AstroAriana AstroAriana
Association for Research and Information
in Natural Astrology

Sun Capricorn
Sun in Capricorn
by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

The interpretation examples that we are suggesting are very far from being exhaustive: they only show and outline a general frame describing the issues of the combination between a zodiac Sign and a planetary family. They should therefore not be taken literally. Each being brings indeed its own responses, more or less original, to the questions raised by the different combinations zodiac Signs and planetary families. There is no magic formula. Through using the R.E.T. and of the Theory of Ages, and combining logic, observation and imagination, you will be able to develop a thousand other possible meanings, a thousand other variations on the same theme. To find out which Planets and which Signs are dominant in your birth chart, do not hesitate to visit our website and build your free mini-astrological portrait thanks to our software Astrosoft.


A detailed interpretation of the meanings of a dominant Sun in Capricorn will soon be available on our website. In the meantime, we offer you the interpretation sections below. The first one begins by summarizing the meanings of a dominant Sun (without Sign): the characteristics of the Planet in itself prevail indeed over the characteristics of the Planet in Sign.

The two subsequent sections give an overview of the combinations between Planets and Signs by associating Capricorn on the one hand with the R.E.T. characteristics of the Sun on the other hand : Extensive representation (‘R’) and intensive representation (‘r’). Keep in mind that these texts are only valid when the relevant R.E.T. families are dominant as a whole : Sun-Venus-Mercury for the ‘R’ family and Sun-Jupiter-Uranus for the ‘r’ family. To deduce the characteristics associated with the Sun alone, you will have to disregard the characteristics associated with Venus and Mercury for the ‘R’ family, as well as the characteristics associated with Jupiter and Uranus for the ‘r’ family.

The solar profile

Soleil ‘rR’ : ‘R’ sociabilité spontanée ► ‘r’ pouvoir de décision Famille ‘R’ — Soleil-Vénus-Mercure : sociabilité spontanée — Représentation extensiveExtensive representation : For your complete self-fulfillment you need to develop intense social exchanges, where you preferably play a role that you wish to be rewarding, central, recognized, exemplary. From your standpoint, the others’ appreciation is not negotiable nor to be won : it’s a preliminary due, and while you easily show some admiration, in return you also want to be yourself unconditionally admired. Noble, dignified, upright, faithful and transparent within your relationships, you look for the others’ approval while making sure as far as possible to never frustrate the expectations you are the object of. Idealistic and proud, extremely careful about the image you’re giving of yourself, you strive to always live up to your own character so as not to demean yourself or to disappoint the others. Your sociability can’t stand trickeries, mediocrity, baseness, small-minded maneuvers, and even less competition. You know perfectly how to use the conventions of communication and how to cast yourself in the role that is expected of you.

Famille ‘r’ — Soleil-Jupiter-Uranus : pouvoir de décision — représentation intensiveIntensive representation : You like clarity, clearness, precision. You get totally involved, with an extreme passion, in everything you do and say. You control and master yourself, and you intend to control and master everything around yourself. Your narrow field of consciousness incites you to doggedly pursue the goals and objectives that you set yourself, and with which you unreservedly identify yourself. You are driven by unshakeable convictions, sacrosanct principles, absolutist ideals, core values on which you are not able to compromise. Tense and ambitious, determined and self-willed, you intend to absolutely and unstintingly rule, with a kingly authority, over the field that is your own, and thus to become an example, a reference, a model to follow and imitate. You pay an essential attention to the social role that is assigned to you, and have the highest liking for appearing. Extremely sensitive to honours and public recognition, you aspire to be the unique center of someone or something.

Capricorn ‘R’ family — Sun-Venus-Mercury: spontaneous sociability — extensive Representation

Sociable-communicative Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : while being extremely sociable, curious, charming and available for all encounters, you nevertheless cultivate a very strong indifference which prompts you to remain unmoved by anything that does not speak to you, and to immediately cut contact with this and those you don’t immediately recognize. Open to all those who seduce you, interest you, recognize you and value you, you show absolute deafness towards others, as if they had no existence. This smiling and relaxed impassivity allows you not to be easily disconcerted when you find yourself in front of people who expect nothing from you and to devote your strength only to what really matters to you.

▶ Your weaknesses : you easily find yourself paralyzed, immobilized, struck with a forbidden stupor when no one listens to you, is interested in you, seduces you. Communicating spontaneously with others is such an absolute need for you, such an imperious necessity that you then find yourself deprived of all your means. If you find yourself with people who encourage you to show more of your availability, you will attack friendly and cheerful sociability while still having difficulty in pouring out your heart, in confiding in yourself to the end as you strictly forbid yourself to disturb the others by telling them about your essential problems, which you consider fundamentally to be totally incommunicable.

