AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Powers of Sun-Moon: the Moon
by Jean-Pierre Nicola
English translation by Julien Rouger

For analysis, research, interpretation, the conditionalist school refers to the conceptual models of the R.E.T. for the planets (Representation-Existence-Transcendence), of the S.O.R.I. (Subject, Object, Relationship, Integration repositories) for the Houses, of the zodiac of the declinations for the Signs. The interpretation further introduces the model of “Hero and his Shadow” which makes it possible to classify the preceding factors and to study their relationships.

Subject Object Relationship Integration
Excitability Signal Communication Symbol
High level
Medium level
Low level
 Energy   Space   Time   Structure 

The application of the six main families of R.E.T. to the four benchmarks of the S.O.R.I. (the psychology, the physics, the sociology, the religion) would result in 24 layout plans of the Sun-Moon Luminaires. I will not deal today with the referential “Object” which refers to the astrometric foundations; they are now amply exhibited in the Éléments de Cosmogonie Astrologique. Those who are interested can refer to it. Contrary to the usual formula, it is not on sale in any bookstore… only at COMAC.

Above all, I will develop the repository “Relationship” because the power comes under it, to then move on to the Sun-Moon functions in reference Subject ; I will end on an aspect of the integration: the symbolism of “power” family… family comprising not only the Sun and the Moon, but also Mars and Pluto.

Definition of Power

‘P’ family — Sun-Mars-Pluto: retention of power — extensive PowerWhen we talk about “power”, it is generally in a pejorative way for those who want it or have it when they are on the opposite side… because those who are on our side, whom we judge as voters-supporters, are not ambitious or people of power, but senior officials…

At the risk of anticipating the demonstration and the conclusion, the circular model of the R.E.T. allows us to understand that ambition is not power, but, in general, the desire to move from what we have to a greater power, which can also be a different power. A military leader satisfied with his rank has satisfactory power. His rank does not require him to have the ambition to change it but rather to maintain it against subordinate ambitions and higher pressures. The real power is to be in your place, to be able to keep it without ambition to change it. The ambition is to want to change it with or without the power to achieve it. Because power and ambition can be combined, we have confused the two.

Spontaneously, the term power is understood in the narrow and particular sense of authority, power, right to command in an arbitrary abusive manner. It was therefore necessary to start this communication on the extensive power planets Sun-Mars-Pluto, and on the intensive from the moon, by warning that this word is not to be taken in an exclusively politics. That it is not pejorative… as long as it is not abused. As I suggested above, people of power like responsibilities… and to assume them requires a power that the Moon knows.

The attribution of the “intensive power” to the lunar function

Moon ‘p’: homogeneous wholenessAfter the warning about cultural conditioning when we talk about “power”, I also have to justify the attribution of intensive power to the passing Moon, by astro-psychology, for submissive, childish, passive, in relation to the Sun… so much so that to make it an active element requires the intervention of Mars. The Moon would free itself from its sluggishness only on condition of having a castration complex.

The astrological practice which claims observation against theory, appreciates the quantitative statistics… but only for results that suit its theoretical deficiencies. However, I read, in the statistics on professions, that the Moon came immediately after Jupiter among politicians… whereas this career interests (repulsive correlation) neither Saturn nor Mars, more inclined to sports and science than to public responsibilities. To correct this unexpected lunar in the family of powers, it was thought – I believed it, it was comfortable – that the Moon leaned towards politics by its general public taste, its populist tendency, its mass spirit, etc. The deputies are, in fact, close to the people.

Are the anarchists as much as the deputies? In any case, they can testify by their dominants to the presence of the Moon in politics and power, that one, very intensive. Indeed, the anarchist Auguste Vaillant was born at Moonrise… In Scorpio, Ascendant certainly… and at 19° of Mars in the same Sign, which could explain everything… including the large orbs used by conditionalists to conjunctions and oppositions. In narrow orb, the Moon is also in opposition to Pluto… which means that according to the method of ordinal hierarchy, taught in conditionalism, of the four angular planets (Moon, Pluto, Mars, Venus) three belong to the families “Powers”.

