacle, you run the risk of locking yourself into the slump in a world that you consider hopeless and hopeless. Fatalistic, disgusted and fed up with everything, you seem to find malicious pleasure in sterilely opposing any proposal, in only being interested in what the majority rejects, sometimes for excellent reasons, in dirtying, shocking, taking the rest of the world against the grain. Excessively curious about the hidden, investigator of mysteries, your interpretations are tendentious.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Sagittarius “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Sagittarius ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Sagittarius

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Q−, SS”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in associating excitation Strength, inhibition Quickness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, sl+, UP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in shielding inhibition weakness, excitation inertia, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are characterized by a vast and perspicacious cerebrality which pushes you to constantly seek what is hidden behind the speeches and the apparent phenomena. Curious and skeptical, you are drawn to all the complexities and unknowns in the world around you. Nothing ever seems to be able to satisfy your thirst to understand beings, things and situations in depth, to elucidate their enigmas, to penetrate their mysteries. Ready to cooperate with others without having any illusions but resistant to any influence, you are skilful and cunning in your audacious reasoning, your subtle and nuanced analyzes which often open up new and disturbing perspectives.

▶ Your weaknesses : in your bad times, you are haunted by a feeling of deep and absolute absurdity that attacks with frenzy all the values, all the ideals, all the reassuring norms. You exaggerate in sarcasm, denigration, systematic demolition, as if no one should be free from your own doubts, anxieties and dissatisfactions. Your unlimited skepticism adheres to nothing, not even the most concrete evidence : you live in a world where everything is illusion and where nothing is worth anything. Lost in your multiplicities, you want to believe and make people believe, with overly abstract and twisted reasoning, that everything is also your opposite.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Capricorn “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Capricorn ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Capricorn

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S−, Sl−, SS”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Syntheses.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w+, q+, UP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in faiblesse d’excitation, excitation lability dépense, ultraparadoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : nothing that is incidental, superficial, mundane and passing really interests you. The only thing that counts for you is the essential that hides behind appearances, the deep structures of beings, things and situations. You are good at liquidating pretenses, at eliminating illusions, at radically questioning everything that others adhere to without trying to understand. Your cold mind, your abstract cerebrality have the constant strategy of not accepting anything that does not have a deep reason. Laconic and skeptical in all things, infinitely secretive and reserved, you are above all interested in the hidden architecture of the world and the beings that inhabit it.

▶ Your weaknesses : your exacerbated criticism, your systematically refractory side, your extreme sensitivity to the integral absurdity that founds beings, things and situations too often make you unfit to take an interest in anyone or anything. Your risk is then to fall into a disillusioned indifference which, strong in your disenchanted lucidity, confines you to a powerlessness to act, react, impose a minimum of your will on circumstances. The more they ask him to invest himself, to decide and to choose, the more you tend to retreat into a sneering impassiveness, a sarcastic phlegm or a heavy and anxious silence which in any case is of no use to you.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Aquarius “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Aquarius ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Aquarius

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S+, Sl−, SP”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in recreating excitation Strength, positive induction, inhibition Slowness, sense of Proportions.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w−, q+, PP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in recovering inhibition weakness, excitation lability, paradoxical phase.

▶ Your strengths : you are powerfully attracted by the unknown, the future, the unpublished, all that is in germ, invisible, to seek, to investigate, to discover. Resistant to any common thought, to any rehashed idea, to any fixed principle, to any intellectual routine, you are enthusiastic about complex problems. Inconvenient truths seem to you rich in promising possibilities that must be cleared and explored without fear of calling into question all accepted certainties and all conformisms. There is nothing conformist about you : you like to surprise and confuse with your caustic analyses, your inventive, ingenious and paradoxical reasoning which is never repeated.

▶ Your weaknesses : you too often show an exaggerated penchant for useless abstractions and idle hypotheses that a mere nothing is enough to trigger. Your radical skepticism, the painful uncertainties that plague you, the perpetual questioning that you inflict on yourself make you unstable, anxious, unable to take life as it goes and things as they are. Chronically dissatisfied, uprooted from your present experience, you multiply unanswered questions and unresolved questions by overwhelming with your sarcasm and your sterile and impotent criticism those who engage in activities more prosaic, more constructive and more useful than yours.

‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence

Pisces “Intensive transcendence” (“Small t”: Mercury-Saturn-Pluto)

Pisces ‘t’ family — Mercury-Saturn-Pluto: critical mind — intensive transcendence Pisces

Adjusted formula: “Small t in S−, Sl−, SO”

▶ Intensive transcendence (critical detachment) in eliminating inhibition Strength, inhibition Slowness, sense of Opposites.

Maladjusted formula: “Non-r, Non-e in w+, q+, EP”

▶ Non-representation-existence (lack of resolute willpower & of sensorial affectivity) in expending excitation weakness, excitation lability, egalitarian phase.

▶ Your strengths : nothing seems to be able to reach you, so walled are you within your refractory independence of spirit. You have an incomparable ease in making a clean sweep of all habits of thought, in radically deconditioning yourself from all transmitted certainties, in keeping yourself away from all stereotyped ways of conceiving beings and things. Supremely skeptical, introverted and thoughtful, you know how to make your way without illusions, cunning and imperturbable at the same time, sneaking your way through the maquis of reality without ever revealing your intentions. Basically, you are rather solitary and satisfied with being so, devoid of any prejudice, you are ready for all discoveries.

▶ Your weaknesses : clear, distinct and powerful motivations are undoubtedly what you are most lacking. Whatever happens, you wonder, you wonder what you are going to say and do, and systematically doubt that you can find adequate and effective solutions and answers. It is that in your moments of weakness, it is difficult for you to feel really concerned by anyone or anything : you would rather tend to flee in absurd abstractions from the heavy realities or the constraints of social life. At worst, your disillusioned and desperate skepticism can make you fall into an absolute nihilism that will justify your inability to act, to want and to communicate.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ Your zodiac Sign
▶ Signs and seasons
▶ Planetary trios in Signs
▶ The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
▶ The astronomical reality of the zodiac
▶ The human reflexology zodiac
▶ Autour du zodiaque : de l’eau dans un Signe de Feu ?
▶ Zodiaque et sphère locale
▶ Mythologie du zodiaque
▶ Zodiaque et formes de l’inhibition
▶ Change-t-on de caractère en changeant de Signe solaire ?
▶ Énergie-Espace-Temps-Structure et zodiaque
▶ Genèse du zodiaque conditionaliste
▶ L’horloge photopériodique du genou
▶ Signe solaire et Signe Ascendant
▶ Astrologie, adaptation & inadaptation

Le grand livre du zodiaque

par Richard Pellard

180 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

  • Le zodiaque des constellations : zodiaques suméro-chaldéens, origines du zodiaque, constellations et Signes, bestiaire de l’abbé Pluche, précession des équinoxes
  • Le zodiaque traditionnel : interprétation de la symbolique des 12 Signes
  • Du zodiaque traditionnel au naturel : ressemblances & dissemblances
  • Le zodiaque naturel : écliptique et bande zodiacale, zodiaque des déclinaisons & photopériodique
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes et de leurs réflexes : force, vitesse, équilibre
  • Interprétation des 12 Signes en fonction des planètes dominantes
  • Le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant

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