Capricorn ‘r’ family — Sun-Jupiter-Uranus: power of decision — intensive representation

Ambitious-resolute Capricorn

▶ Your strengths : your ambitions are compact, coldly determined, entire, definitive. The power of your will is such that you are ready to sweep everything in front of you to achieve your goals. Idealistic, demanding, intransigent, incorruptible, you aim for the heights with cold endurance and terrible patience. Animated by quasi-sacred principles that you cannot betray without betraying yourself, by convictions so firm that nothing can discourage you from going to the end of your will, you behave in all areas with extreme rigor, indisputable moral authority and ruthless personal discipline, leaving absolutely nothing to chance.

▶ Your weaknesses : stiff, narrow, fixed in your principles and your absolutist convictions, you tend too much not to tolerate any breach of the rules that you yourself have arbitrarily set. In the name of the intolerant morality that you want to embody, you prohibit around you any spontaneous manifestation of feelings and any different opinion. you take refuge in your sterile authoritarianism, stuffed with arbitrary and anxious prohibitions, like in a haughty and disembodied ivory tower. The slightest manifestation of lively spontaneity or smiling joviality frightens you to your very core, so attached are you to a puritanical vision of the world and the enemy of all fantasy.

This article was brought to you by Richard Pellard
English translation by Julien Rouger

See also:

▶ The solar function ‘rR’ (representation of Representation)
▶ Solar stage (from 7 1/2 months to 1 year old) : the age of identification
▶ The Solar on video

▶ Sun-Mercury-Venus : extensive Representation
▶ Sun-Jupiter-Uranus : intensive representation
▶ Sun-Mars-Pluto : extensive Power
▶ La dialectique des pouvoirs dans le système R.E.T.
▶ Pouvoirs de Soleil-Lune : le Soleil
▶ Apollon et son ombre : quand le Soleil se fait violence
▶ Capricorn
▶ Capricorn in natural astrology
▶ Le Capricorne mythologique
▶ Le Capricorne dans “La Condition solaire”
▶ “Winter” Signs

▶ Signe solaire et Signe Ascendant
▶ Astrologie, adaptation & inadaptation
▶ Change-t-on de caractère en changeant de Signe solaire ?

▶ The astronomical reality of the zodiac
▶ The zodiac and the precession of the equinoxes
▶ Zodiaque et sphère locale
▶ The human reflexology zodiac

Les significations planétaires

par Richard Pellard

620 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

La décision de ne traiter dans ce livre que des significations planétaires ne repose pas sur une sous-estimation du rôle des Signes du zodiaque et des Maisons. Le traditionnel trio Planètes-Zodiaque-Maisons est en effet l’expression d’une structure qui classe ces trois plans selon leur ordre de préséance et dans ce triptyque hiérarchisé, les Planètes occupent le premier rang.

La première partie de ce livre rassemble donc, sous une forme abondamment illustrée de schémas pédagogiques et tableaux explicatifs, une édition originale revue, augmentée et actualisée des textes consacrés aux significations planétaires telles qu’elles ont été définies par l’astrologie conditionaliste et une présentation détaillée des méthodes de hiérarchisation planétaire et d’interprétation accompagnées de nombreux exemples concrets illustrés par des Thèmes de célébrités.

La deuxième partie est consacrée, d’une part à une présentation critique des fondements traditionnels des significations planétaires, d’autre part à une présentation des rapports entre signaux et symboles, astrologie et psychologie. Enfin, la troisième partie présente brièvement les racines astrométriques des significations planétaires… et propose une voie de sortie de l’astrologie pour accéder à une plus vaste dimension noologique et spirituelle qui la prolonge et la contient.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

Le petit livre du Capricorne

par Richard Pellard

49 pages. Illustrations en couleur.

Ce livre présente et explique les trois zodiaques : celui du décor des constellations, celui de l’astrologie traditionnelle basé sur les Quatre Éléments symboliques (Feu, Terre, Air & Eau) et celui de l’astrologie naturelle basé sur les phénomènes astronomiques objectifs.

Interprétation du Capricorne selon la symbolique classique et selon ses réflexes dans le zodiaque naturel (force, vitesse, équilibre) ; interprétation du Capricorne en fonction des planètes dominantes ; le Signe solaire & le Signe Ascendant.

Téléchargez-le dès maintenant dans notre boutique

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