Another anarchist, Ravachol, was also born under an Asc. Scorpio… at sunset, this time of an angular Moon-Pluto conjunction under a Mars trine and a Saturn quadrature at the MC. On three corner planets we have Intensive Power (Moon) conjoined with a Planet of Extensive Power (Pluto).

In Louis-Auguste Blanqui, revolutionary rather than anarchist: Asc. Scorpio… Neptune conjunct Jupiter rises and we find the angular Moon in the Descendant, the Sun-Pluto conjunction in the IC, Mars opposite Sun in the Gauquelin area of effect, that is to say at 2/3 of the following IX diurnal movement. Angularity of Neptune, Sun, Saturn, Moon, Pluto… at Daniel Cohn-Bendit.

Nothing out of the ordinary about it… I’m just stating the egregious configurations of the crime… or known to be so in many textbooks. If rigor exists, these same configurations should not exist among non-criminals.

Perhaps… but for the representative cases, know that Louis XIV was born, like Auguste Blanqui, under a Scorpio Ascendant, at the rising of Neptune-Jupiter in this Sign, a Sun at the MC, Pluto at the Descendant, Moon in the middle of the zone of maximum Gauquelin effect. And the Moon rises, Pluto culminates in the sky of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing…

Other cases where we see the planets of “Powers” to combine without knowing how to distinguish the criminal power from the political power… unless one appeals to an earthly background which would derogate from the symbolist fatalism where the “everything in everything” is only in the horoscope.

▶ Raymond Barre: Sun, Moon-Pluto (joint), Mars at the angles… to which we add Saturn to the DS.
▶ François Léotard: Angular Moon (Cancer) at DS conjunct Pluto.
▶ Pierre Mendes-France: Asc. Scorpio. The narrow orb Mars-Moon conjunction is rising (in an area that is not valued by statistics).
▶ As with R. Barre: Pluto-Moon conjunction at IC in the sky of Jean-Marie Le Pen… and in dissonance at Mars Aries (joint Jupiter).
▶ Jacques Delors: Sun-Moon-Pluto triple conjunction at the MC.
▶ Poniatowski: Moon and Mars on either side of the MC and facing Pluto IC.
▶ For Georges Marchais, only the Moon culminates in Aquarius… facing a Neptune-Jupiter conjunction at IC, in Leo.

In a work devoted to the Sun and the Moon, I noted that: “The decisions, the leaders, the official authorities impress the lunar, disorient him, overwhelm him: he protects himself by withdrawing into himself or sheltering himself from someone stronger than him, so as to safeguard what can still being, whence the propensity for the elaboration of tutelary myths.

▶ I don’t believe the portrait fits Julius Caesar who would have been born at the setting of the Moon, in conjunction with Pluto, the Sun, while Mars peaks. A sky that gives it all the powers… in the angles.
▶ In Charles V — Winter Type, according to his chart, with a cluster in Pisces — the Moon-Neptune conjunction rises in Capricorn, while Pluto culminates opposite Saturn-Mars in IC. Balance sheet: Moon, Pluto, Mars, Saturn, Neptune.
▶ General Francesco Franco was born under a culminating Full Moon at MC… conjunct Neptune and Pluto. Mars is at DS, the Sun at IC. Either, in the corners, another gathering of families “powers”.
▶ Mars and Pluto disappear from the angularities of the sky of Margaret Thatcher who was born, like Franco, under the culmination of Moon-Neptune as Saturn rises in Scorpio. According to the book by M. Gauquelin on the “planetary personalities”, we would have here a Saturn-Moon temperament. I quote: “Let’s try to situate the psychological climate of those born with Saturn and the Moon in areas of high intensity. Contradictory assembly: the fantasy, imagination, wanderlust and superficiality of the Moon component, associated with the gravity, depth, sadness and stability of the saturnian component. Here there is little energy, no aggressiveness, but an alternation, sometimes painful, between two very different character poles.” So much for the so-called Iron Lady…

By a different author, in the same book that I did not quote to you earlier — not quoting is part of corporate ethics — there is a table in two columns summarizing the “symbolism that can be attributed to luminaries, their antinomy clearly revealing two fundamental planes of life” (see table opposite).

In this chain of analogies presented as fundamental, the woman, the mother, the child… are associated with the primitive, the archaic, the formless, the irrational, the subordination… while the man, father and adult, is superior, fiery, social, civilized, full of ideal and manly tension for the state.

In more discreet terms, these two columns are still circulating. They do not oppose Hero and his Shadow… but Mr. Hero and Mrs. Zero.

For the conditionalists, the Moon is not the groupie of a solo pianist Sun. She has her power… and astro-psychology shows little consistency in endorsing both the Moon-bench of its typology and the Moon-politics of statistics. Now, the first power of the Moon is coherence. An incoherent system certainly cannot perceive this modality of power.

From the Queen-Mother to the Child-King

It is necessary to know neither the woman, nor the mother, nor the child… nor the Moon to establish correspondences which make the left eye the absence of the right eye. The traditional symbolism is much more in line with the intensive and extensive powers of the Sun and the Moon in its representations by the King and Queen, the Emperor and Empress, the Pope and the High Priestess of the Tarot deck… to name only the classic couples of equal and different powers.

The Mother Moon is “The inexhaustible creator of living forms” (Eliade, page 159. Payot). If you doubt its creative-destructive powers, consult the attributions of the great goddesses Diana, Artemis, Hecate, Kali, Isis… more or less associated with the white and Black Moon (I link the two because the avatars of the lunar symbolism come under of the different phases of the Moon, therefore of the variation of the light-dark ratio in the Sun-Moon cycle).

The Great Goddess or Great Mother appears to be an indivisible association of Earth-Moon… The Moon, writes André Coutin, was the common denominator of the most ancient mythologies of India, China and Egypt. The Great Mother is the main deity of the Mediterranean basins… and as if to testify to this, the historian Fernand Braudel, author known for his “Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II” was born at the setting of the Moon (in Taurus).

The symbolism of Mars, even of Pluto, or both, interferes with that of the Great Goddess:

It is obviously in the nature of things”, writes Jean Przyluski (La Grande Déesse, page 29) “that the goddess of Fertility is at the same time that of the Waters. Another association of ideas, which seems stranger to us, has made the Great Mother a warlike deity. Almost everywhere, in the Semitic world as in Iran, she is the goddess of combat… In medieval India she is renowned for her cruelty… Presiding over the production of beings, she also provides for their destruction.

For those who do not know: in conditionalism, the Moon is linked to Mars, as a variable globality (a mass) is at its center. From the astrometric point of view, there is, moreover, a common origin hypothesis for Mars and the Moon.

After the Great Mother, the little child

To maintain its vitality”, said Lao Tzu, “you have to look like a newborn baby: his bones are tender, his muscles are supple — and yet he squeezes hard! He knows nothing yet of sexual union — and yet his penis is erect! All day long he cries — and yet his throat does not hoarse!… All day long he looks, and yet his eyes do not blink!” The child is only life: “No venomous beast stings it! No ferocious animal seizes it! No rapacious bird takes it away.

Also submitted” (because birth is initiation and initiation is birth) “to the test of exposure in the middle of the bush, the hero and the newborn are equally invulnerable”.

This text is not from a conditionalist who would seek to convince at all costs, but from Marcel Granet, who quotes the philosopher Lao Tseu (−570/490) founder of Taoism.

You will find in his book “Chinese thought” recipes of holiness that recommend “train for the paradisiacal life by imitating the antics of animals…” which are, in the scale of Western astrological correspondences, the equivalents of the woman, the child, the irrational and the primitive. The lunar hero, Chinese hero has nothing of the solar model of our textbooks. His power is not that of a subordinate-passive-dependent:

To sanctify oneself, one must first become dull — understand: learning from children, animals, plants, the simple and joyful art of living only for the sake of life… The Saints who have penetrated the highest secrets and deserve to be awarded the title of ‘Heaven’ do not cease, even to teach, to hop like sparrows, while slapping their buttocks”. (page 419).

After Lao Tseu, I now quote René Zazzo: “The idea of the past is this: ‘The newborn … lost in its fetal sleep is poorer, more humble than the most archaic of animals. His only links with the outside world are the air he breathes, the milk he drinks. When he emerges from his sleep, it is only to cry and suckle. He is essentially a vagant, gluttonous mouth.’ This description, which we know today to be totally false, dates from 1955. It then corresponded to current opinion.

We can all, as René Zazzo did in his time, revise our judgments about childhood and the Moon. Neither blind nor deaf, the newborn, at three or four days old, recognizes his mother’s face “that he looks longer than that of a stranger”. The newborn may be myopic, write the authors of “born human”, but his hearing, on the other hand, is excellent. He is an ace of auditory perception, recognition and memorization. In addition: contrary to what one might think, the baby imitates voluntarily… his grimaces are intelligent if one can say so. Finally, he establishes relationships between seeing, listening and touching. We are far from the primitive-archaic larva.

Power in the Mother-Child relationship

Moon ‘p’: homogeneous wholenessI pointed out to you, in the introduction, that power as a substantive, and not as a verb “be able to”, placed us in a frame of reference “Relationship” (while the know-how would rather be referential “Subject”). Since about the Moon, Mother and Child are inevitably together, understanding their relationship should put us on the path to understanding the Moon-power. But, as this is an area where passions and presumptions are still strong, I will not make an exhaustive analysis. I prefer to start with this excerpt from a poem by Lao Tseu:

Everyone has their wealth, I alone seem helpless. My mind is that of an ignoramus because it is very slow. Everyone is clairvoyant, only I am in darkness. Everybody shrewd, I alone have a confused mind that floats like the sea, blows like the wind. Everyone has his precise goal, I alone have the dull mind like a peasant. I alone differ from other men because I want to suckle my Mother.” The relationship, from conception, is biological, consubstantial… it is that of a soul within a soul, of a body within a body, by way of blood, and by the unity of life, that of the food. It is, it must be… the word is out… homogeneous, otherwise it becomes indigestible.

Theologians and unbelievers discuss the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. Can one be virgin and fertilized? In fact, if a divine incarnation is desired, it is better that the Mother-Child relationship be absolute, free from male interference. This is an argument that theologians have not considered. It would make the mystery symbolic (note the conflict of frames of reference: here, the Mother-Child Integration refuses the Object).

In order to convey upsetting or unusual ideas, it is often necessary to exaggerate. Thus, psychiatrists appeal to the pathological to understand the normal. In this kind of pedagogy, I more readily use the comic or the caricature than the pathological. The intensive power of the Moon could therefore be illustrated by the simperings that pets inspire in their domestic masters… because the animal trains its master, just as there are many a child who tyrannizes its parents.

The woman or the man-child (I should say the woman-cat and the man-dog to avoid sentimental reactions) use a comico-pathological aspect of intensive power in their human relations. They know by candour, a “Yeah yeah” or one “meow” well placed, transforming the other into consubstantiality. Often it is enough to say “I love you” or: “You need to be loved.” And it works… The lunar power, under the child aspect, does not seek a “protective mother”… he creates it, he makes it. He can make of it an Immaculate Conception… a being illuminated by the happiness of having procreated an exceptional child… and that is the very regenerating power of the Child-God revealing a Goddess-Mother in the Woman… But, on a trivial level, he can, at the cost of a few grimaces, tears, laughter and pitiful palinodies… extract all sorts of freebies, courtesies and blank checks. In possession, there are possessed people… happy to be possessed… because they feel renewed by their burdens of mother-hens… and there is a combined power in the interdependence of possessor-possessed. The error of “intensive power”, when it is expressed by the whims of the man-child can be to address a or a Solaire who understands nothing about the blackmail of “Little happiness” (F. Leclerc)… but, how not to crack, unless you are a responsible adult?

Mothers with intensive-abusive power are known under the various names of: witch mothers, spider mothers, phallic mothers… in their relationships, they create the castrated, dependent and remained child who joins the table of correspondences of earlier, because the Mother who must normally prepare the transition to social life (just as the Moon could be a relay for interplanetary travel) prohibits this evolution. Some theses associate autism with a pathology of the mother-child relationship.

Maternal stimulation, when it proves neither too intense, nor rigid, nor incoherent and unpredictable, nor insufficient in its modality, its intensity and its duration, facilitates in the child the progressive integration of the units of affective-sensorimotor experience, which is the basis of the personalization individuation process. It thus contributes to the constitution of the object relation.” (The first year of life, page 47, Collection of works presented by René Zazzo. PUF. 1983).

The lunar power appears here as a state of equilibrium capable of ensuring the continuity and finality of an evolution. It is a big, very big responsibility… which requires the child to gradually access the loss of “the illusion of unity between self and mother” (cf. The first year of life). Neither the man-child nor the mother-spider wants to lose this illusion… this is why the lunar relationship, when one does not want to leave it, is inter-parasitic. Its power of homogenization, negative, changes the relationship into molasses, glue, porridge for cats.

This article was brought to you by Jean-Pierre Nicola
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ The Lunar: Psychological profile
▶ The lunar function (homogeneous wholeness)
▶ Powers of Sun-Moon: the Moon
▶ Moon: intensive power
▶ Lunar stage (from 0 to 1 month old): the age of communion
▶ Espace personnel et aura lunaire
▶ The dialectic of powers in the R.E.T. system

Les significations planétaires

par Richard Pellard

620 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

La décision de ne traiter dans ce livre que des significations planétaires ne repose pas sur une sous-estimation du rôle des Signes du zodiaque et des Maisons. Le traditionnel trio Planètes-Zodiaque-Maisons est en effet l’expression d’une structure qui classe ces trois plans selon leur ordre de préséance et dans ce triptyque hiérarchisé, les Planètes occupent le premier rang.

La première partie de ce livre rassemble donc, sous une forme abondamment illustrée de schémas pédagogiques et tableaux explicatifs, une édition originale revue, augmentée et actualisée des textes consacrés aux significations planétaires telles qu’elles ont été définies par l’astrologie conditionaliste et une présentation détaillée des méthodes de hiérarchisation planétaire et d’interprétation accompagnées de nombreux exemples concrets illustrés par des Thèmes de célébrités.

La deuxième partie est consacrée, d’une part à une présentation critique des fondements traditionnels des significations planétaires, d’autre part à une présentation des rapports entre signaux et symboles, astrologie et psychologie. Enfin, la troisième partie présente brièvement les racines astrométriques des significations planétaires… et propose une voie de sortie de l’astrologie pour accéder à une plus vaste dimension noologique et spirituelle qui la prolonge et la contient.

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Pluton planète naine : une erreur géante

par Richard Pellard

117 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Pluton ne fait plus partie des planètes majeures de notre système solaire : telle est la décision prise par une infime minorité d’astronomes lors de l’Assemblée Générale de l’Union Astronomique Internationale qui s’est tenue à Prague en août 2006. Elle est reléguée au rang de “planète naine”, au même titre que les nombreux astres découverts au-delà de son orbite.

Ce livre récapitule et analyse en détail le pourquoi et le comment de cette incroyable et irrationnelle décision contestée par de très nombreux astronomes de premier plan. Quelles sont les effets de cette “nanification” de Pluton sur son statut astrologique ? Faut-il remettre en question son influence et ses significations astro-psychologiques qui semblaient avérées depuis sa découverte en 1930 ? Les “plutoniens” ont-ils cessé d’exister depuis cette décision charlatanesque ? Ce livre pose également le problème des astres transplutoniens nouvellement découverts. Quel statut astrologique et quelles influences et significations précises leur accorder ?

Enfin, cet ouvrage propose une vision unitaire du système solaire qui démontre, chiffes et arguments rationnels à l’appui, que Pluton en est toujours un élément essentiel, ce qui est loin d’être le cas pour les autres astres au-delà de son orbite. Après avoir lu ce livre, vous saurez quoi répondre à ceux qui pensent avoir trouvé, avec l’exclusion de Pluton du cortège planétaire traditionnel, un nouvel argument contre l’astrologie !

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